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Tree Physiology 27, 519–525

© 2007 Heron Publishing—Victoria, Canada

Alleviation of dormancy in walnut kernels by moist chilling is

independent from storage protein mobilization
Department of Biology, College of Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
Corresponding author (

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Received February 20, 2006; accepted May 23, 2006; published online January 2, 2007

Summary We studied the effects of moist chilling and al. 2002, Jacobsen et al. 2002, Schmitz et al. 2002), and
warming on storage protein mobilization in walnut (Juglans changes in enzymatic activities involved in seed reserve mobi-
regia L.) kernels to assess the metabolic inhibition theory, lization and gluconeogenesis (Li and Ross 1990a, 1990b,
which states that dormant seeds are unable to utilize their own Ranjan and Lewak 1995, Bogatek et al. 2002) have been re-
food reserves and that cold conditions allow germination by ac- ported. Seed storage proteins are also affected by cold stratifi-
tivating hydrolases involved in reserve mobilization. Stratify- cation. Mobilization of storage proteins is an important event
ing kernels at 5 °C for 40 days enhanced their germination. for seed germination because it provides amino acids for the
During both cold stratification and warm incubation of kernels, de novo synthesis of germination-specific proteins (Rajjou et
storage protein mobilization occurred in cotyledons rather than al. 2004). Ultrastructural studies have revealed the gradual
axes. Kernel amino acid concentration increased during pro- mobilization of protein bodies in the storage tissues of stratify-
tein mobilization, with axes of warm-incubated kernels having ing seeds (Dawidowicz-Grzegorzewska 1989, Wang and
particularly high amino acid concentrations. Polyacrylamide Berjak 2000). Increases in enzymatic activities related to pro-
gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate teolysis along with the accumulation of free amino acids in
(SDS-PAGE) of the soluble protein fractions from both cold- seeds during cold stratification have also been reported
stratified and warm-incubated cotyledons revealed increased (Zarska-Maciejewska and Lewak 1983, Ranjan and Lewak
band intensities of putative glutelins (19–22 and 32–35 kDa). 1995, King and Gifford 1997, Stone and Gifford 1997,
A very high molecular weight protease was detected by gelatin Forward et al. 2001, Todd et al. 2001).
SDS-PAGE that was most active at acid to neutral pHs in im- Based on the many studies described in the literature, the
bibed, cold stratified and germinated kernels suggesting the metabolic inhibition theory was proposed (Ross 1984, Lewak
protease(s) was synthesized earlier in the mature seeds. Thus, et al. 2000). This theory states that dormant seeds are metabol-
in dormant walnut kernels there is no block to protein mobiliza- ically inhibited and are unable to utilize their own food re-
tion, and imbibition alone is sufficient to initiate proteolysis. serves and that cold condition allows germination by remov-
Catalase activity was higher in warm-incubated kernels than in ing this inhibition. The unequivocal acceptance of the meta-
cold-stratified kernels, suggesting that seed aging is hastened bolic inhibition theory demands further studies on more
under warm conditions and that cold stratification in walnut species.
kernels might involve activation of cellular repair mechanisms. Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) is an important nut tree
species from temperate regions. Storage proteins constitute
Keywords: amino acids, catalase, glutelin, Juglans regia, pro- 17% of food reserves in the walnut kernel (Sze-Tao and Sathe
tease, stratification. 2000). For optimal germination, the nuts require stratification
for between 1 and 3 months. In the present study, walnut was
taken as a model system for examining the biochemical pro-
Introduction cesses involved during cold stratification in the context of the
metabolic inhibition theory.
Seed dormancy refers to a situation in which germination can-
not proceed despite favorable conditions. Breaking of dor-
mancy in some seeds is achieved by incubating them in moist Material and methods
and cold (5 °C) conditions, a process termed cold stratifica-
tion. The nature of the cold-induced changes involved in the Plant material, stratification protocol and germination
alleviation of dormancy in stratified seeds is not well under- studies
stood. Freshly harvested nuts of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.)
Changes in the concentrations of phytohormones or changes were procured from the Gorgan Office of Natural Resources
in embryo sensitivity to phytohormones, or both (Corbineau et during October 2003 and 2004. After imbibing the nuts in tap

