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Dynamic Development T.C.Psy

Personal and Professional

Transformation to the
Next Level
MR009 • PAPTTTNL • June 2012

Personal and Professional Transformation to the Next Level

Copyright © Damitro 2012
All Rights are retained and reserved by the publisher Damitro Ltd.
Damitro has asserted the right to be identified as the author of this e-book (Personal
and Professional Transformation to the Next Level) in accordance with the copyrights,
designs and patent acts 1988

This quick read e-book is not written in the traditional sense of how to do’s, and it
does not advocate that you should follow a particular path. On the contrary, this
module interacts with, at the same time nurtures your entire inner core, which in truth
has very little to do with structure, and traditional logic. Yet this is not an anti-
establishment, nor will it take you away from any path you have already set yourself.
Whilst this might be a new way of writing, and at times it may even appear totally
irrelevant reading, though please stick with it, because studies are showing that
when the core of a human is addressed, the outward expression, that is “physical life”
will reflect these positive changes.

Chapter 1 - The Next Level

So what is this “Next Level”, and what is it all about?

Well, when we self-reflect upon our own “consciousness”, there is an underlined

knowledge that beyond the five senses, that is sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell,
that there are indeed, additions. However, and until now, it has been quite normal to
push aside and ignore these additional aspects, as in general, what one does not give
any awareness or attention to, does not perceive a perception of. While that might
sound like a tongue twister, it really is quite simple - consciousness forms
awareness, and awareness forms perception. Please memorise that line as it will
become one of life’s golden gifts, or better stated as an “unlocking mechanism of life
and reality”. Though it may come as no surprise to know that on average, human
awareness of one’s total reality is around 20%, with the remaining 80% operating
silently from the sub-conscious. The subconscious which you may already be familiar
with is were many automatic tasks such as walking, talking, eating and breathing,
etc., are performed from. Nonetheless, and one could argue that if we were fully
conscious of all these elements, it would drive us crazy, and one may indeed be right.

It may or may not surprise you to know that your whole existence comes down to a
vibration. Dependent upon the science, is dependent upon the understanding, yet
follow each and every theoretical postulation back, and all roads lead to a vibration -
that is an “Electromagnetic Vibration”. Yet because we do not perceive ourselves as a
vibration, is a main contributor as to why we do not consciously utilise the 80% that is
currently being used by the sub-conscious.

Though for a moment, genuinely imagine that you are aware of that which you were
not currently aware of?

It’s difficult right? Yet it is only mildly difficult because you have not yet trained your
awareness to become aware of your awareness, and once you train your awareness
to become aware of itself then a whole new dimension in life and reality opens up.
No, this is not another tongue twister, and it is not theoretical science, this is factual
life at the next level of being human. Please allow an explanation;

Imagine your at an external event, and there are many people having a good time, yet
you start to perceive something else. You don't know what, and cant quite put your
finger on it, yet you sense something is about to change. Suddenly a scuffle breaks
out, and although it’s over in an instant with no lasting damage, you just knew
something was going to happen, albeit very subtlety, you just felt something was
about to change.

What you sensed, or possessed an awareness of is something that you may say,
“happens to you all the time”, but you don't mention it because others may laugh and
you may feel foolish to speak out. Indeed, and you may genuinely possess these
greater amounts of “sensitivity”, which is actually a perceptional awareness of
electromagnetic vibrations emanating prior to their construction in reality. Albeit this is
mostly going on unconsciously and contributes largely to form the 80/20 rule of
consciousness. Yet nevertheless, when you feel, or perceive something that is
potentially about to happen in life, it’s origins are always birthed from an “emanating
electromagnetic vibration” which is then picked up and converted by your own
consciousness into an awareness of. This “awareness of” is a highly subjective
awareness in your reality and contributes to the construct of, which cannot be
perceived by any other, other than yourself. This is an awareness of reality before
reality sort of speak, it is a clue to the finer dimensions that go onto create your reality
in the physical.

Now that we have the awareness of - we need to now become aware of the
awareness, so how do we achieve this? Well, it is really quite simple.

Assuming prior to it happening, you have now become aware that you were aware of
the scuffle before the event, now ask yourself where did this awareness stem from?
Yes, I know that I said vibrations convert into and create awareness, but there is more
to it than that. Awareness is created from converting electromagnetic vibrations
known as Hertz, yet awareness requires a platform in which to perform from, and that
platform is “consciousness”. Consciousness and awareness are not the same thing,
and as there are differing levels of awareness, it is not too difficult to grasp that
“consciousness” is required to create awareness. It is my understanding that one can
become aware of their own consciousness, or better stated, one can become aware
of “consciousness”, likewise one can be conscious of their own awareness. It is the
entanglement and entwinement of consciousness and awareness that is a type of self
perpetuating perception which in turn goes onto govern and maintain individuality as
well as create the whole of physical reality and existence. However, we are not going
too deeply here as our main interest is creating awareness of awareness, so let’s get
back to becoming aware of awareness.

OK,,,, it has happened and you are now aware that you are aware - No, you were not
duped, and it really has happened. Please allow an explanation;

As you read the above sections, your own consciousness which is consciousness
operating through you, automatically created the awareness and when you reflect
back in observation mode, it becomes the awareness of the awareness. Though
when I talk of consciousness, it’s not the type of consciousness often referred to as
unconscious, sub, or conscious consciousness. The consciousness I am referring to
is the consciousness that creates everything, though, it’s source, origins, and
otherwise are yet to be discovered, there is a merging global scientific and religious
understanding that there is a “consciousness” that creates the entirety of everything in
existence today.

So back to the creation of awareness creating an awareness, and with the above in
mind, you may now be able to feel, and if you so allow it, there is indeed a line of
consciousness that pierces through reality that goes onto create an awareness of the
awareness. So let’s just roll that back! After you read the above, your own line of
intuitiveness/consciousness created that which you had no previous awareness of -
that is, you are now fully aware that as subtle as it was, the scuffle event which you
perceived in only a subtle way, would have most likely slipped away and been
forgotten, however, it is now fully present and in your everyday awareness. Then
when you reflect back in observation mode, there is an additional awareness of the
awareness. However, it is not just an awareness of the event in question, no, this is
not the case and can be dispelled rapidly.

To use observation mode instead of self reflection is to become aware of the aware.
To reach this, the old paradigm was that one must first bring to the conscious mind,
and event or otherwise that they were not previously conscious of. In bringing to the
conscious mind, and holding it there, one creates the awareness of. In other words, if
you were not conscious of the yellow car that drove passed you, and nobody raised it
to your conscious mind, then you would have no awareness of it right? No, this is old
perceptional thinking and although it is not wrong, it no longer serves a purpose in
creating awareness of awareness and this is not living at the next level of being

Strictly speaking, and this can be quantified. The mind does not require your
unconscious, subconscious or conscious self to create awareness. In fact it is the self
aspect that gets in the way. The consciousness that maintains your heart beat, and
every other living cell in your being is the consciousness that can and does create
awareness, though it is true that unless your intent is set to call upon and use this
consciousness, then unless by brut forces or by using the old paradigms outlined
above, you will not become anymore aware than you already are now.

In conclusion to this opening section, the suggestion is that us humans possess

abilities that are beyond the perception of everyday life and when tapped into, they
enhance our experience of everyday life and reality. They have always been in
operation, but they have been working unconsciously of your knowledge, and the next
level of being human is about naturally gravitating to and consciously living out your
desired life.

Chapter 2 - The ABC’s of Me and You

You, me, we, exist in the physical. This physical life is something we understand and
identify to the degree that we deem it (real)-ity. We experience things, that is, reality
foremost on the physical level. For example, if we fall over and hurt ourselves,
identification is on the physical level. In fact we have identified so much with this
physical reality, bar a few exceptions this is pretty much all we perceive.

Second in line to the physical is the emotional connection, that is when we fall over
we might “feel” silly, or sad. This is what we perceive as an emotional connection, yet
this is mostly felt unconsciously. In other words, we don’t normally know why it is we
feel silly or sad, the link is not direct.

Third in line is the mental aspect, which is when we fall over we conjure images in the
mind that might be worse than the actual reality. In other words we might say, “I saw it
coming” or “I imagined it to be worse than it was”

Finally there is an intuitive connection, yet as most of us are unaware of such an

existence. It doesn’t even come into our consciousness, although on a level of
everyday existence most humans will at some point in their life ask themselves a few
basic questions such as:

Who am I? What am I doing here? Where do I go when I die?

It is so engrained into our system that when we look outwardly, we really do perceive
and believe everything exists out there with very little thought about how our own
system works. Unlike humans, animals cannot and do not contemplate the
manipulation and transmuting of nature’s energy, they just get on with and utilise what
is in existence. However, humans differ in consciousness. As an example; humans
have mastered the ability to transform raw energies - that is water into steam, steam
into electricity, electricity into heat, and so forth. Collectively humans are conscious as
well as unconscious alchemists, at least when it comes to external energies. Yet
when we turn inwardly, the average human being has no idea of their own make up or
potential. The average human being rarely considers the basic ideas of manipulating
one’s own internal energies. Most people know the functionality of their car better
than they do themselves. In general humans are artful at mastering outside
themselves, yet unaware of themselves on an inner level.

Well the good news is that there are those that can and do. In fact there are many
people who understand themselves, as well as humanity in general, and it is the
fastest growing conscious art of self-development. Not therapy, not motivational
development, not life-coaching; this is internal intuitive conscious self-guided
development and it’s all between you, and you.

To get started, all that’s needed is to adopt the common denominators of what work in
general and apply accordingly. This is not to follow blind faith, or any form of spiritual
networking. The common denominators being talking of here, are the synchronistic
subjective denominators you will perceive along the way.
It really is that simple, at the same time it is quite a task.

