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Name ________________________________ Class __________________

Little Miss Sunshine – Extra credit homework

(Employez le présent simple dans les parties III, IV et VI)

I. Finish the question with the correct question word from below. Read the answers in order
to find the correct question word.
[who – what- where – why – when – whose – how – how far - how old– how many]
a. _______ people are in the Hoover family? - Six in total.
b. _______ is Olive? - She’s seven.
c. _______ is Frank? – He’s Dwayne and Olive’s uncle.
d. _______ did Dwayne stop talking? – Nine months ago.
e. _______ is the family going? – To California.
f. _______ do they drive? - About 800 miles.
g. _______ is the family going? - So that Olive can compete in a beauty pageant.
h. _______ do the Hoover family get to the pageant? - In their VW van.
i. _______ magazines did the policeman find in the trunk of the VW van? - They were Frank
and Grandpa’s magazines.
j. _______ does Dwayne learn about himself on the trip? - He learns that he is colorblind.

Richard Frank Sheryl Dwayne Olive Grandpa

II. Which character in the film did you find the most interesting. ____________________

III. Why? _______________________________________________________________


IV. Describe one character in the film. (Physical and personal traits)

V. Do you like this film? ___________________________________________________

VI. Why? Or why not? _____________________________________________________

Name ________________________________ Class __________________

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