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Management of a patient undergoing a colostomy

Pre-operative nursing care

 Psychological preparation: Assure the patient that colostomy can be cared
for without it interfering with daily and social life.
 Nutrition: A light diet is to be given for at least 1-2 days prior to the surgery.
 Care of the bowel: Cleansing of the bowel prior th surgery must be done
through administration of enema.

Post-operative nursing care

 Skin care: Assess skin for any irritation or breakdown. Apply skin barrier
paste such as creams.
 Psychological adaptation: The nurse should help the patient to accept the
colostomy and teach the patient the necessary care and management.
 Nutrition: The colostomate is started on a light diet.
 Patient education: provide verbal and written instructions on colostomy
care, pouch management, skin care and irrigation for the cilent.
 Medications: some medications or nutritional supplements may change the
colour, odour or consistency of stool just like before surgery. Patient
education and post-medication observation are therefore necessary.
 Control of odour: Regular change of bag; Cleaning and use of deodorant.
 Applying an ostomy appliance: The stoma size must be measured so that
the right size of appliance can be chosen. The pouch attaches to the stoma
and is fastened unto the faceplate.

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