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I found it quite difficult to link to prior knowledge, especially for history. History and

wars could be a very sensitive subject depending on where the student has come from and

their background with war. It is also difficult to know of their knowledge of war and how it

would be different to ours. Year 9 History focuses in parts on the ANZACs, and I found this

difficult to link to student prior knowledge and experience as they likely have not learnt

about the ANZACs before.

I found it hard because HASS subject specific skills are very specific and different to

the skills required in other learning areas. Source analysis tasks require very specific answers

and teaching these to EAL/D students would be difficult. I think if I was to teach EAL/D

students source analysis skills in the future I would still struggle as it is quite complex and

there are many different source types that have to be deconstructed for students.

I also found that it is very time consuming to go back over work and modify it. I think

this would be easier if it was integrated from the start of planning. Integrating some of

these strategies into general teaching, or incorporating the needs of EAL/D students if you

have them in your class from the start of planning will save this time. I will be doing this in

my future planning.


I found it interesting how beneficial most of the strategies were to the whole

classroom. All students can benefit from scaffolding, modelling, gaining greater cultural

understanding, visual representations, specific terminology being explicitly taught, cultural

conceptualisation, hands on activities, and group work. Catering for EAL/D students would

not require too much different teaching practice is you are already using some of the

previously mentioned strategies.

I also found it assuring that there are so many great resources on SCSA and ACARA

that can assist in the teaching of EAL/D students. I found the EAL/D Progression map

particularly useful.

Personal Teaching

When I went back over my lessons and analysed them in terms of the needs of

EAL/D students I was quite shocked as to how difficult they would have found it. I found it a

little concerning that I would have to change much of my practice if I was to be teaching

these students. I did not previously think of these students and what their needs may be

and it has really opened my eyes as to how limiting my classroom would have been for

them. It also made me think back to prac and wonder if I was effectively catering for all my

students. I had quite a diverse classroom and the thought that I may have not been

effectively catering for them is worrying to me. I will be aware of if there are any EAL/D

students in my classroom and integrate their needs accordingly. Even if I have students that

are not EAL/D but are from different cultural backgrounds, I think it would be beneficial to

incorporate some of these strategies of having their culture represented in the classroom. I

will in my future teaching be incorporating some of these strategies into my classroom.

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