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Sankar Chakraborti started the talk by discussing about the idea of living in a fast
changing world. I think, the success of an organisation in this evolving world is directly
proportional to the ‘change appetite’ of their thought leaders. The willingness to learn,
unlearn and relearn at the right time, knowing when the time is right, and, the pace of this
process determines the future.

He also mentioned about the futility in making long term plans without futuristic vision. It
made a lot of sense to me, as the world we knew 10 years back is not the same that we know
now. So any plan made 10 years back, for today, might no longer be valid.

He asked us 9 questions like the giant bird asked Yudhishthira, of which one seemed more
interesting than the rest. ‘One thing that you wish to acquire? – Cause’ remained in my mind,
long after the talk. Everything we do, personally and professionally, is towards a cause.
Actions yield the results we need to satisfy the cause. But, being aware of why we are doing
what we are doing, gives us a perspective. Without perspective, actions cease to have
meaning to me.

Organisations look for Learnability and Grit in every resource. I liked how this was in line
with the concept of constant change he started off with. Learning comes in when there is a
change. To apply what you learned, you need grit.

His session also made me realise how unaware I am of the financial sector in India and across
the world, and it gave me the push I needed to start reading up more on the financial domain!

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