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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 50
Waktu : 120 menit Nama : ______________________
Hari/Tanggal : __________________________ Kelas : 6 ____________________

1. Berdo’alah terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal
2. Tuliskan nama dengan jelas pada tempat yang telah tersedia
3. Kerjakan soal-soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
4. Tulisan harus rapi, bersih dan jelas
5. Teliti kembali jawabannya sebelum diserahkan ke pengawas (Ustadz/Ustadzah)

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada pilihan a, b, c atau d yang merupakan jawaban yang tepat!
1. Rifqy goes to the Serang by... b. Melihat d. Memakan
a. Car c. Plane
b. Ship d. Train 9. We ............ have a graduation party.
a. Is going to
2. Salma ..... omelet a week ago. b. Are going to
a. Played c. Sang c. Am going to
b. Cooked d. Went d. has

3. There are a bed, a chair, a miror, and a wardrobe 10. The boy studies diligently. Diligently means...
in the... a. Rajin c. Dengan rajin
a. Dining room c. Bathroom b. Pintar d. Dengan pintar
b. Kitchen d. Bedroom
11. Akmal : ........... I borrow your Pen?
4. .........can carry many passengers. It runs on the Rifqy : No, I am using It.
railway. a. Should c. Must
a. Plane c. Train b. Would d. May
b. Bus d. Ship
12. Would you..................your blanket, please?
5. The students of INSANTAMA ... to the Jakarta by a. Close c. Turn off
bus, yesterday. b. Fold up d. Wipe
a. Worked
b. Cooked 13. What does Mrs. Susi do?
c. Sang a. He is a taylor
d. Went b. She is a taylor
c. He is a teacher
6. Now is Sunday. Nafis want to play badminton d. She is a doctor
tomorrow. What day is tomorrow?
a. Tuesday c. Saturday 14. This card is ?
b. Monday d. Friday a. Farewell invitation
b. Wedding Invitation
7. I always eat porridge for breakfast. Always c. Aqiqah Invitation
means... d. Graduation Invitation
a. Selalu c. Biasanya
b. Tidak pernah d. Kadang-kadang 15. Mr. Eddy is a ................... He cures and takes care
of patients in the hospital.
8. The Little Duckling saw an eagle. “Saw” means ... a. Postman c. Pilot
a. Membaca c. Bertarung b. Farmer d. Doctor
How to make Sweet Tea
The ingredients :
16. My uncle is a postman. He............. - ice cubes – tea - enough water
a. Delivers letter c. Flys planes - enough sugar - Hot water
b. Teachs students d. Makes dresses
- put the tea into a cup or a glass
17. - next , pour the hot water
Dear Susan,
- next, add sugar .
I want to tell you about my new house. It has
- stir until all of the ingredients mixed
eight rooms. My bedroom is beautiful. They - and the last , add ice cubes
are a bed with pink sheets, two pillows and -y
a. Ingredients c. Procedure Text
bolsters, a wardrobe, and a mirror. I hope
you can visit my new house on next holiday. b. Steps-steps d. How to make
Warm regards,
Ratna 25. How many steps to make sweet tea based on
question number 24
To whom is the letter written?............. a. 6 c. 2
a. Susan c. New house c. 5 d. 4
b. Ratna d. Bedroom
26. How your feeling?
18. Wendi is graduating his study. a. Sad
The correct greeting for Wendi is ...... b. Happy
a. Happy birtday! c. Angry
b. Congratulations on your wedding! d. Hungry
c. Congratulations on your graduation!
d. Happy fasting month! 27. My kitty was dead. I am so ……..
a. Sad c. Hungry
Complete the text! (Soal untuk nomer 19 dan 20) b. Happy d. Sleepy
Mr. Akbar is a.....(19).... He goes to .......(20)......
everyday. He cures and takes care of the patients. 28. Daffa : Samil, I will ……… the spelling your
19. a. Singer c. Reporter name. You spell it, S-A-M-I-L, right?
b. Doctor d. Teacher Syamil : No, that’s not right, with a ‘Y’.
Daffa : Do you mean S-Y-A-M-I-L ?
20. a. Hospital c. School Syamil : Yes, that’s correct.
b. Post office d. Police station a. invite c. feel
b. clarify d. announce
21. What do you ........ of this red Hat?
a. Think
b. Thank
c. Thing
d. That

22. Rafi always …….. his teeth before sleeping.

a. Brush c. Fold up
b. Wash d. Trim

23. A ………is a place where sick people go to get

a. Hospital c. School
b. Post office d. Police station

24. Teks di bawah ini dalam bahasa inggris disebut ….. 29.
Who will held the graduation party?
a. Students c. Teachers
b. Academy d. School
30. (based on question n.29) 33.
For whom the announcement was intended? Teks above is called
a. All Students of grade 9 Academy Forst a. invitation card c. Feeling card
b. All of students Academy Forst b. Greeting card d. announcement card
c. All of the teachers Academy Forst
d. Student Organization Academy Forst 34. What the meaning of ‘hope’?
a. Hobby c. Masa depan
31. What the meaning of greeting cards? b. Harapan d. Lebih baik
a. Kartu undangan
b. Kartu pengumuman 35. What the meaning of ‘future’?
c. Kartu klarifikasi a. Hobby c. Masa depan
d. Kartu ucapan b. Harapan d. Lebih baik

32. What the meaning of Clarifying?

a. Undangan c. Klarifikasi
b. Pengumuman d. Ucapan

II. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat!

1. I have four wheels. I have an engine. I can go fast. I am a ...................
2. Arrange this words into good sentences!
3. Invitation means …..
4. I .................... go to school by car. (Selalu)
5. May I ...... your pen? Yes, Sure (pinjam)
6. Anis dances ....................... (dengan indah)
7. Athala ........... basket in the stadion, yesterday. ( bermain dalam bentuk lampau/past tense v2)
8. Pengumuman dalam bahasa inggris adalah ……
9. On .........(jumat), The boys usually pray Jum'at in the Mosque.
10. Ms. Queena is a taylor. She ..................................................

III. Uraian
1. Tuliskan 5 ruangan dalam bahasa inggris yang biasanya terdapat di rumah beserta artinya!
2. Tuliskan 5 nama hari dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya !
3. Buatlah sebuah percakapan yang menanyakan pendapat dan menanggapi pendapat dalam bahasa inggris !
4. Buatlah procedure text (dalam bahasa inggris) untuk menggoreng telur !
5. Buatlah sebuah kartu undangan kepada teman untuk menghadiri Acara Kelulusan Antum(jangan lupa
cantumkan waktu dan tempatnya ya)!


Allah Maha Mengawasi

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