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Kaye Ann Armada

If art is a record of the society which produced it what is revealed about contemporary society
by modern art?
Art is a living testament to us, everyday is an art. Every hues and stroke of everyday
movement is consider as an Art. We crafted and created to be an artist. Based on diverse
spectrum of form of art they are different from one another because of contrasting era that
they're created, hence, the form of art evolved because of its own historical background. Art
is continuous in evolving. Because of time and different epoch the art became
revolutionized.Behind of every tall walls there's also a shadow and that shadow represents
thousands of different talents, labor and minds, there were somewhat contradictory of
approaches to the movement, but for the most part, Modern art was also to be called
"rejection of the old canon, or the old standards by which value was measured".
There's a lot of revelation given by modern art in our contemporary world, first the
'quality" can be subjective everytime we saw an artwork it's not about the basks of colors or
design, we rely the message and impact of it to its audience to make it penetrable we do not
focus on aesthetic but we focus to its essential value. The abstraction matter is really
impacted the value of art, beauty is truth, so even ugliness can, in a sense, also be beauty,
indeed art is art, whether you like it or not it is a form of art. Modern art is a disaster area.
Never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little,
Bansky stated to us.
Time plays an important role to create a beautiful masterpiece because of what we
called ''Change and progress are more important than continuity". Copying ones artwork is a
sin as an artist you must create your own artwork dont put your brush to others canvass,
individuality, and originality of thought are the ultimate goal. If you are a visionary and you
are dreaming to be bet Picasso well individual "signature style" and self-expression is
Art is like a clay you need to mold it build your strong spirit to shine to your
masterpiece, it's a beautiful butterfly effects that truly creates a best metamorphosis in
creating an art. In Modern Art explained to us that "Form" is a universal language that can
communicate perfectly, regardless of the context or the mind of the viewer. "True" meaning
comes from form. We are different from one another, we have our own deoxyribonucleic acid
so that we have different taste of art form, there is a set reality with an ultimate truth, and it is
knowable, art also philosophical. Art is an Artists' painting of imagination and self-reflection
they are supposed to "cast off" their burden of historical knowledge to champion progress,
this very important. Those different art forms mentioned are some of the most important
matter that can help us to go back to modern art. It's contribution in our contemporary world
where art is considered as just not totally significant.

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