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SETTING: Town (House of Poor and Rich families)

Scene 1: The children of the poor family are playing outside the house while the children of the rich
family stayed inside their house and kept the windows closed.

CPF: Playing Nanay, Tatay and singing ang mga ibon (adlib)

CRF: (Looking at them enviously).

CRF1: Hey! Look at them. They are always playing outside. Can we also play outside?

CRF2: You ask Dad if he could allow us.

CRF1: Daddy, daddy… can we also play outside?

DADDY: No! You are not going to play outside! We are not on their level! Those impoverish people! You
might get some diseases from them so better stay inside.

CRF: Ok, daddy.

DADDY: Be ready now for breakfast! Inday… Inday…. Inday… please prepare our sumptuous breakfast!

INDAY: Yes, Sir! (Cooking their breakfast bacon and ham)

CPF: While they are playing, they smell the aroma of the food.

CPF: Wait… can you smell that?

CPF: What smell?

CPF: The spirit of the food

CPF: That smells good. Where is that coming from?

CPF: There…at the house of the rich family. (following the aroma of the food)

The CPF went to the window of the rich family and smell all the aroma of the food.

INDAY: Sir…. Breakfast is served. Your favorite crispy bacon and tender juicy hotdog.

CRF: Again! Crispy bacon and tender juicy hotdog! We have been eating those for a year now!

DADDY: Stop complaining! Just eat and finish your food! (accidentally looked at the window saw the
children of the poor family) Hey! What are you doing there?

CPF: Nothing, Sir. We are just smelling the aroma of the food. It really smells good.

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