Quite a task because the simplicity has gone un-educated for so long that the
average human being has resonated so far from themselves, they are literally candles
blowing in the wind. The much overhyped, highly criticised, feared and beLoVed EGO
prevents one from moving forward. Paradoxically though, one requires an ego to exist
in this reality. The part of the EGO that appears to be over stimulated is the negative
EGO, not the EGO as a whole.

Times have changed – truly times have changed, you me, everyone has the right as
well as the information at hand to educate themselves to their truthful self as well as
their “core purpose”. Living life in the dark, not really fully understanding this “being”,
this physical reality you are born into is fast becoming a thing of the past. With basic
guidance, a self-aware, passionate person such as you, can really start to open up
and discover oneself. Let’s face it, the curiosity within you is nothing new, it has
existed as long as you can remember. All that this is, and what is presented, is serve
to remind you of who you are.

Chapter 3 - Consider This!

Do you consider yourself a fairly typical human being, growing up within the average
surroundings, with the average amount of pleasant, as well as unpleasant
experiences. Unknowingly have you held onto the average amount of suppression
and trauma from your own childhood. Though you don’t consider yourself to be a
victim, nor do you seek, or require sympathy. The feeling is that for most people, they
have a story to tell, and are born into this world with some form of imbalance. Being
average, is it reasonable to postulate that most people experience more or less the
same as you? And like most, you too may carry some hidden suppressions,

Suppression merely means that by the very nature of natural childhood, one did not
possess the ability to fully express themselves. As life unfolds, suppression becomes
a normal hidden attribute. So normal you didn’t know it is going on and you didn’t
know any other existence. Consider the average individual constantly compromising,
going along with others, not fully living their own truth and/or hearts desires. Consider
the average human being not expressing their true inner pains - hurt, anger, despair,
disappointment, resentment and FEAR. Consider that what one does not express,
one suppresses.

What one suppresses, one pushes into the subconscious, forcing it deeper and
deeper away from the conscious mind. Humans have evolved the consciousness to
create an auto-piloting coping mechanism. Because of this, we have become
unaware of our fears and thus, have formed coping strategies, such as avoiding all
that is negative, hurt, and hurtful situations, fear and fearful situations, pain and so
forth. Eventually the very thing that is being avoided is turned (by the mind) into an
acceptable motivator. For example, one may strive to become successful in a career
because one is avoiding feelings/energies of fear and unworthiness. In other words,
what internally drives us is almost certainly rooted in our fears, was this the case for
you? Yet as we cannot consciously see our fears, like we cannot readily see our
shadow, perhaps the external shapes produced by the body that cast darkened light
are in fact representations serving as a reminder that a shadow within exists.

As human beings we were designed to be balanced, but it is your choice as to which

way the pendulum swings. The word choice is used because once aware, you have
the option to allow, accept, own, and take responsibility for the life one leads.
Consciously or unconsciously, you are constantly choosing either FEAR or LoVe.

In our human past, our basic operating system was LoVe. This then gravitated to
experiences of the opposite, that is FEAR. Today, modern human’s reality is built
upon fear, and then overlaid with desires, with LoVe being a conditional attachment.

Consider that as you develop, over time several hundreds, if not thousands of fears
are birthed. As one grows to adulthood, naturally these become compounded.
Psychologists presently understand childhood to be the most important time, which is
the formation of one’s own subjective energy system. These early adopted beliefs
become the foundation for who we think we are, what we believe, and what we stand
for in our world.

Consider not being worried or fearful. Genuinely consider no jealousy, no anger, no

negative ego, or bad attitude. Consider all of life’s heavy negatives no longer driving
you. Genuinely consider that your ultimate fears can be allowed without hesitation
into your mind, without fear of the fear. Consider being in a place of balance and
understanding and a connection to your source of creation. Even if you don’t know
this place right now, consider that it exists. Consider being in peace and at one with
all around you. Consider this peaceful reality as much as you accept the one you
have right now.

Imagine a person who has no religious or spiritual beliefs, no real thought for their
existence, let alone any belief in an afterworld. They have literally no idea what on
earth they are doing here, and they don’t waste time thinking about it either. Through
their own innate fear they submerse themselves into the daily grind of their external
reality. They work hard to create a career, family, home, holidays, movies, friends,
entertainment, etc. Within time the daily grind of existing becomes their very own
drama and, when that’s not satisfying enough, they turn to the drama of others. Then
towards the end of life they reflect and wonder what life was all about. Upon death
they are left with little choice but to renounce and let it all go, but what was it all about
and where do they go if anywhere at all?

Now consider there is more to life than this present material existence. Consider why
it is you never quite found what you were looking for? More importantly, consider
renouncing all that you are before you die, before you become old and are forced to
renounce. A sort of dying, but not in the physical. Consider that it is possible to
renounce all fear, attachments, expectations, and conditioned outcomes before you
passover. Though there is no suggestion that this is easy, it is indeed very possible.

Contrary to general belief, the road back has always been in existence. Yet prior to
present day, and perhaps only through lack of understanding, the road could be
perceived by just a few. Yet there is good news, the window of opportunity is wide
open and it is now down to you to take hold of responsibility, own it, and progress
through life’s illusions.

There is a paradoxical truth. The road back is the way we came. Simple words, yet to
reverse the dynamics of this projected reality is not quite so simple.

By projection it is meant that our eyes are projectors and not the lenses we once
believed. Our eyes capture still images of light, seamlessly converting them into
moving images. A bit like a camcorder, yet it is now understood the brain is the visual
convertor and not the lenses itself.

Although not scientifically proven yet, the probability is that our eyes continually
project reality, perceiving moving images of what the mind/brain is reflecting. This is
an extraordinary highly complex system currently under intense study. However, what
we project we identify and convince ourselves it is external. We become attached to
this illusionary projection that we call reality. Then what one projects, one also reacts
to and with. Reacting then goes on towards co-creating a reality.

However, today we are what we are and humanity just is. After thousands, and
possibly millions, of evolutionary years, your consciousness formed out of the
collective. (The collective meaning you inherited programmed memory of all that was
before you). For example; if you are born in China, you adopt and become Chinese,
and likewise if you are born in the west, you adopt and become a westerner. As you
automatically inherit any given framework, hence you become the perceived you. Yet
perhaps you are an expression of the sum total of all that existed before you, as In an
evolutionary sense, this is what makes you appear complex and sophisticated.

Whilst you inherit these attributes it does not mean this is who you are, it means you
are an expression of the sum total and all that was before you. Likewise, when you
are no longer here, the future me may well be the sum total of all that you are now,
plus what is to come before this expression, that is, before this life of yours expires.

So how do you make sense, rationalise, and rectify this?

The way back is most likely the way forward, and the way forward is most likely the
way back. The words most likely are used for this reality is so highly subjective that if
proven, you would not and could not exist. What you reflect you project, so to begin
one must accept responsibility for their own here and now. No matter whether one
understands, buys into, or rejects this concept, accepting responsibility is groundwork
for undoing forgotten evolution.

In order to change reality, one has to process the projections you have created as
well as the ones you are currently creating. Reality will then change respectively. This
part is subjective FACT, it is also just being.

Chapter 4 - Moving to this New Level of Being Human

Shifting consciousness is a subjective perceptional change and it alters the way one
views, as well as interacts, with reality. However, to make this shift, one must first
allow all prior conditioning, attachments and energy patterns to surface and be

At this point one will have already developed a sufficient amount of reflective curiosity
towards personal transformation. Yet you my friend, will most likely still possess both
a negative aspect of the ego, as well as deep curiosity for yourself and your

Please allow a further explanation:

Generally speaking, one’s negative EGO is well hidden behind a very intrinsic human
defence system. Functioning normally, the negative EGO will ask you to doubt these
very words. This is both normal and natural, so it is better to allow this to just be. The
negative EGO’s identity is not singular in aspect, yet it thinks only for itself. Which
initially would fool you into thinking this is you, but it is not. The negative ego is a
culmination of energies, forming an illusionary aspect of you, but as you move to the
next level of being human, you will experience first hand that this is not you.

However, this is provable as the negative EGO is easily uncovered – when the
negative ego goes over the words in this book, it will automatically pick out the “I’”s
challenging their authority, whilst simultaneously on the subtle level of “perceiving”, it
will soak up the information possibilities analysing for potential change. For example;
whilst reading these words, or whole sections of this book, the negative ego will
question the source (i.e. me, David, the writer). Generally speaking, if all is normal, it
will relay a defence thought something like “what does he know about reality, who is
he to tell me what to do, who is he anyway?”. It may mot use these exact words,
though It will judge, criticise and condemn me because this has been its job. Basically
the negative ego will do its best to protect by way of convincing you that it “knows
better”, it has everything under control, it’s an awesome and much underestimated
defence system. It will cast immediate judgment generally condemning any significant
changes, since it naturally resists any form of change (good or bad). As the negative
ego is a group of energies acting as a singular force it is not just a single entity and
most of all, it has full control of you.

How does one begin to realise one’s potential?

Initially, curiosity arouses awareness that there is more to life, more to existence than
presently being perceived and experienced. Behind the negative ego is the intuitive
self, it might be a glimmer, but it is there. Curious awareness seeks to understand
itself, becoming acutely reflective and aware of any denial, ignorance, and
pretending, or barrier emotions. Awareness moves to the position of observer, instead
of experiencing objectively, it now observes and knows itself as the one experiencing,
as well as the experiencer. One moves to observing denial through defence patterns,
then allows those defence patterns to be. Awareness then turns its attention to
accepting, then to releasing. Eventually one moves to choosing, yet understanding
the whole picture before and whilst doing so.

