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The Early Childhood Educator For Diploma

by Lorraine Walker -Test Bank

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Chapter 03 Testbank


To encourage children to become more responsible for their environment

1. teach children to reuse an item after it has been used.
B.  encourage them to become actively engaged in
gardening, composting and taking care of the natural flora
and fauna around them.
C.  teach them to be aware of using more biodegradable
products to produce less waste.
D.  All of the given answers.

Why should we ensure that children are learning about current global sus
1. It is important to discuss all global issues within the
B.  Educators need to ensure children have the
opportunity to participate in both deliberate and
spontaneous activities that not only teach children but
also foster their interest in the topic.
C.  It is only worth teaching the older children about
sustainable practices because the infants and toddlers
will not understand.
D.  Educators should just let the parents teach children
about sustainable practices.


What is a sustainable action plan?

1. It is a plan of achievable milestones that have been put
together by the sustainability committee representing the
B.  It is a wish list put together by staff and children in
order of priority.
C.  It is a list of costs that the committee puts together.
D.  None of the given answers.


How can we actively involve both the children and parents in the service
1. By encouraging all children to put their rubbish in the bin.
B.  By encouraging consistency between the child’s
family, local community and the service itself to reinforce
commitment to the task of sustainable practices.
C.  We don’t need to because not everyone needs to take
ownership of service sustainability practices for it to be
D.  By forcing children to reuse or recycle materials
within the service, even if they do not wish to do so.


Additional ways to enlist other organisations to support the service’s sus

1. enlisting the services of local high school, TAFE and
university students to become involved in the service’s
sustainability projects.
B.  obtaining a grant from local business or council to set
up a project.
C.  working with local environmental officers and the
indigenous community to put together projects.
D.  All of the given answers.


Consultation with all stakeholders should occur when reviewing service

consultation process should include:
1. surveys sent out to the local council.
B.  information sessions and face-to-face meetings with
selected stakeholders.
C.  a suggestion box at the local supermarket.
D.  brainstorming sessions with staff, parents and
committee/board members.

It is important that children experience hands-on opportunities to learn a
play experiences.
True    False


Children should not learn how past generations have influenced such eve
and plant and animal extinction, as they are too young to understand.
True    False


Explain why it is important to develop a sustainability plan within an earl



What is meant by ‘carbon footprint’? How can we encourage children to b



How can natural materials be used in creative ways to enhance play-bas



Children need to be given opportunities to develop their own critical thin

them to make their own decisions in regard to sustainable practices. How


What factors need to be considered when formulating philosophies, polic

Chapter 03 Testbank Key


To encourage children to become more responsible for their environment

1. teach children to reuse an item after it has been used.
B.  encourage them to become actively engaged in
gardening, composting and taking care of the natural flora
and fauna around them.
C.  teach them to be aware of using more biodegradable
products to produce less waste.
D.  All of the given answers.
Competency: CHCECE025, Element 1 Develop a sustainability
management plan
Difficulty: Medium


Why should we ensure that children are learning about current global sus
1. It is important to discuss all global issues within the
B.  Educators need to ensure children have the
opportunity to participate in both deliberate and
spontaneous activities that not only teach children but
also foster their interest in the topic.
C.  It is only worth teaching the older children about
sustainable practices because the infants and toddlers
will not understand.
D.  Educators should just let the parents teach children
about sustainable practices.
Competency: CHCECE025, Element 2 Support children to
develop an understanding and respect for the natural
Difficulty: Medium


What is a sustainable action plan?

1. It is a plan of achievable milestones that have been put
together by the sustainability committee representing the
B.  It is a wish list put together by staff and children in
order of priority.
C.  It is a list of costs that the committee puts together.
D.  None of the given answers.
Competency: CHCECE025, Element 1 Develop a sustainability
management plan
Difficulty: Medium


How can we actively involve both the children and parents in the service
1. By encouraging all children to put their rubbish in the bin.
B.  By encouraging consistency between the child’s
family, local community and the service itself to reinforce
commitment to the task of sustainable practices.
C.  We don’t need to because not everyone needs to take
ownership of service sustainability practices for it to be
D.  By forcing children to reuse or recycle materials
within the service, even if they do not wish to do so.
Competency: CHCECE025, Element 3 Support others in
implementing sustainable practice
Difficulty: Medium


Additional ways to enlist other organisations to support the service’s sus

1. enlisting the services of local high school, TAFE and
university students to become involved in the service’s
sustainability projects.
B.  obtaining a grant from local business or council to set
up a project.
C.  working with local environmental officers and the
indigenous community to put together projects.
D.  All of the given answers.
Competency: CHCECE025, Element 4 Embed sustainability into
service policies and procedures
Difficulty: Easy


Consultation with all stakeholders should occur when reviewing service

consultation process should include:
1. surveys sent out to the local council.
B.  information sessions and face-to-face meetings with
selected stakeholders.
C.  a suggestion box at the local supermarket.
D.  brainstorming sessions with staff, parents and
committee/board members.
Competency: CHCECE025, Element 4 Embed sustainability into
service policies and procedures
Difficulty: Medium


It is important that children experience hands-on opportunities to learn a

play experiences.
Competency: CHCECE025, Element 2 Support children to
develop an understanding and respect for the natural
Difficulty: Easy


Children should not learn how past generations have influenced such eve
and plant and animal extinction, as they are too young to understand.
Competency: CHCECE025, Element 1 Develop a sustainability
management plan
Difficulty: Easy


Explain why it is important to develop a sustainability plan within an earl


In the
answer any
of the
following key  
should be

· Children will learn to respect the environment.