water for 24 h, nuts were surface sterilized with 0.5% (w/v) ing gel as described by Fling and Gregerson (1986). After
sodium hypochlorite solution for 15 min followed by four electrophoresis, the gels were stained for proteins with Coo-
washes with distilled water. To stratify the nuts, batches of massie Brilliant Blue R-250.
25 nuts (in triplicate) were wrapped in four layers of moist-
ened cheesecloth, placed in polyethylene bags and incubated
Zymographic detection of kernel protease(s)
at 5 °C for periods up to 60 days. Every 10 days, triplicate
batches of stratified nuts were transferred to a well-irrigated For zymographic detection of kernel protease(s), the soluble
sand medium at 27 °C, and their germination recorded for a protein fraction was prepared as described above except that
period of 40 days. Kernels with a radicle length of about PMSF was excluded from the grinding buffer. Soluble protein
10 mm were evident as bulges at the sand surface and were samples (100 µg) were separated by SDS-PAGE on a 12.5%
considered germinated. Surface-sterilized, imbibed nuts kept resolving gel containing 0.2% (w/v) gelatin as a protease sub-

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at 27 °C (non-stratified control) in a well-irrigated sand me- strate (Heussen and Dowdle 1980). Following electrophoresis
dium served as non-stratified controls (hereafter called warm- (70 V, 7 °C), the resolved protein bands were renatured by
incubated nuts). Germination of the warm-incubated kernels transferring the gels to renaturing buffer (50 mM Tris (pH 7.5)
was recorded for a period of 40 days. Kernels were isolated containing 2% (v/v) Triton X-100) for 30 min at 37 °C. Gels
from both cold-stratified and warm-incubated nuts that were subsequently transferred to reaction buffer (50 mM Tris,
showed no signs of germination. The axis and cotyledons were pH 7.5, or other buffers as indicated, containing 0.1% (v/v)
excised from each kernel with a razor blade and used for 2-mercaptoethanol) for 3 h at 37 °C. Protease band(s) were vi-
subsequent biochemical analyses. sualized as transparent gelatin-free zones after staining with
0.1% (w/v) Amido Black in methanol:acetic acid:water
Total protein and amino acid determinations (3:1:6; v/v) followed by de-staining in methanol:acetic
acid:water (1.5:0.5:8; v/v).
For extraction of total protein, cotyledonary or axial tissue
(1 g) was defatted as described by Hara and Radin (1978). The
defatted powder (20 mg) was extracted in 0.5 ml of 60 mM Catalase extraction and assay
Tris-HCl buffer (pH 6.8) containing 10% (v/v) glycerol and 2 Catalase was extracted from cotyledonary and axial tissues as
% (w/v) SDS (Stone and Gifford 1997) at 90 °C for 1 h. The described by Jordy et al. (2000) with minor modifications. Tis-
mixture was centrifuged at 10,000 g for 15 min and the clear sue (1 g) was ground in a cold mortar with a pestle in 2 ml of
supernatant was used for total protein determination. Because grinding buffer containing 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100. The ho-
of interference by SDS in the Bradford (1976) protein assay, mogenate was filtered through four layers of cheese-cloth and
the Markwell et al. (1981) method of protein determination incubated at 4 °C for 1 h. The filtrate was then centrifuged at
was used. Protein concentration was expressed per gram dry 10,000 g for 15 min and the resulting supernatant was assayed
mass of tissue. for catalase activity according to the method of Luck (1962).
For amino acid extraction, tissue pieces (1 g) from cotyle- The reaction mixture in a final volume of 3 ml consisted of
dons or embryo axes were ground with 5 ml of 80% (v/v) etha- 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7), 12.5 mM H2O2 and enzyme
nol at 70 °C. After centrifugation at 3500 g for 10 min the extract. The breakdown of H2O2 was recorded as a decrease in
supernatant was saved and the pellet was re-extracted four absorbance at 240 nm, assuming an extinction coefficient (ε)
times with 80% ethanol. The extracts were pooled and reduced of 0.036 cm2 µmol – 1. Catalase activity was expressed as µmol
to one fifth of their original volume by evaporation. The con- H2O2 consumed per minute per gram fresh mass of tissue.
centrated extract (5 ml) was then mixed with 1 ml of chloro-
form to partition pigments and lipids from the aqueous phase.
Total amino acid concentration in the aqueous phase was Statistical analysis
quantified by the ninhydrin method of Yemm and Cocking Statistically significant differences at the 5% level were deter-
(1955) and expressed per gram dry mass of tissue. mined by the Duncan method.