In short, one is required to purify oneself of all past and present conditioning,
attachments, false beliefs, negative ego, and sub-conscious programming. One
achieves this by raising the level of sub-conscious to the conscious. Once hidden
issues are on the surface, they are processed by the conscious mind, released and
let go. This allows all energies that are not serving your highest good to be
transmuted from a dense heavy negative vibration, to free up the empty space for
expansions of higher consciousness.

What is higher consciousness?

We have all come across an individual we would have referred to as dim, dense,
perhaps even stupid. We have cussed these people for being unaware, not thinking,
living in what seems to be their own world. They appear slow, and not really in tune
with what’s around them, they may be very intelligent, yet that is not the same as low
consciousness. Low consciousness is very little awareness of one’s own self, and
one’s own environment.

Another type of low conscious individual could be highly materialistic, even to the
degree of supa-successful. Their focus is making money, business, yet they have
very little awareness outside their own narrow mindedness. They may enjoy life and
appear to be “living life to the fullest”, yet unless, and until things go wrong, they
never question life outside this focus.

Highly conscious individuals perceive all things with their five senses plus! Yes i said
plus, yet that is for another time, in another module. Their conscious is such that they
can literally think and feel for everyone, and everything, making the best decision that
they feel is right.

The next level of being human is literally leaving it all behind, letting it all go, dumping
the whole shaboom in favour of “being” it all, and opening up their connection to
source energy. Though the words “being” will mean very little right now, please
persevere throughout this module, as all will make sense at some point.

How does one achieve this, and achieve this speedily?

Well, please keep turning the pages

Chapter 5 - Realisation
Perhaps realisation is more of a requirement than preparation, for it is said by most
that they did not realise they were shifting consciousness until in the advanced

Initially, one’s connectedness is to their current physical reality. For example; we all
feel and intense connection to our five major senses, with the strongest overall sense
being of our physical world. Some people are aware of their emotional environment
and some acutely aware of their mental/thinking world. Yet generally speaking it stops
there as most identify and connect with their outside reality.

However, take some time to consider and feel what resonates from the following.
Most all human beings either suspect, think, feel, or know there is more to them than
the above. Most people resonate with more, yet they do not identify with it simply
because they are not certain with what to identify. Human consciousness will only flow
where you feel safe and secure to let it go, with the judge and judicator being
yourself. When your intuition feels suspicious, you stay put and hold back. It feels
safer to remain in a place you know. Yet, It is put to you that you already know you
are more than physical, and with your current level of curiosity, it has aroused an
opening for the road ahead.

Physical reality is at the bottom of the stack; let’s relate this to the genitals since the
genitals are what creates human life. In other words, from the lowest form, that is
physical existence, we create more solidness, meaning another human being. Next
stop upwards is our guts; we all feel from the gut area, some are more connected
than others, yet when we say we have a feeling, it resonates from the gut. Next up is
the heart area, when we think of emotions; we connect them to the heart, as our
emotional world resonates from there. Next is our mental world which is located in our
head. We think with our brain and connect this thinking to our head.

So here we have in reverse order going downwards

1 - Head,
2 - Heart,
3 - Gut,
4 - Genitals

Incoming energy is received in the head, then deciphered and pushed downwards
towards the heart. Then it can be pushed even further to the physical, where one
experiences the very thing in life, though not necessarily through the sexual organs.
A great analogy is a sexual fantasy. First one experiences an incoming thought, then
as one feels what this sexual thought might be like, the energy unconsciously gets
pushed downwards to the emotional level. One chooses to either push it back up to
the mental level where it remains as a sexual fantasy, or push it further down to the
physical level whereby they will connect the experience and release it with sex and an
orgasm on the physical.

What is being highlighting is the basics of how human energy moves through the
human levels of mental, emotional and physical expression. This is just a basic
realisation that there is more to you than you might already be considering. However,
prior to this, these operations with your energy were being performed unconsciously,
one could say we have been slaves to our own self, but now this can be understood,
mastered, and directed with the conscious mind.

Chapter 6, Going with the Flow

Does a butterfly ever get caught in a storm?

Generally, no they don’t.

Butterflies have the innate ability to flow freely in front, behind, yet rarely in the middle
of a storm. They flow with the summer breeze, rising with the highs and falling in the
downdrafts, eventually reaching their destination. Little to no thought is given to their
flight path; they go with their innate flow, their intuition.

Go back to a time when you can remember having the internal urge to go in a
particular direction, yet your mind, or other factors, stopped you. This has happened
to us all. Also think of when you didn’t go with the flow and you tried to control things
your way. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t, more often we experience
an internal dialogue of conflict.

When we go with our mind, we are literally trying to control life and control the
outcome. We convince ourselves temporarily that we are the “creator” of our reality,
yet there is a conflict; one only says this when things are going well and the outcome
is desirable. When things go “bottoms up” usually the blame is projected on to
someone, or something such as fate. Yes, this is only a one sided operation that
creates internal conflict, and if we don’t acknowledge this conflict it gets pushed deep
into our sub-conscious, where it becomes suppressed, but the reality is it doesn’t go
away. This is why when it goes wrong one would say, “I knew it”, or “I should have
listened to myself”.

However, there is another conflict. If we go the opposite direction and listen to only
our heart, then life might seem unfair. Generally all of the energy emanating from the
heart area indicates a signal of passiveness, and others will pick this vibration up and
naturally seek to take control. This leaves a person feeling powerless, valueless and
with low self-esteem.
The idea of going with the flow is to listen to one’s heart, by allowing the energy to
enter the head, drop down to the heart and gut to feel both the emotion and intuition,
then send it immediately back up to the head for processing. That is the purpose of
the mental mind. The energy is then sent out, as an energy that has been received,
felt, understood, processed, and now radiating as a decisive intuitive energy that also
carries a powerful signal of balance.

Going with the flow is a creative skill that develops over time. It is reached by allowing
the head to relinquish all decisions in favour of processing the reactions, responses,
directions, and solutions within your whole energy system. This is best achieved when
one actively puts all form of intentional control to the side, in favour of listening to one
synchronistic environment. For example; when one is faced with a major decision,
your environment will self-reflect the answer through books, songs, TV, and life in
general. You don’t need to act on the first impulse, but allowing the synchronous
events to show three or more times is a strong indicator of life’s future direction.

Coupled with listening to synchronicity, going with the flow will bring about remarkable
inner healing, self development, and a profound level of deep inner peace, secure in
the knowledge that your “I” is not in control of anything. There will grow a distinct
intuitive connection to the source of creation, and there will be a realisation that reality
is not fixed. This is exciting and builds trust in the fact that we most certainly are not
alone in our journey called life.

Chapter 7, Are we Connected to Anything at All?

Are you connected to anything at all or is this just a reality of individuality?
Are you a fragment of the source of all that is?
Are you the source of all that is?
Are you just and individual human being, experiencing and individual evolution?

Richard Dawkins has concluded humanity is the product of evolution, with the get out
clause that potentiality exists for a higher source of unknown intelligence. The Pope
professes we are the off spring of God, with direct faith being the cornerstone of one’s

Both the evolutionary and off spring of God theories come cloaked with ambiguities,
yet both could be plausible for one to understand one’s own truth. However, modern
consciousness has developed, and inside the heart, at the core of every human
resides an aspect of subjective curiosity. That curiosity may rear itself on a train, in a
coffee shop, or at any given moment in life. The curiosity being talked of here, is the
kind of curiosity that you have already experienced in pondering your own existence.

It is highly likely my friend, you have at some point asked yourself:

Who am I?
What am I doing here?
What is the meaning of my life?
Where do I go when I die?

From what will unfold here on and within, our logical and sometimes-illogical topics of
discussion will strive to an understanding. May It also be emphasised that this book
does not follow a traditional plot or format of “how to.” Indeed, this too would be
misleading and counterproductive. The whole book from beginning to end is loaded
with subconscious moments of self-realisation, with the end goal being that of “I get
it”, meaning that, you get it.

Just as once the world was perceived and believed to be flat, and that the stars were
holes for heavens light to shine through. Science cleared up the mystically unknown.
Through years of observation cross-examination and new understandings through
analysis, we now perceive the world to be round, and that the stars are self-contained
planets out there in space. Yet what if this principle of evolutionary science continues
and we find our perceptions of today no longer exist tomorrow? These are the very
potentials that have so far carved our reality; therefore consider is it reasonable for us
to consider that evolutionary science will continue and that new discoveries will
render the old invalid?

For example: consider the theoretical science that the world is not out there at all, that
what appears and is perceived to be “out there” is actually an internal projection. To
take it one step further, not only is it a projection, but also that projection is a reflection
of your very own mind (i.e. internally you are projecting your consciousness outwardly
as a type of hologram).

Does that tax your mind?

Well, imagine how the Pope felt when Galileo announced the world was not at the
centre of the solar system. However, up until Galileo’s publications in 1632/3 (through
his observation of the universe using a telescope), Catholic religion had its roots in
that the earth was the centre of the universe. When it was discovered to be untrue,
the Pope had Galileo put under house arrest for the remainder of his days. Back then
the mind of the Pope could not accept this shift in reality, therefore religion continued
to perceive its own beliefs. Of course, we are now 400+ years later and today’s Pope
may or may not accept that the sun is indeed at the centre of our solar system, yet
global consciousness (i.e. the general world’s population perceive and believe
present day science to be so factual, that it becomes our perceived reality). Yet, what
if what we discussed earlier has potential (which science says it has) and that
scientific evolution continually evolves (which it does) then there is every reason to
doubt today’s theories being the truth of life. The fact is science doesn’t yet know,
another fact is that evolution continues to evolve and that nothing ever stays the
same. Therefore it is also reasonable to assume that present day theories will evolve
on from themselves towards newly emerging theories?

What are these theories?