· It fosters knowledge about the natural environment.

· It assists with awareness of life cycles and the diverse ran

· It encourages children to become more self-sufficient.

· It promotes awareness of the effects of human actions on

· It encourages children to recycle.

Competency: CHCECE025, Element 1 Develop a sustainability
management plan
Difficulty: Medium


What is meant by ‘carbon footprint’? How can we encourage children to b

In the
answer any
of the
following key  
should be

Carbon footprint relates to the amount of carbon dioxide e

fuels by a particular person or group.

Some examples of how children can reduce their own carb

· instead of using the car or bus; turning lights off when not
their teeth.

Reduce the amount of rubbish created by recycling and re

· encouraged to be actively involved. Items they may reuse
cardboard, glass and plastic bottles.

Children can be encouraged to grow vegetables and create

advantages of solar power and domestic rainwater tanks.

Competency: CHCECE025, Element 1 Develop a sustainability
management plan
Difficulty: Medium


How can natural materials be used in creative ways to enhance play-bas

In the
answer any
of the
following key  
could be

· Use natural materials in play, for example in counting, sor

When teaching about the senses, use natural materials to

texture, shape and form.

· They can be used in ways that are aesthetically pleasing t

Competency: CHCECE025, Element 2 Support children to
develop an understanding and respect for the natural
Difficulty: Medium


Children need to be given opportunities to develop their own critical thin

them to make their own decisions in regard to sustainable practices. How

In the  
answer any
of the
following key
should be

During play we can encourage them to think for themselve

‘how’, ‘why’, ‘when’ and ‘who’.

· Children should be given opportunities to think and show t

Children should be given the opportunity to apply knowled

about what will happen next.

They also need to be able to evaluate the situation and de

would they follow another pathway in the future.

Competency: CHCECE025, Element 3 Support others in
implementing sustainable practice
Difficulty: Hard


What factors need to be considered when formulating philosophies, polic


In the  
answer any
of the
following key
should be

Consideration of differing perspectives caused by culture,


· The availability of the resources they will require.

· Budgetary constraints.

· The needs of the group using the service.

Competency: CHCECE025, Element 4 Embed sustainability into
service policies and procedures
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter 03 Testbank Summary


Competency: CHCECE025, Element 1 Develop a sustainability manag

Competency: CHCECE025, Element 2 Support children to develop an
ct for the natural environment

Competency: CHCECE025, Element 3 Support others in implementing

Competency: CHCECE025, Element 4 Embed sustainability into servi

Difficulty: Easy
Difficulty: Hard

Difficulty: Medium

Chapter 05 Testbank


It is important for an education and care service to strive to ensure that

will they do this?
1. The service will provide opportunities for children to voice
their opinions as well as learn how to negotiate an
outcome with others.
B.  Staff will model language and behaviours that are
desirable, while demonstrating respect for others.
C.  The service will work in partnership with children,
their families and local communities to support the child’s
social development.
D.  All of the given answers.


To demonstrate that you are supporting a toddler’s emotional developme

1. respond to a child when they attempt to communicate
verbally and non-verbally.
B.  show no tolerance for inappropriate behaviours such
as tantrums.
C.  show little interest in setting up and providing
appropriate play experiences that allow children learn
about different feelings.
D.  None of the given answers.


What is cognitive development?

1. A child’s ability to problem solve and negotiate with peers
during play
B.  The development of the systems and structures within
the brain that are associated with thinking, problem
solving, reasoning, understanding and memory
C.  The child’s inability to identify letters and put
together complex sentences.
D.  None of the given answers.


Play-based learning gives children opportunities to develop skills that as

1. the development of confidence and positive self-esteem,
allowing children to problem solve and make decisions
during play.
B.  challenging their thinking skills while supporting and
initiating inquiry into processes.
C.  learning to self-direct and manage their own
experiences through play.
D.  All of the given answers.


How can we provide opportunities for children to develop and extend the
1. Reading books to children will not increase children
language and literacy skills; it is just a nice time to share
and interact with each other.
B.  A child’s language skills will not be increased by
being proficient in more than one language. This actually
creates challenges for the child.
C.  Children should be given access to a learning
environment that is rich in developmentally appropriate
experiences and opportunities to foster language and
literacy skills. Development through play-based activities
should allow opportunities to listen and respond verbally.
D.  Children are not old enough to engage in meaningful
conversations, therefore we should not encourage them
to discuss what they doing while participating in play.


When does ‘accommodation’ occur?

1. When a child uses knowledge they already have, in order
to acquire new knowledge.
B.  When a child incorporates new knowledge through
existing schemes.
C.  When a child can modify existing schemes and
incorporate new information that does not fit them.
D.  When a child masters the challenge of a new schema.


Children’s communication development occurs in a sequential order and

verbal interactions that occur during their early years.
True    False

The role of an educator is to encourage and assist the physical developm

outdoors, by providing a variety of experiences that are open-ended, prov
interests of the individual child.
True    False


A child’s physical development develops at an individual rate; however, t

that occur in an orderly, sequential and predictable pattern (Arnold Gese

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