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Introduction to evolution
Charles Darwin
Taxonomy (biology)

Evolutionary biology

Natural selection

Common descent
Evidence of common descent

Evidence of common descent

Argument from poor design

Existence of God

Philosophy of religion

Arguments for atheism[hide]

Against God's existence
 Atheist's Wager
 Evil God Challenge
 Fate of the unlearned
 Free will
 God of the gaps
 Hitchens's razor
 Incompatible properties
 Inconsistent revelation
 Nonbelief
 Omnipotence paradox
 Poor design
 Problem of evil
 Problem of Hell
 Russell's teapot

 Theological noncognitivism
 Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit
 ethical problem in religion 
The God Delusion

General conceptions[hide]
 Agnosticism
 Apatheism
 Atheism
 Deism
 Henotheism
 Ietsism
 Ignosticism
 Monotheism
 Monism
 Dualism
 Monolatry
 Kathenotheism
 Omnism
 Pandeism
 Panentheism
 Pantheism
 Polytheism
 Theism
 Transtheism

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