Well there are many, that is string theory, multiverses, holographic universes, the list
goes on. When implicit consciousness gathers momentum and one theory weighs
heavy against another, it becomes explicit in nature eventually becoming perceived
by the world. With enough factual evidence through scientific proof, and media
propagation a new unfolding reality evolves, hence a new belief system is perceived.
So going back to the “world may not be out there theory”, it may be within us, is not
so illogical. If that were the case it would mean that we, that is you and me are all
connected. If what we perceive is a projected reflection of our own consciousness,
then you are I, and I am you, (i.e. you have projected these words by your mind in
order to work yourself out and understand the game of life by way of reading this
information). OK it’s just one theory; yet the validity exists just as much as any other,
this is why it is wise for us to remain in a place of openness. There is one more thing!
If parts of this resonated with you, then this sense of connectedness is already there,
it resides within you, and is not something being professed or is out there.
Here is a quick example of the illusion called separateness.
Imagine you go to a town centre shopping mall, yet you have to park your car one
mile away, do you feel connected to the shopping centre?
No, most likely you do not.

Now imagine you go to an airport and you park your car at exactly the same distance.
that is one mile from the terminal building, but this time, irrespective of the distance,
the car park is on the actual airport grounds and forms part of the airport. What is this

Naturally one feels connected?

The feeling at the airport car park is that one has arrived because it belongs to the
airport. However, this is an illusion as both car parks could belong to the same
company and have nothing to do with the airport. What has fooled one is the mind.
One’s brain has technically led one to an unconscious belief that the shopping centre
is separate, though in truth it is no more separate than the same car park that is also
one mile from the airport terminal building.

Our brains have trained themselves to associate, connect and separate to what it
feels best, but this is the creation of the illusion. Our brain has formed a passive
believe, passive in the sense that we did not instruct it too. However, regardless of
what the brain formulates, as in the car park, it is not necessarily the truth.

In life, there is also a certain curiosity that you too are connected to something, but
exactly what it is that you are connected too, you are not 100% sure of. So, it is much
easier to go with the flow and get on with your life than to work out your own
existence. Yet the curiosity has become explicit by nature and the path to
understanding has begun. You are now in the process of unfolding the layers of

Chapter 8, Entering the System – Turning Inward

OK, let’s get on with the main theme, which is undoing and moving to the next level of
being human. That is, becoming a conscious master of one’s own self.

As an example, please allow me to use John.

When John first came to me, he was resonating in so much fear, and was so attached
to the mind that turning 180° was a meaningless phrase. Being an average male,
raised and guided by both parents in western society (UK), John’s mentors and role
models were business and TV icons. He was firmly fixated on the external material
world. Conditioning had taught him it was all out there, creation was external, and that
inside himself was just a jumble of biological organs.

His belief structure was so strong that he believed in himself so much so, resistance,
denial, pretending, all served as his major blocking agents. He had unconsciously
suppressed his childhood to the degree of overwriting and becoming conscious of
only positive dialogue. John was extremely cut off from all aspects of himself, not
even understanding the terminology. Unintentionally he had over identified with the
ego/mind. To John, his ego was the beneficial centre of his existence, and all else
was either non-existent, or just theoretical.

Back then John had absolutely no idea what was happening. He just wasn’t getting
the “listen to your heart, go with the flow, allow”, and accept theories. Whatever
method he used, that is meditations, MP3’s, audio books, self-help books, therapy,
etc. They weren’t even denting the issues. Worst of all, was that his teacher/guides/
gurus, and mentors all turned the issues around and blamed none other than John

They were right, but not in a blaming context. John’s own automatic defence system
felt victimised, hence he projected blame. His intuition existed, yet probably in the
region of 10%, with the rest influenced by his own hidden fear drivers. John thought
he was connected to the source of all that is, yet what he had was a thin line trying to
penetrate a WALL OF STEEL. John's wall of steel was his closed heart. In fact he
was so lacking in emotion that people would often refer to him as “The Fridge”. It was
so strong that he genuinely did not feel many, if any emotions at all. John did not cry,
give, or receive sympathy, and the thought of LoVe outside a four letter word was
ridiculous. Unconsciously he allowed nothing to come near his emotional energy
centre; that is the heart centre.
So here he was with a WALL OF STEEL not being able to access anything, and when
anything came near him – it was defence, defence, defence…

Though one guide that knew exactly where he was, and took him on as a project and
was eventually able to get through. His guide was named Wells. This is what he had
to say about his experience of guiding John through the process.

The words of John’s guide:

The first stage of turning in on oneself is to pick a topic, a theme, a fearful thought or
phobia. In the case of John, we started with his most prominent negative phobic fear
thoughts of “heart attacking”. Not his root thoughts, but the surface ones. These
thoughts were pervading John’s mind at the rate of 20,000+ per day, creating an
extreme negative state.

Without the use of hypnotic or psychoanalysis, I connected to John in the clearness

and clarity of normal wakened consciousness. He was advised to turn 180°, face and
feel the pain, anxiety and the pressure in his chest. However, for John this proved
difficult. His natural state was to avoid pain, anxiety and when pain or pressure struck
his energy field created a diversion strategy. It blocked off all memories pertaining to
the events that contributed to the pain in the first place, hence he would overload his
system causing pain, anxiety, and panic. John had flat packed his emotional
imbalances, negative experiences and fears into a compartment deep within his
energy field, that is; his subconscious. Additional to his own baggage was the
collective negativity he had attracted. Being an unconscious hoarder of dark energy,
he had become a walking magnet for negative energies. Over the years, these
energies compounded and flat packed, condensed and crystallised into physical
illness. There, they bled through resulting in pain, anxiety, panic and fear.

As he felt the pain, it came to the point he feared an on the spot “heart attack”, he
resonated in the fear zone of dying. In this zone he was encouraged to face and feel
the pain. Maintaining this unpleasant painful experience, I then transferred conscious
energy intent to unwind his issues. The pain was intense as old memories began to
rise. During this session it is important to note that three prominent memories arose
though prior to this, John had no memory or conscious awareness of these. All three
arising memories were acts of violence of father towards son.

Over the next few weeks, John’s sleep and dreams became erratic, panic was on the
surface, and diarrhea was rife.
He began to understand that turning in means to feel the pain. Contrary to every
human belief, it is to feel the pain at the same time intentionally sending out a human
thought signal to “know” what is the root of this pain. For the first time, this may be
best accomplished with a skilled guide, yet for issues less than John’s it is not
necessary, as we will cover later.

Turning in is a simple act, yet difficult to achieve when the negative ego mind is
running the show, and because the negative ego mind identifies as you, you are
fooled into thinking this is you. Yet behind the negative ego lie all your hidden issues,
which serve as fear drivers and once released the peaceful you can emerge.

It cannot be impressed more and please do not underestimate that the catalyst to
unfolding your true self is set within you. Whilst a guide can lead you to the issues,
only you can unlock and free them, this is achieved with INTENT…Yet not just
surface intent, It is with deep passionate wholehearted INTENT. Intent that you really
do wish to know your own TRUTH.

It is through self-exploratory experiences, that when one genuinely desires to know

one’s truth and “continually” emits this signal to the universe, then one is not left
unanswered. What follows this signal is sometimes ugly, unwanted, and distasteful,
but if that is your truth, then that is what will unfold. If you process and clear this,
peace will surface, as at the core peace resides with all human beings. Yet genuine
caution is advised here, for when one enters the realms of uncovering one’s truth, the
darkest, as well as purest truth will emerge. Self-mastering is not for the faint hearted.

Here is a very basic but equally useful exercise that was compiled for John that he
still follows today:

Dear Universe, source and creator of all that is,

Please take me to my truth,
Balance my being to its original creation,
Release all un-serving fear and imbalanced root thinking,
Allow me to understand and know myself, as well as my creator/s,
Guide me to master myself, my world and my universe,
Thank you.

Done with passion, this is simple, quick and ultra-effective. It goes without saying this
needs to be done morning, noon and night. A good idea is to pop these words on a
PC, a mobile phone, or print them out and carry them with conviction. These above
words went global with John, and during his darkest hours, intent was reinforced.

This is only a suggestion; it may or may not resonate with you. What’s most important
is wording INTENTIONAL signals to resonate with your style and the way it feels right
for you. So with that in mind you might wish to revamp or completely compile your
own. Yet do it and say it to yourself with ultimate passion and conviction, like your
whole life depended upon it, because it does.

Chapter 9, Opening the Vault

Once the intent has been sent, the universe will respond. If one feels there is no
response, look at the intent behind the intent. Whether skeptical, non-believing, or
sending out half-hearted intent, the universe will respond. If a response appears
elusive, it is most likely one is not perceiving the receiving. In other words, one has
not yet tuned oneself into a receiver of signals. The more intent, the higher ones
sensitivity in receptors, yet there is always a delay, a type of buffer from intent to
physical reality. For some it may be first hit first time, for others it may take a few
days, or even weeks.

As a general format, one’s first experience may be an evening of heavy sleep

“immersed in highly active dreams”. Or it may well be the opposite, insomnia, with no
dream recall. Both are “energy in motion” and either experience is normal. As
conscious intent grapples with the sub conscious content, a rigid, non-flexible mind
could easily experience insomnia. However, this is only temporary and it is only a
matter of time before it breaks down. On the other hand, if one sleeps deep and
dreams wild and colourful dreams, then this signifies acceptance, and an energy
rebalance is underway.

Other more immediate tell-tale signs are old experiences raising themselves as vivid
memories, some of which you may have long forgotten. Especially those unpleasant
experiences where one made certain decisions to become a certain way, or form a
particular belief. This can go on for days, weeks, even months until the suppressed
issues are raised and processed. As there are hundreds, possibly thousands of
issues, it can seem like an eternity, but rest assured that “if the rubbish wasn’t in the
bin, sort of speak, then the bin wouldn’t need to be emptied”.

