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Evaporation Do you realize what process the Senegalese use when they leave stacks of salt and water out in the sunshine? You already know that liquids will change state to vapour when heated and evaporate. Salt collectors in Senegal use the evaporation process to get the water out of the mixtures, using the sun’s heat. Solid salt crystals are left behind The process of evaporation is often liquid changes to vapour used to separate the liquid and Re Qandseeapsrenes dissolved solids that make up a solution. Heat is applied to the container with the solution so that the liquid evaporates, leaving the solid particles behind. When making coconut cakes, the coconut is boiled in a solution of heat applied sugar and water. When the water —_ Figure 5.8 Evaporation method. evaporates, the sugar from the solution is left stuck to the pieces of coconut. Handpicking solids from a mixture Some persons do not like raisins. If you had a mixture of raisins and nuts, what would be the best and easiest way to separate the two substances? Handpicking can be used, especially if the particles are large and can be easily seen, like the raisins and nuts. Magnetism If you had a mixture of iron filings in sand or metal paperclips and stones, how easily could you separate substances in each mixture? Do you think handpicking hover a magnet over magnet attracts iron Ryouid worewell tor surface of mixture filings, leaving sand separating sand grains and areegty iron filings? Magnetism is the jyixture of sand g = process by which particles and iron filings of magnetic materials are eummmmmememmeneses) © (uitmemrentetess) quem) attracted by a magnet. Figure 5.9 Using a magnet to separate substances. Discuss Figure 5.9. Would you use this process for separating the paperclips and stones? Justify your answer. Sifting or sieving Have you ever used or seen a sieve or a strainer being used to sift flour? A strainer is often used at home when making carrot juice to remove the grated carrot, or other fruit parts when making fruit juice. A sieve is 00d to use if you,are separating a mixture made up of solid particles of different sizes in a liquid. Smaller particles pass through the holes in the strainer or sieve, leaving larger particles behind. Figure 5.10 A sieve is also used in construction When the two solid materials work to separate gravel. making up a mixture have particles of different sizes, they can best be separated by sieving. Filtration If you had a mixture of fine sand and water, would you use the sieve to separate the two substances? Give a reason for your answer, Would you handpick the sand grains one by one out of the water? How long would that process take? Is it appropriate? For very fine particles dissolved in a liquid (such as water), neither of those two Processes would be appropriate. You are already familiar with the process of filtration. Figure 5.11 shows examples of filters of which you should be aware. You saw that you could use a filter made from newspaper or blotting paper to pass water through soil samples. A thin piece of clean cloth is often used in homes as a filter. However, in science, a filter paper and a filter funnel are used. Figure 5.12a shows how the paper is folded to make a cone, which is then placed in the funnel. 5 jar collecting jar collecting hs idea Se ie filtered water filtered water a filter works is that Figure 5.11 Two different types 4 it separates solid a i Gna substances, especially from liquids, because the holes in the filter Step | material are very small | filter paper Step 2 Step 3 and only the very ee fold in small particles of On ae the clear liquid can Seer pass through. The solid is left on the filter as shown in Figure 5.12b. Figure 5.12a Folding filter paper. ae Figure 5.12b Mixture poured on filter paper to be separated, of solid in a liquid is filtered. Sedimentation and decanting The solids in a suspension are large, so they will gradually settle at the bottom. of a container, leaving clean liquid above. Can you use this method to separate a suspension? This process is calle imentation. After the particles settle, the water is carefully poured off without disturbing the sediment at the bottom. This pouring off process is called decanting. Search online for and watch a video on ‘Methods of Separation: Sedimentation and Decantation’. With your teacher's help, set up a filter and observe as one of your solutions sediment settled at bottom Figure 5.13a Sediment settling. clear water poured off from Figure 5.13b Clear liquid decanted. © Workbook page 100 Mr. Brown has had a delivery of different materials. Unfortunately they have been dropped on the floor and are now mixed up. To tidy up the mess, Mr. Brown has swept all the iterns together and placed them in a large bucket. This is a flow chart showing how to solve the problem of a lamp not working. Assume that you have been told not to touch the mains sockets or switches for safety reasons. © Work through the chart in pairs. © Is this @ good method of showing how to work through a process? eeu as © Why might an electrician test the socket ‘chart to show the different and the switch before repairing t could be used to separate the lamp? }

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