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(1) What is the project?

To study the significance and challenges of Retention policies in the Indian Start-up
(2) What is the motivation to choose?
- Employee turnover is expensive and can negatively impact business growth. The
employee churn rate at start-ups is going from bad to worse every year. Currently,
the attrition rate at Indian start-ups ranges between 50% and 80%.
- Competition for talented employees is fierce. Start-ups don’t have big budgets for
retirement plans, expensive insurance plans, and other costly packages that their
larger competitors do—at least, not yet.
- For start-ups, it is very difficult to define a specific P-J fit. With a fast growth rate,
one person might have to do fill in multiple roles dynamically. This can be
exhausting and highly challenging for employees to sustain for a longer time.
- The motivation level with which an employee joins a start-up can go down
exponentially in a year or two, without proper reward system, which ultimately
leads to higher attrition.
The talent shortage due to attrition in start-ups is, thus, a deeper problem that needs
to be addressed to ensure positive business growth.
(3) What is the methodology to be followed?
- Internet research on generic HR policies in Indian start-ups
- Identify 2-3 start-ups and do in-depth analysis on their retention issues
- Talk to an HR in these identified start-ups to understand the employer perspective
- Talk to an employee in these identified start-ups to understand the employee
- Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, explore the suspended labour laws to understand
how it affects start-up employees
(4) What is the proposed contribution (learning value)
- Understand the importance of P-J fit in a dynamically changing job requirement
- Understand the reason for the high churn rate in start-up employees. Do
professionals come to start-ups for all the wrong reasons?
- Explore the theories of motivation to relate employee motivation in start-ups and
how best to tackle them to ensure higher retention.
(5) What is the timeline (Gantt Chart)

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