Chapter 10, What are the Notes to Pass On?

Contrary to popular belief, one cannot discover and create themselves without first
unfolding, and emptying their own inner bin. This means to access the inner core of
one’s own self.

Ultimately you are not separate from the whole, though you could never discover this
through me, someone, or something else. This is like looking for the sun in the sea.
You will only ever know through your own internal subjective connection called
“intuition”, because only the intuition possesses the link to the source of creation, all
else is projections of your own consciousness.

Test it for yourself.

What you see and perceive externally is littered with many options of this way and
that way, whereas the internal connection has but only one source. Though what
clouds one’s true judgment is an energy system loaded with debris. It is this internal
debris that prevents us from reaching our truthful intuition. Until one empties their bin
full of rubbish, cleans the bin out, it is impossible to gain mastery and control over

Here is just a small example of some aspects that may no longer be working for you
and your life:

1 - Positive thinking becomes inoperative, or in other words, useless when the core of
a human being is operating on fear. Yet because the core is operating unconscious of
your conscious mind, then it is highly likely this will take time to uncover.

2 - Affirmations also become useless, acting only as temporary fixes, that is


3 - When the human is loaded with excess baggage, positive thinking or

visualisations become ineffective. Especially hidden imbalances.
4 - Healers, guides and gurus can be helpful, while at the same time they can
become counter productive. Remember everything has a polar opposite, and during
such times as a personal unfolding, you will perceive both energies radiating from
humanity. A Healers energy can dilute the healing process simply because your reality
is being filtered through their own perceptional awareness, and passed down to you
second hand, sort of speak. This is second hand and distorted information, and it is
not your truth.

5 - Meditating, following a religion, using essences and other stuff becomes a fruitless
pastime when one’s energy system is full of debris. Yet in an attempt to self heal, it is
often what most first turn to. Though know that until the basics have been grasped ,
and main core drivers dealt with, these activities only delay the process.

Nobody, and it is repeated for clarity, nobody knows, understands, perceives or has
the power to heal and create your desires other than you. Whilst guidance can be
sought, and at times be helpful, this is just a means to put you in touch with you. It is
a reflection of the inner self, projecting externally, but at all times the origin is you.
What you cannot hear or perceive from the inside, your consciousness will project
outwardly – it is as simple, or as complicated as that.

Paradoxically, the way forward is actually the way back, meaning one’s equilibrium is
uncovered by going internally. One must undo their life by turning 180° to face that
which has always been avoided. As an example, if one feared failure, one must turn
to, face, feel, and allow the suppressed energy to rise for purification. If one applies
old methods of “think positive and I will become positive”, this only serves to overlay
the root – as fear will still exist. Although it appears to be the opposite of innate
instincts, turning 180°, entering into, and releasing one’s innate instinctual drivers, is
today’s method of uncovering as well as discovering one’s totality of being,
discovering inner peace, and using your own co-creating abilities.

Chapter 11, Allowing

One small word with such great power – ALLOW

Our instincts tell us to resist that which we dislike, yet it is this very aspect that creates
a very deep conflict. On one hand, we desire growth and freedom, on the other is
worry and fear. Even if it something that we desire, like taking a holiday or moving to
a new house, at the core, we often fear the very thing we desire.

In not allowing we naturally resist, thus the phrase “what you resist persists’. Yet
because it is all we know, we continually overlook this truth resisting in the hope that
one-day our resistance will give up. In reality this does not happen, because it is the
negative ego that is resisting life’s truth. If there is a present fear or worry and one
resists, it pushes it back down to where it originated. Not only that, it becomes
compounded/suppressed and it never truly goes away because the “root” is lodged
deep within the human energy system we have come to understand as the sub-

What one does not allow, does not go away, this much is known fact. What one does
not allow, comes back for allowance, hence the creation of self-circulating energies
that we previously made a judgment of something like, “life is crap”. Yes, life is crap
and will be crap if one does not allow their own energy to free flow. It is a truth of
humans that we do not motivate ourselves for change unless in discomfort or pain.
Though now, there is a consciousness that is allowing us to discover and unfold our
own individual truth.
Allowing one’s own unpleasant thoughts and feelings to rise “without resistance” is
necessary and allows the issue to be processed for releasing.

Though what does that mean?

Processing is when the issue being allowed rises to the surface of one’s conscious
mind and allows the totality of the universe to pervade the matter with light. Not a
flash light, but light in the sense of expanded awareness. When you are facing a
difficulty that would normally not be allowed, one would allow it to be, at the same
time, one would switch to observer mode asking the internal intuitive self for answers.
They will come, it is guaranteed because your intention is set to clear and purify
which is for the goodness of you and all.

Most all humans invest a great deal of time and energy avoiding their own unpleasant
thoughts, worries, fears and feelings. Absurd as it may sound, the very thing one is
avoiding is actually the answer. Not only is it the answer, it is the actuator to raise the
embedded issue to the conscious where it can be processed and let go. However,
this does not mean if one fears touching a spider then one must cuddle a spider. On
the contrary, one must consciously allow the fear to rise, touch the actual energy and
parameters of that energy, accepting all that comes with it and then, “let it go”.

Due to internal beliefs, attachments, and conditioned associations, this feels against
one’s own instinct but that instinctual feeling is false. May it be reiterated that, the
instinctual innate pre-programmed feelings are not to allow, but this does not serve us
anymore and it can be passed through. Allowing thoughts of worry, fears of whatever,
feelings of whatever and pain to be there is an absolute pre-requisite in resolving
one’s own embedded issues.

The next time a fearful thought arises, allow it to remain. Move towards viewing it in
reflective mode, evolve to be an observer. This takes a great deal of practice, yet it is
absolutely necessary to dislodge and dissolve all hidden imbalances.

Allow, allow, allow is a golden key.

Chapter 12, Accepting

Without accepting, one cannot progress and will remain in a place of stuckness.
Please heed this impartial advice, as one can literally become stuck for quite some
time. Many people know stuckness so well, it is their entire life,

When you move to acceptance, not conceptual acceptance, but genuinely accept,
then reality twangs. Accepted it all, allowing, resistance, and defensiveness, fear,
resent, despair, disappointment - it all, and allow it to BE.

One simply must allow all instinctual programmes to run but not react, then accept
that these are just that, programmes. These are not you. They are programmes, just
as birth, aging and death are all programmes. Thankfully humanity are no longer
bound by the strictness of these governing energies, but it is up to you to decide to
free them. For you cannot free yourself if it is not in your desire, and if it is not in your
desire, it is not your intention. Intention sets the progress in motion, this is how it
Chapter 13, Resistance
Our human energy system has subconsciously evolved training itself to pick and
choose its own temperature. From birth, the mind memory forms a library of likes and
dislikes, to which we become attached. Yet paradoxically, It is this very system that is
maintaining the distance from your true sense of self.

It is vital to recognise and allow resistance to just be there, this is the first step
towards melting resistance. Though because pride and the negative aspect of the
EGO tell us stories of “I am me and I am a separate born individual”, communication
between our true source becomes heavily distorted. So much so, that a belief is
formed that you are separate and really are an individual. Belief in this illusionary
aspect adds fuel to the fire, driving one further and further away from their original
source. Hence resistance becomes us, but not only that, it feels so natural we don’t
even realise there is an alternative.

However, the bigger picture called the universe has provided and alternative way
forward. That alternative is to face the very resistance and pass straight through it.
One must turn completely in on themselves to face the very thing that is directing
them away.

Here are a few brief examples:

Extreme resistance – Let’s say an individual experiences an internal urge to change

their life and do something else, perhaps a new career direction, a new job, etc. On
the surface one rejects this internal dialogue as preposterous and untimely. One
ignores the call and continues with their desires being instructed from one’s head.
Though it is not long before life gets well and truly out of sync and things don’t work
out as expected, but one forges ahead anyway. This is resistance, which is guiding
you through the negative ego. One believes they have to maintain their self, their
identity, and all their conditioned beliefs, but because one is so disconnected from
their source, the separate non physical, negative aspect of the ego feels in control,
and it is. Over time, one might have many jobs but still be dissatisfied. This is
because they are resisting the internal call, therefore over time one would get well
and truly disillusioned with life as a whole. This is resistance.

Subtle resistance – This kind of resistance is very cunning indeed. As a rule subtle
resistance goes totally undetected, nevertheless it is resistance all the same. Let’s
assume there to be a quite negative individual who actually desires change, but no
matter what they do, things seem to remain the same and their perceptional outlook is
bleak. This is because the ego, in particular the negative aspect of the ego is
maintaining distance from energies that it wishes you do not touch. We are not talking
Matrix, or Star Trek here, these are energies that do not wish to be disturbed because
behind them is LoVe. As crazy as this sounds, LoVe is always at the core of any and
all individuals, it is just overlaid with many fears. Remove the fears and LoVe peeks

Chapter 14, The Human Defence System

Our human defence system has evolved in a very impressive manner. For a moment,
try and consider the world united, as a whole source acting as one. Our globe has
multiple defence systems constantly scanning the skies searching for potential
invasions. Should we be invaded it is likely we would group together and act as this
whole. Though when we turn our attention to individual nations, they rarely see eye to
eye, their tendencies are to defend themselves against one another. When we scale
this down even further, our human defence system operates not too dissimilar, as we
act in a way that defends ourselves against each others. One could argue the
external world is almost a mirror reflection of one’s inner world.

What would happen if something were to penetrate our highly sophisticated global
monitoring systems, how would we know friend from foe?

We don’t and it is most likely our global defence systems would shoot first, then ask
questions later. The same can be said for our own internal defence systems, that is
individually we shoot first to defend, then ask questions later. This is the very nature
of human evolution and the modern day natural defence system.

