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Written Examination Commite ‫لجنة االمتحان التحريري للدور الثاني‬

Islamic Boarding School of Nurussalam ‫معهد نور السالم للتربية اإلسالمية العصرية‬
Cintaharja Kujang Cikoneng Ciamis 46261
Academic Year : 2017-2018 M / 1438-1439 H ٤٦٢٦١ ‫تشنتاحرجا كوجنج تشيكونينج تشياميس‬
-1437 \ ‫م‬2015-2016 :‫للعام الدراسي‬
‫ هــ‬1436


1. Danda is smart in English. He can … English very well
a. speak b. speaks c. spoke d. speaking
2. Dana and Izza are hungry Now. They … eat a food Just Now.
a. Didn’t b. don’t c. doesn’t d. haven’t
3. Zarqo : can you help me to cook this noodle ?
Sayyid : I’m sorry I can’t, because I … my shirt right now
a. washed b. have washed c. am washing d. wash
4. Zarqo will go to the Masjid, but Dandi …. go there because sick.
a. will b. shall c. don’t d. won’t
5. Dandi : …... Izza brought our food ?
Dana : I don’t know. But I have brought the side dish firstly
a. have b. does c. has d. did
6. Dana : where is my cap ?
Sayyid : I looked it on your cupboard …..
a. later b. now c. just now d. tomorrow
7. Bety …. Not bring Qur’an, because she lost it before dzuhur.
a. Has b. does c. will d. did
8. Izza : hello Danda, how was your camping ?
Danda : …….., it was good experience.
a. I am enjoying it b. I enjoyed it c. I will enjoy it d. I have been enjoying it
9. Zarqo : have you gotten any plans for Friday out Tomorrow ?
Danda : hmm, I ……. My favorite shop.
a. visit b. visited c. have visited d. will visit
10. Sayyid : what about our side dish for breakfast ?
Izza : don’t worry, Dana ….. a delicious noodle from Waserda for us.
a. Haven’t bought b. has bought c. isn’t buying d. was buying


1. How many Combination Tenses you have studied ? mention it all !
2. What the difference between Was and Were ?
3. What is Past Perfect ? tell by indonesian
4. What the meaning break, broke, and broken ? translate one by one !
 Allah tidak mencintai
5. What tenses use “WOULD/SHOULD” ? nilai mu sebesar apapun itu
… tapi Allah mencintai
belajar dan kejujuran mu,
sekecil apapun itu 
Jika kamu bisa mengerjakan
soal ini dengan jujur, berarti
C. TRANSLATE TO ENGLISH ! 1 tahun ini aku berhasil
mendidikmu untuk lebih
1. Aku sudah sedang menunggu mu dari tadi mencintai Allah dibanding
nilai-nilai mu
2. Kelas Takhosus sedang ujian lisan kemarin
3. 10 tahun lagi, kita sudah akan menjadi Hafidz Qur’an


4. You have stolen my heart (change to Past Perfect)

5. Will you marry me ? (change to Past Future)

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