Soluble protein extraction and analysis by SDS-PAGE

Soluble protein was extracted from kernels by grinding the tis- Results
sue (1 g) in a cold mortar with a pestle in 2 ml of grinding
buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 0.4 M sucrose, 10 mM
KCl, 1 mM MgSO4, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM PMSF, 0.6% (w/v) Effect of cold stratification on germination of walnut kernels
PVPP, and 50 mM 2-mercaptoethanol). The homogenate was Non-stratified kernels that were imbibed for 40 days at 27 °C
filtered through four layers of cheese-cloth and the filtrate was showed germination percentages up to 20%. Cold stratifica-
centrifuged at 10,000 g for 15 min. The supernatant, hereafter tion increased both percentage and rate of walnut kernel ger-
called the soluble protein fraction, was assayed for protein by mination (Figure 1). Germination percentage increased in ker-
the Bradford (1976) method. Aliquots of the supernatant were nels cold-stratified for more than 20 days and the highest ger-
separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the pres- mination percentage (50%) and highest rate of germination
ence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE) on a 15% resolv- occurred in kernels that had been cold stratified for 40 days.



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Figure 1. Effect of cold stratification on germination percentage (䊏)
and germination rate (䉫) of walnut kernels. Every 10 days for a period
of 60 days, nuts were imbibed for 24 hours, surface sterilized, incu-
bated at 5 °C and then placed in a well-irrigated sand medium at
27 °C. Germination was recorded for a period of 40 days. Each value
is the mean ± SE of triplicate experiments each consisting of 25 nuts.

Changes in concentrations of total protein and amino acids

in stratified and warm-incubated walnut kernels Figure 2. Changes in total protein (䊏) and amino acid (䉫) concentra-
tions in cotyledons (A) and axes (B) during cold stratification of wal-
Total protein refers to proteins extracted in the presence of nut kernels. Each value is the mean ± SE of three separate extractions.
SDS. Although SDS detergent cannot extract all proteins, the
yield of walnut proteins extracted in buffer containing SDS
was 10-fold higher than the amount of protein extracted in tion of amino acids in the cotyledons of warm-incubated ker-
buffer without SDS (data not shown). The total protein con- nels was initially low but increased, reaching a maximum of
centration of cotyledons decreased by about 40% during the 12.6 µmol g –1
DW after 12 days of warm incubation and thereafter
first 20 days of cold stratification, but the concentration re- remained statistically unchanged. Despite the lack of signifi-
mained relatively constant during the remaining 40 days of cant protein mobilization in axes from warm-incubated ker-
cold stratification (Figure 2A). The total amino acid concen- nels (Figure 3B), their amino acid concentration increased sig-
tration of cotyledons increased slightly but not significantly nificantly, peaking at 36 µmol g –1
DW at 16 days of warm incuba-
during cold stratification. Cold-stratification also affected pro- tion.
tein and amino acid concentrations of embryonic axes (Fig-
ure 2B). Total protein concentration of the embryonic axes de-
creased during stratification and the greatest reduction oc- SDS-PAGE analyses of proteins from cold-stratified and
curred in axes that had been stratified for 20 days. Axis amino warm-incubated walnut kernels
acid concentration increased from an initial concentration of The SDS-PAGE analyses of the total proteins extracted from
–1 –1
3.3 µmol g DW in imbibed axes to 8.4 µmol g DW in axes cold kernels with SDS-containing Tris buffer revealed no signifi-
stratified for 10 days, and thereafter it remained roughly un- cant differences in the protein profiles of the cold-stratified
changed. and warm-incubated kernels (data not shown). In contrast, dif-
Most non-stratified kernels incubated at 27 °C retained ferences in the soluble protein (i.e., proteins soluble in Tris
white, sound-looking tissue for the first 16 to 20 days of warm buffer without SDS) profiles of the cold-stratified and
incubation, but thereafter many of the kernels turned rancid; warm-incubated kernels were detected by SDS-PAGE (Fig-
however, 20% of the warm-incubated kernels remained ures 4 and 5). Cold stratification and warm incubation of ker-
healthy and germinated. Warm-incubated kernels that did not nels caused qualitative changes in the soluble protein profile of
show any morphological sign of germination were selected ev- the cotyledons but had little effect on the protein profile of the
ery four days from the start of the warm-incubation period and axes (Figures 4 and 5). Polypeptides with molecular masses of
analyzed biochemically. Figure 3 shows the changes in total 19–22, 32–35 and 42–49 kDa, which are representatives of
protein and amino acid concentrations of cotyledons and axes the major walnut kernel storage proteins, displayed increased
from warm-incubated kernels. Protein concentration of the band intensities in cotyledons as incubation proceeded (Fig-
cotyledons decreased about 40% within the first 4 days of ures 4A and 5A). The band intensities of some cotyledonary
warm incubation, but thereafter the cotyledonary protein con- proteins, e.g., a 37 kDa polypeptide, declined during cold
tent did not change significantly (Figure 3A). The concentra- stratification and it was undetectable after 4 days of warm in-