However, consider the situation if you assume defence is worthless in the first place.

For example, imagine something is heading for earth and global systems go into red
alert. Missiles are launched and they strike the target, but who knows if they were
friend or foe? History will furnish you with the knowledge that whilst defence is there
to hold back, it never protected or prevented the inevitable.

What is being highlighted is that defence does not stop what’s already on it’s way.

With all their might and power, most all humans defend their negative ego selves and
they do this unconsciously. To move to the next level of being human, one must allow
one’s own defence system to dissolve.

This is no easy task.

For example; in this modern world of ours, many people experience multiple romantic
relationships, some short and some long term. After each break up, one might feel
hurt, disappointment, pain, exhaustion, etc. Yet one very rarely accepts that their
partner was a reflection for them to understand. Very often one voids the
unpleasantness such as pain, hurt, lack of desire, etc, only to seek pleasure in the
next person. When pleasure and desire erode it’s time to move on again. In a basic
sense this is their defence system unconsciously but silently in operation. The human
defence system works a little like a computer “anti virus” programme. It defends and
destroys without you even knowing about it. Anything that comes near gets deflected
without disturbing ones equilibrium, yet if the incoming alert is strong, one is guided to
move away from the pain “consciously”. It is very rare an individual will self-reflect to
understand what it is they are trying to avoid, at the very best some will self-reflect
broken relationships analysing their contribution, but that is it. They do not reflect and
understand what it is in their self that they continually avoid, but because this is
embedded, seeing the cause can appear an impossibility.

During the unfolding of oneself, one’s defence system will continually catch you out by
protecting hidden fears, hidden memories, hidden dislikes, etc. When one tries to
approach any internal issues, one’s natural conditioned defence system activates
(silently) from the sub-conscious into red alert mode, and before one knows it they
are defending themselves.

This is mentioned for you to become conscious only. Become conscious that there is
more to you and your energy system than you previously were aware. For the time
being just allow the defence system to be there, recognizing it is a part of you.
Chapter 15, The Human Coping System
Coping is very closely related to defence, albeit coping is our own energy system’s
way of preventing one approaching one’s own internal self.

For example; John was having sexual fantasies that were invading his day and
preventing his focus. However, they also created internal desire and arousal which he
didn’t want to give up. John is a high-ranking married academic who leads a normal
life. His deepest fantasy was for him to simultaneously make LoVe to another man
and woman where he would be the passive participant, a type of subservient
assistant. He desired to be guided living out both sexes, i.e. hetro and bisexual
experiences, but at all times he desired to remain passive to the female. He desired
for her to teach him how to oral her man, and then to pleasure her but only on
command. His feelings towards the female were paramount; he had to keep her
happy at all times (he called this respect).

John had lived this mental fantasy in his head for many years, skirting around the
issue with his female partner. She dismissed the ideas as perverse and unnatural,
John then went underground. Naturally, he could not just let the issues go, so he did
what most people do, and simply suppressed them. Yet they troubled him for many
years, to the point where he needed to live it or seek help.

Through my own empirical studies, it is my believe that John is average in the terms
of being human. I mean he is not weird, wacky, geeky, or perverse. He is an
extremely well presented, highly educated, upstanding citizen whom respects all
fellow human beings. He did not understand his desires were overlaid negative
imbalances of his own energy system created to keep him from feeling the
unpleasants in life. Sexual fantasy is the universes creative energy converting itself
into raw mental expressive format ready to release at human physical level.

There are multiple issues here, yet John’s coping system is containing and keeping
him from internal negatives that have been overlaid with energies of desire. Behind
desire is a feeling, that is john would feel internal satisfaction in being subservient to a
female. He would feel empowered and in control by oraling a man. What he lacks at
his own core his system co-creates an overlaying energy of desire to keep him as far
away from his imbalance as possible. Oraling a man is a male energy of power and
control; generally speaking this desire energy gives females the feeling of
empowerment. John is not necessarily bisexual or gay, his unexpressed male energy
of power and control have not been flowing in his daily life, therefore they get pushed
and suppressed to the deepest level whereby the result is a coping strategy to
release and feel the lack that he has.

All sexual fantasy is a coping mechanism of attachment to desire to self-express the

opposite to that of which you do not desire to experience. It is also a vehicle to
express the imbalanced male/female energy of being human.

Another form of coping can express itself externally as ambition.

This is a clever disguise, accepted by society with handsome bi-products of material

success, yet this is not the truth of the root energy. At core level, beneath the
conscious mind is a driver of insecurity and fear.

For example; John was also a highly ambitious career minded, and highly motivated
individual who was convinced that “ambition” was a gifted attribute of his own
character. It was desirable to those around him and the material things in life he
created; yet at core level John was unfulfilled. Surface physical reality appeared
wonderful, yet beneath the surface was a very different story. However strictly
speaking unhappiness was not John, it was more of a niggling internal dissatisfaction
than anything else.

Most likely, and a long time ago, prior to his ability to remember, John’s energy
system created it’s own internal coping strategy. His own truth was that he was not as
gifted as he had ascribed himself, it was more an avoidance of his own low-self-
esteem, redecorating itself as a desire energy called ambition. John was driving
himself to the limits, to prove the words that his father was wrong, and that he was not
worthless, and he was not just a commoner in life. His system had been submersed
in negative energies from birth; these were now impressed upon his own hard drive
(i.e. John’s mind) and were the driving force behind his life. At core level he felt so
valueless, he felt what his own Father had told him since birth, and his system had
bought the story. Not only did it buy the story, John’s system knew life would not be
happy operating from low self-esteem so it cleverly overlaid the negative energies
with its opposite counterpart and hey presto it created “ambition”. As he grew up, and
in order to cope, his system cleverly painted over the pain with desire. However, in
truth he was on an endless journey, as no matter how successful he became, the
propellant was MORE, MORE, MORE. This is what the negative ego does in order to
prevent one touching one’s own inner self, yet at core level the feelings of low self-
esteem, valueless, and fear never ever dissipated.

Chapter 16, Releasing the Hunger for LoVe

Irrespective of who and what we are, at core level we are all seeking the same,,,, that
is LoVe. LoVe is an innate, and in my own opinion, “a primary human driver”. Either
one is operating on LoVe, or from Fear, and in most, it is fear that has an unconscious

A brief story: Daniel was experiencing a highly argumentative relationship. He

described how every 4-6 weeks he and his wife entered into the same cycle of
destructive arguing, worst of all it was over the smallest things. Initially the cause
seemed to be the surface stuff, yet Daniel reminded himself how his beautiful wife
continually pushed the same buttons in him. He said that at core level he “felt” she did
not and had never “showed” him LoVe the way he “wanted”. Over time this
compounded and suppressed itself. Five years on, still hitting the same feelings led
Daniel to feel more and more resent, frustration, and anger towards her. Every time
they rowed, it would follow the same format. She would mistakenly react to his quiet
days as moody days; he in return would feel “unLoVed” making him naturally
withdraw. The cycle would repeat itself with Daniel wishing to “leave and escape” and
his wife “searching for reassurance and support from others”.

This cycle was so continuous, it became both predictable and boring with each one
becoming more, and more insecure with each other.

Their truth is that there are no external insecurities, the insecurities lie within
themselves. Each is reflecting each other’s insecurity like a mirror back and forth. For
example; Daniel was starved of LoVe from birth, hence he had created an “I NEED”
energy pattern of LoVe, he was continually searching for the feeling of “LoVe”. This
grew with him to adulthood where it became an energy pattern that eventually drove
him. The same can be said for his wife, she too was insecure at core, with an
attachment to others for inner well-being. These patterns of energy became their
primary drivers, and internal reactors.
It is said that LoVe resides at the core and that over time, we humans have attached
LoVe to external people, places, and things. In turn, this drives us to continually
search for something that is not outside, hence we never truly find real peace,
happiness or LoVe. Of course, the modern mind finds this concept difficult to grasp,
that’s because the negative ego with all its formed energy patterns are holding and
masking its own truth. But think about this, would any creator create, or evolutioner
evolve the ultimate expression of oneself to be outside oneself?

For a moment consider that if true LoVe is external, then how many people actually
find, or have found that true LoVe? How many people have lived in total truthful
internal bliss for a whole lifetime? Yes, you do not need reminding that there is not
many people in the world emanating true LoVe. Yet remember I said “not many’, I did
not state this as a negative, only as a reality, and that true LoVe as state of being can
be, and indeed is lived out by a minority. May we then consider that if LoVe is not
found on outside, then it could actually be an internal state of being, but not only that,
consider that it is every human beings original created state? and that means that this
state of “being and existing in true LoVe, is open for YOU to claim as your own

Consider that the way, and the route to LoVe is the very place it radiates from – that is
the, or better stated, YOUR heart centre. Consider the way to LoVe is to let go and
release all attachments to needing, wanting, desiring, and searching for external
LoVe. This way one has the opportunity to become LoVe, emit LoVe, radiate LoVe.

This might sound like a fairy tale, but every human being is in search of LoVe, and if
one adopts the mode of only receiving, it is like trying to find yourself outside yourself,
its near impossible. One would be on a never-ending search, and if we look around at
human beings today that’s exactly what is happening. Irrespective of religion, material
wealth, power, etc, etc, we have a whole world and history of true eternal LoVe
eluding people.

So how could one discover this eternal LoVe? Well it cannot be covered in this single
document, yet over time, if you read many of these quick read books, you will
automatically engage in the process. Nevertheless, to begin the process one can start
to conceptualise with identifying all known and unknown attachments towards LoVe.
Meaning that in a general sense, you would normally expect LoVe to be this way or
that way. I must do this or that to make you feel good, or you must do this in order for
me to feel you LoVe me. This is the state most all of us humans live in, and while we
might not wish to admit this, deep inside at that connected intuitive core level, one
requires LoVe to be their way in order for LoVe to be reciprocating.

