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Dana Korssjöen | Ruary Thompson | Connor Poe | Maximilian Powers

Since its establishment in 2002, the Global Fund has played a catalytic role in mobilizing
resources, helping increase malaria funding by 1,000%. Today, it
is the leading international source of malaria funding,
accounting for 60% of funds available to target the disease.

” -- RBM Partnership to End Malaria

[T]he declining
trend in malaria cases and deaths has stalled, and
vital funding for malaria programmes has flatlined.

” -- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General

The town of Beni in North Kivu province, currently battling the worst
outbreak in Congo's history, has also seen an eight-fold
increase in malaria cases since last year.

” -- Reuters | To stop Ebola, Congo targets malaria in outbreak zone

The newest intervention recommended by the World Health
Organization is intermittent preventive treatment in infancy with SP (SP-IPTi).
Studies show that SP-IPTi can significantly reduce clinical
malaria and anemia in the first year of life, as well as hospital admissions
associated with malaria infection or for any cause.

” -- CDC | Intermittent Preventative Treatment During Infancy

LLINs have been associated with sharp decreases in malaria in
countries where malaria programs have achieved high LLIN coverage. WHO now
recommends that LLINs be distributed to and used by
all people (“universal coverage”) in malarious areas.

” -- CDC | Insecticide-treated Bed Nets

Mobile malaria clinics in high transmission areas meant that prompt and
effective treatment could reduce the parasite reservoir and the possibility of
further transmission. Effective surveillance, community engagement and health
education, meanwhile, enhanced
the ability of authorities to
respond, and mobilized popular support for the campaign

” -- WHO | WHO Certifies Sri Lanka is Malaria-Free

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