identification of a slowly migrating high molecular mass pro-

tease in imbibed, cold-stratified, as well as germinating, ker-
nels (Figure 6). The activity of this protease was detectable at
acid to neutral pHs with the greatest activity occurred at neu-
tral pHs. No activity was recorded at alkaline pHs (data not
shown). Proteases with molecular masses of 83 and 89 kDa
were detected in germinating kernels but not in imbibed or
cold-stratified kernels.

Catalase activity in cold-stratified and warm-incubated

walnut kernels

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Catalase activity started to increase in cotyledons following
exposure of kernels to cold conditions (Figure 7A) and a
nearly continuous increase in catalase activity occurred
throughout the stratification period. Catalase activity in the
axes, however, did not increase until the kernels had been cold
stratified for 40 days, but a significant increase in enzymatic
activity occurred thereafter. In warm-incubated kernels, cata-
lase activity developed rapidly within the first four days of in-
cubation in both cotyledons and axes (Figure 7B). Catalase ac-
tivity then remained nearly unchanged in both organs till
12 days of warm incubation when there was a significant in-
Figure 3. Changes in total protein (䊏) and amino acid (䉫) concentra- crease in enzymatic activity in the axes that peaked at 80 µmol
tions in cotyledons (A) and axes (B) of warm-incubated walnut ker- min – 1 g –FW
in 16–20-day-old axes.
nels. The bars show standard errors of the means of total protein and
amino acid measurements from three separate tissue samples.
The germination percentage of warm-incubated walnut ker-
cubation. In contrast, there were no apparent changes in the nels was up to 20%, demonstrating that they are not deeply
band intensities of polypeptides with molecular masses of dormant; however, cold stratification of the kernels enhanced
19–22, 32–35 and 42–49 kDa in the axes during either cold their germination to about 55%. Similar positive effects of
stratification or warm incubation (Figures 4B and 5B). cold stratification on the germination percentage have been re-
ported for Corylus avellana L. (Andriotis et al. 2004) and
Zymographic detection of protease activity in walnut kernels Pyrus serotina Rehd. seeds (Lin et al. 1994). Germination of
Use of a gelatin SDS-PAGE system to detect protease(s) likely walnut kernels may not depend solely on the physiological
involved in protein mobilization in walnut kernels, led to the state of the embryo: the tissues surrounding the embryo may