Identifying attachments that are not serving you well is quite a task. This in itself is
very time consuming as one needs to consciously, as well as identify the unconscious
triggers. Do not underestimate this transmuting process, it cannot be achieved by the
time you read this book, as in truth it takes an enormous amount of dedication to
liberate oneself. Nevertheless, please do not be dismayed because the road maybe
long, yet if you so desire to engage, these quick reads are designed specifically to
help you along every step of the way. Though allow me to outline, that there is no
end, the process we call life is the journey itself and the destination is down to you.
Your journey in life is what we will uncover, and it is this that will assist in uncovering
and discovering your own internal LoVe.

A brief story continued: Daniel discovered through bickering, that the bickering was in
actual fact his own negative ego’s reaction to “not-feeling LoVe” which was
masquerading as hurt, and projecting as blame. Other things to look for are ones
need to be complimented, adorned, worshiped, and cared for, the list goes on. Yet
one must identify every known and unknown attachment to what you believe LoVe to

Sex is a big one – think if your husband, wife, or partner were to come home and say
“I have just experienced sex with another and it was fabulous, but don’t worry, I still
LoVe you”. This would most likely trigger feelings of jealousy, hurt, betrayal, pain,
conflict, etc. and whilst this was an extreme highly improbable example, remember
these were all your reactions/responses and not theirs. In a basic sense, if the bin
doesn’t have rubbish in it, the rubbish won’t come out. This is not to say you need to
move to this premise of reality, but if the attachments towards pain were not there, the
heart would not hurt.

Real unconditional LoVe is expecting nothing, yet giving.

Attaching nothing to the outcome, yet giving.

Not wanting, needing, or even desiring, but giving.

Real unconditional LoVe is giving with a preference but not a requirement to


Understandably this is easier said than done, yet to be free of needing to receive and
to be in a continual state of giving, means that one is a co-creator of LoVe, as well as
a master of oneself.
Another very important aspect is that of responsibility. One has to take responsibility
for oneself, in other words lack of self-LoVe denotes requiring/needing conditional

This is not meant as self-loving by dressing up and fancying oneself in the mirror, or
bathing in salts, with candles and wine. Self-LoVe is a little more intrinsic than that. To
begin with it’s a good idea to self-reflect in the mirror for your own truth. Stand in front
of a mirror just looking at yourself (without judgment), just look into your own eyes
and sense what you feel. Do you radiate LoVe or do you feel LoVeless? The surface
negative ego might give you a positive or negative story, yet deep inside there is truth
of self-LoVe. What you are now connecting to is the intuitive part of yourself that
knows yourself and in there somewhere is LoVe. Not an ego LoVe, or an attached
LoVe, just LoVe, better explained as a form of peace.

As in the case of Daniel, he didn’t “feel” his wife “showed” him LoVe, and when she
did it wasn’t the way he “wanted”. First of all his feeling was real for him, but this was
not a feeling from the heart, it was a feeling generated from the negative ego’s conflict
centre. Because his wife didn’t “show” him LoVe the way he “wanted”. In that, showed
meaning he expected it a certain way, and wanted meaning he was trying to control
receiving LoVe. To expect one’s self to be able to control ones incoming LoVe is quite
an unreasonable request, would you agree? At the very least by expecting and
controlling he is commanding his own system to generate conflict. He has given his
energy system an unpleasant task, one which it cannot fulfill.

It cannot fulfill this because at core level we all radiate another reality, a vibration that
the other will collect and analyse separate to spoken words, we all do this and are
highly conscious of the fact. So when Daniel is arguing over the small stuff, his wife’s
energy system is receiving the “expect” and “control” aspects that his sub-conscious
is emitting. Her unconscious receives it and translates it into insecurity energy, and
then she churns it out as words of defence or criticism. Removing the imbalances is
the first step, but not enough, as one has to self-LoVe in order not require, and when
one does not require, one is at peace whether it is present or not.
Self-loving is not trying to control oneself, it is taking responsibility, and it is not being
selfish but it is self-mastering. Self-loving is taking care of you before taking care of
others. Self-loving is easily misconstrued self with selfishness, yet it is impossible to
help another if at first you cannot help yourself. In other words, if you are not in a
position valued and LoVed by yourself, how could others perceive you to be their
inspiration, their helper/mentor? If you do not exist, then what good is that for other
people, you are not here to help and LoVe, right? For the goodness of all, you first
have to help yourself. That doesn’t mean think only for yourself, it means feel from the
core what it is you are. Nurture that what it is you feel from the heart, but think for the
good of all, there is a big difference.

Thinking for oneself and only oneself maybe selfish, however nurturing ones needs
first then offering oneself to the world secondary is a place of peace and satisfaction.
Nevertheless, in reality a great deal of people have evolved the other way around.
They are slaves unto themselves and their world, feeling it an impossible task to

Self-LoVe is detaching the head from operating the heart, and allowing the energy to
flow from the heart to the head, (there is a big difference). When the head is running
with all attachments, needs, insecurities, expectations, desires, dreams, fears, etc.
When one disengages the head and allows the intuitive energy to flow upwards, the
mind has a new master, now congratulate yourself because that new master is YOU.

Intuitive energy is non-judgmental, in general it is peaceful and pure, and it feels for
all. Intuitive energy is not someone else’s; it is yours, your direct connection to source
energy. It is a subtle vibration sensed as intuitive energy that gives one knowledge
without reasoning. One can sense their intuitive energies depth and connection
through a quick visualisation.

Imagine a flexible pipe coming out from the centre of your heart, and then one from
the head, which is the thickest? For the majority it will be the head, but if you’re in the
latter, then this is good news. To self-LoVe ones intuition will require one to
consciously let the head go whilst strengthening the heart. This is done with
conscious intent, as well as following up with guided intuition. Earlier It was stated
that self-mastery of one’s self takes on a sort of autopilot, the very essence of this is
the intuition.

Chapter 17, Attachments – Conditioning - Beliefs

It is vital to remain as open as possible when dealing with attachments, conditioned
thinking and beliefs. For it is this openness that is the key to allowing, accepting, thus
dissolving resistance and defence, which in turn allows one’s system to undergo a full

In brief attachments are life’s experiences, or better stated, “experiences that happen
in your everyday life” which automatically and without you being aware of, invoke an
emotion of desire or dislike, which then consciously, yet most likely unconsciously
attach to the desire, dislike, or to a positive, or negative, desired, or undesirable
outcome. Either way and because your life and whole existence is subject to the
common principles of polarities, your are constantly, “unconsciously, yet constantly”
making a choice, that is your sub-conscious is automatically scanning and recording
whether the experience in life was liked, or disliked, or more specifically, LoVed or
feared, (i.e. + or - ) of the experience/situation/circumstance, etc.
Where there is an emotional attachment, there is an emotional charge, positive or
negative, there is a charge and it is this charge that requires dissolving. Nevertheless,
you may say that if there is a positive charge, then why would we want to dissolve it.
You may also ask, what would be the point to desire something only then to let it go?
Well, there are principles in reality that state you can only ever come into possession,
or have that which you no longer want or desire. Does that sound bizarre? Yes at this
stage it may do, however, when you view life at a deeper level there is a reality
behind reality that everything that anybody possess, can only ever possessed if and
when they truly, truly are in a position to let it go. This is a very important and
extremely potent principle which is covered in detail throughout document (MR008

As well as emotional attachments, there is also mental and physical attachments,

where there is little to no emotional charge, though as most attachments whether
physical or mental, incorporate some degree of emotion, this is covered in it’s entirety
with document (MR008 Attachments).

Here is a brief example of a common attachment; If one is attached to the idea that
happiness will be found when they find, or move into a new house, the desired
attachment will become a new home. When that desire is met, one may find
temporary happiness or sadness if it doesn’t happen. Either way, one is attached.

If one attached desires to a new house, then it is most likely there are underlying
issues preventing happiness in the now. If this were not truth then there would be no
happy people in small, or poor homes, yet there are. So the idea of an attachment
keeps one seeking on the outside. However, as this is not, and has never been, the
truth, all attachments must be renounced. It is stated that all attachments and not the
actual person, place or thing. Renouncing the attachment one moves to a place
where they allow and accept life to be as it is, then in observer mode, one would
reflect inwardly for the root issue. When one reflects with sincerity and truth, the
universe has no choice but to respond. The universe, that is your universe has no
option but to respond because that too is a scientific principle of electromagnetics in
operation, though for the purpose of simplicity, the principles of electromagnetics have
been omitted.

The same goes for conditioned thinking. As conditioned thinking is what we were
birthed into, this is not the truth and this too must be purified. It does not mean you
are a lie, it simply means that all conditioned thoughts, in particular distorted thoughts
must be purified for their truth. One then moves to multidimensional thinking, which
allows one to see perspectives from all sides, and so one’s perceptional awareness is
also heightened. Though before one can get there, one must begin to realise that
what culture one was birthed into was just a gLoVe to fit the hand. It could have been
any culture, yet the hand inside would always be the same.

Beliefs are a big one – without developing the capacity to allow one’s beliefs to
dissolve, one will remain stuck for the duration of one’s entire life, and currently most
people do. Particularly rigid individuals who have perceived and believed the same
beliefs throughout life and are not open to change, these people live very narrow and
limited lives.

Consider how easily we are duped into believing our own story.

