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Due to his obvious competitive nature and ability for discipline, I threw him

right into a supercompensation cycle. We did a higher calorie keto run for ten
days and then loaded him for a full 48 hours (I will explain in a minute). Here
are his results:
Starting Weight: 200 lbs.
Finishing Weight: 212 lbs.
Body Fat Start: 8.9 %
Body Fat Finish: 8.0 %
Fat Weight Start: 17.8 lbs.
Fat Weight Finish: 16.96 lbs.
Lean Mass Start: 182.2 lbs.
Lean Mass Finish: 195 lbs.
There are no typos in the above chart. C.V. gained 12.8 lbs. of muscle in a 48-
hour load! And he actually lost some body fat! These types of results are
typical with the first glycogen supercompensation. C.V. was well on his way to
getting on stage as a competitive bodybuilder. As a matter of fact, he placed
second in his open division 12 weeks later.

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