Figure 4. Changes in the SDS-PAGE

pattern of soluble proteins extracted
from cotyledons (A) and axes (B) of
cold stratified walnut kernels. Soluble
proteins were extracted in Tris buffer
pH 7.5 without added SDS. Protein
samples (100 µg) were separated on a
15% resolving gel and subsequently
stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue



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Figure 5. Changes in the SDS-PAGE
pattern of soluble proteins extracted
from cotyledons (A) and axes (B) of
warm-incubated walnut kernels. Solu-
ble proteins were extracted in Tris
buffer pH 7.5 without added SDS. Pro-
tein samples (100 µg) were separated
on a 15% resolving gel and subse-
quently stained with Coomassie Bril-
liant Blue R-250.

also affect the germination process, as has been documented their subsequent metabolism in response to cold treatment oc-
for some other stratification-requiring seeds such as Chamae- curs primarily in embryonic axes rather than cotyledons, the
cyparis nootkatensis D. Don Spach (Ren and Kermode 1999). former organ is postulated to perceive the cold stimulus
Cold stratification of walnut kernels led to protein mobiliza- (Dawidowicz-Grezegorzewska 1989, Bogatek et al. 1989, Li
tion and amino acid accumulation in both cotyledons and em- and Ross 1990a, 1990b, Zarska-Maciejewska 1992, Andriotis
bryonic axes (Figure 2). Protein mobilization in response to et al. 2004). However, the extent of protein mobilization was
cold stratification has been reported for several other species similar in the embryonic axes and cotyledons of the stratifying
(Ching 1968, Dawidowicz-Grezegorezewska 1989, King and walnut kernels and so no cold-perceiving organ could be iden-
Gifford 1997). Because the mobilization of seed reserves and tified.
Most studies have shown a partial or complete absence of
reserve mobilization in stratification-requiring seeds main-
tained under warm conditions (Noland and Murphy 1984,
Dawidowicz-Grzegorzewska 1989, Li and Ross 1990a, An-
driotis et al. 2004); however, we found greater protein mobili-

Figure 6. Zymographic detection of protease activity in walnut ker-

nels by gelatin SDS-PAGE. Cotyledonary soluble proteins from im-
bibed (Lane 1), 20-day-stratified (Lane 2) and 10-day-germinated
(Lane 3) kernels were resolved on a 12.5% polyacrylamide gel con-
taining 0.2% gelatin. After renaturation of the resolved proteins at pH
7.5 in the presence of Triton X-100, the gels were incubated in reac- Figure 7. Time course of changes in catalase activity in cotyledons
tion buffers at pH 5.0 (A) and pH 7.5 (B) for 3 h at 37 °C. Transparent (䊏) and axes (䉫) from cold-stratified (A) and warm-incubated (B)
gelatin-free zones representing protease activity were visualized by walnut kernels. Values are means ± SE obtained from three separate
staining gels with Amido Black. extractions.



zation in moistened warm-incubated walnut kernels than in hance seed aging. Increased catalase activity has also been re-
cold-stratified kernels (Figures 3A and 3B). Although the ex- ported in warm-incubated Corylus avellana kernels and
tent of protein mobilization was greater in cotyledons than in attributed to the physiological process of seed aging (Li and
axes under warm conditions, the axes accumulated high con- Ross 1990a). As suggested earlier for Picea mariana Mill.
centrations of free amino acids, up to 36 µmol g –1
DW . We suggest seeds (Wang and Berjak 2000), cold stratification in walnut
that transport of amino acids from cotyledons to axes and the kernels might also involve activation of repair mechanisms
failure of warm-incubated axes to metabolize amino acids that prevent seed aging.
could account for this high concentration of amino acids. Evi-
dence in support of this suggestion comes from a study show-
ing that cold stratification increased the capacity of Acer Acknowledgments
saccharum Marsh. embryo axes for protein synthesis, whereas

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We thank the GUASNR Deputy of Research and Office of Higher Ed-
non-stratified warm-incubated axes had a low capacity for ucation for financial support to A.R.Einali in the form of grants for
protein synthesis (Hance and Bevington 1992). M.Sc. research projects.
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