When we allow the power, the source of the universe to work through us, beliefs
change. When beliefs change, reality flexes and this is the point where one comes to
realise and recognise that this very existence is not as solid as once perceived.
Here is a quick, but equally highly effective exercise:

Dear Universe
I now in this moment request that all distorted, wrongful, even right thinking
beliefs to be purified for their truth?
No matter my relationship, attachment or desire, I request all beliefs to be
purified for their truth.

Please take me to my own truth.

Thank you so much.

Chapter 18, Staying with the Flow and out of the Know
At some point in one’s personal transformation, one will purify to a level possibly
feeling the call, the urge, to give up their present job to help and guide other
individuals. Whilst this is not necessarily misguided information, one needs to
continually keep a check of one’s own “state of being”.

As the negative Ego is cumulative in its source, the ego constantly evolves too. Many
fall into the trap of becoming masters, guides and gurus, when in reality their negative
ego has quietly transformed with them from one career to another, behind the cloak of
self-development, it is still running the show. This is not a criticism of such people; it is
merely an aspect to forearm yourself that in doing so, may result in a loss of income.
It is also vital that one stays within the flow of one’s own path, centred, emanating and
receiving from the heart, continually reflecting and listening to their own environment.
When one moves from the flow, they move to a place of “knowing”, and it is like going
back to saying the world is flat. In a place of “knowing”, the human energy system
closes off to the incoming flow of creative potentialities, maintaining what it already
knows through the projection of its ego system. One can still “know” something yet
remain in a state of flux, a state of openness, receiving information from all angles,
knowing that knowing is a temporary situation.

How many masters do you think are readily open to receive guidance from their
students? Well, what master could be considered a master if he or she did not live in
a zone of openness, receptivity, and that includes learning from students.

The ego believes it is individual in nature so every time it reads, hears, and sees the
word “I” it perceives itself as separate, thus feeling challenged. An easy test to identify
the negative ego is to read a passage of a book with several I’s in it.

Ask yourself how you feel about that passage, and what does it say to you?

Then go back on it picking out “I”s. If the negative ego is present it will pick the energy
from the “I”s in quite an intense fashion, perhaps overriding the main topic altogether.
Because the negative ego feels it “knows” better than the separate “I” it is reading, it
will sub-consciously record and judge the “I” energy accordingly. I signifies
separateness, because the negative ego fights for survival through dominance, it
naturally perceives the “I” as a threat. It does this because of human conditioning,
there have been so many “I”s that have used power the wrong way, but as it cannot
truly distinguish good from not so good, it selects through belief.

In sales people, they are taught to sell with the “we” factor, yet if “Jesus” appeared
saying “we are the way”, one might doubt the authenticity of his words as the human
energy system has attached unworthiness of one’s attributes to oneself. Using “we”
brings people to the same level, and whilst advantageous in sales, if the mind brought
Jesus to the same level it would not be convinced in its equality and would sub-
consciously doubt Jesus’s superiority. Yet, superiority is also the negative aspect of
the ego putting one lower than another, did not Jesus say “Ye can all do that what I
can do?” he did not say “we are the way, or you are the way, he said I AM THE WAY, I
am the son of God”. These words are projecting a statement, factual or otherwise,
they are projecting statements only.

This is just an example, and not meant as a biblical teaching, it is an example of the
“I” in operation without intentionally projecting the negative ego. However, no matter
how one projects words or themselves, it, the receiver that interoperates the meaning
perceiving it positively or negatively. So the next time one reads the words of “I”
consider the balanced aspect of the ego, neither positive nor negative, just balanced.
When the ego is balanced there is no arousal of the defence system, eliminating all
possible judgment. Therefore when one perceives the “I”, there is a general
understanding that “they” meaning “I” probably does. To elaborate, one understands
“I” for the truth in which it is emitted. “I Know” means they most likely do; yet that
knowing may pertain to them and them alone, or it may be a wider message for
thyself in addition. One in understanding reaches intuitively without question or
judgment to their own being, it is here one can perceive the truth without ego
attachment. When one lets go of all “knowing”, allowing all knowledge one has
acquired so far to be rendered “null and void”, energy flows.

It was Socrates that said, “the wisest man knows that of which he does not
know”, and if we can remain in a place of understanding that there is much more to
life in the universe than we currently know, one remains in a place of “growth”.

Chapter 19, Consciousness

Again it is an understanding that pure consciousness is just that, pure. As human
beings we are conscious, but perhaps not pure. The impurity is our existence, though
not meant in a negative sense. Coming into existence means becoming a vibrational
pattern of energy that forms an individual illusionary expression of self, and though
this will be covered more in detail in other modules. Could it be that life and reality is a
place of healing, or is it adding to disease, and destruction? Consciousness appears
to be neither good nor bad, positive or negative, it is us and our experiences that
shape and manipulate what we now understand and have termed “human

Whether aware or not, as humans we are constantly shaping and moulding our own
consciousness, though right now the process is happening without the fullness of
awareness. As an example, group consciousness is commonly described as group
dynamics, and what the team adopt by way of mutual agreement, consciousness will
flow to be that outcome. This explains why it is that teams take on specific particular
or expressive identities. The same is said for individuals as your consciousness
becomes the sum total of your own energy system. When we strip back the
unconscious to reveal, then awareness permeates consciousness, and one becomes
the master of their own being, as well as their future unfolding. The impact is
tremendous as one becomes the pilot of their own plane, and no longer takes off in
the wrong direction, makes wrong turns, or lands at the wrong airports.

Chapter 20, Vibration

When speaking in terms of vibration, the reference is towards that which we “in a
general sense” are unaware of. For instance, we accept radio waves, microwaves,
and all other waves, but rarely consider ourselves and our existence as waves. Well,
we only need to turn to science to discover our own truth, and that truth is that as
human beings we whittle down to a vibrational wave. Though without deepening the
issue, to become aware that one is a vibrational being is a key towards overall self

Scientifically it is understood that we all live within the parameters of magnetic fields.
These fields continually repel and attract, and within this is how we interact within our
given world. Again, this will be covered in greater detail during future modules. Yet
there is now a scientific as well as an esoteric understanding that aligning one’s
consciousness with a particular vibration will result in a personal adjustment, then
once this adjustment has taken place, one will resonate with that particular vibration.

For example, we are all familiar and know that like attracts like, so it comes as little
surprise that we all gravitate towards our own particular level of vibration which in turn
determines our reality. It is with this that a loving person attracts loving people, and an
alcoholic attracts alcoholics. These are the simplicities yet the profundity is that
beyond surface reality, one’s vibration is responsible for attracting all and everything
in life, even the dislikes, fears, and worries.

Here is where we use the 80/20 rule of awareness again for most all of humanity are
20% conscious of their entire reality, with 80% operating from the subconscious. This
means that their subconscious is responsible for generating and emitting the vibration
that is driving the majority of their live’s, and this is exactly the reason unwanted fears,
worries and alike are dominating their reality.

Every thought is a vibration. Albeit on a subtle level, a thought is a vibration

generating an electrical impulse. The knock on effect drives one’s biological system,
eventually driving one’s reality, whereby one will fear something without consciously
knowing why.

When we turn this system on its head and become 80% conscious, with the
remaining 20% operating from the subconscious, our external reality reflects this. This
is how it works, what we project, we reflect and what we reflect, we have projected.

Raising, dissolving, and releasing all unserving stored negative beliefs, attachments
and conditioned thinking allows consciousness to permeate awareness, hence the
term “raising one’s vibrational level”. It is pretty much understood that energy such as
sadness, depression, anger, resent, jealousy, fear, worry, etc, etc, are low in a
vibrational sense. Whereas happiness, joy, giving, desire, LoVe, etc, etc, are lighter
and therefore higher in a vibrational order. So it goes without much emphasising that
lower vibrations will inhibit one’s development, whereas higher will make for a more
peaceful and enjoyable experience of life. Though why this is mentioned and where it
gets complicated or confusing, is because people get caught unintentionally living
from both lower and higher vibrations.

Living in both higher and lower vibrations is where one’s reality is in constant conflict,
though that conflict is not necessarily causing obvious major disruptions. It is where
the head voices one thing and the heart another, a bit like two people in one body,
though this is just a metaphor and not meant literally. It is where fear clashes with
desires, where one signal is of a higher vibration and another of a lower. Both attract
like for like and this is the reason why most all humans are living from conflict. The
vibration one sends out, attracts that of the same, but when we raise and purify the
unintentional drivers of fear and worry, we can then consciously align to that which we
truly desire. Though trying to change the way one thinks is not much use when the
subconscious is holding onto stored negative energies.
Chapter 21, Engaging in the Process
Initially, engaging in the process of unfolding and moving to the next level does not
feel instinctual or easy, that is because we have all self programmed ourselves to
accept every and all parameters of innate and conditioned realities. That is and albeit
on a subconscious level, we bought into everything that comes our way, including
instincts, so we have convinced ourselves that instincts are absolutes. The difference
being that what feels instinctual is actually a subconscious programme most likely
manufactured by self. Again the term most likely is used for there are no absolutes in
the universe, bar those that are channelled as so. From an instinct point of view,
thanathos is the death instinct. This feels real and has been experienced by many the
world over. As humans we are all programmed to instinctually feel death, but only
when it is genuinely upon us. Passing through this instinctual program is no easy feat,
though it can and has been passed through many, many times. That is instinctually
one just knows life is over and it is time to go. It happens in a split second, and as the
instinctual wave of “times end” washes through one, words of communication are just
not possible. One realises there are no moments left, it is time and life has completed
itself. Ironically all feels at peace, as one cannot possibly dis-engage this automatic
self actuating process called death. Then as one relinquishes life for the unknown, the
wave passes on by. The wave passes through, yet it has left you behind. At first one
does not “get it”, though from experience the instinctual innate programme of death is
being processed and released.

Of course this example is by far the most striking example of engaging in the process,
perhaps one whereby one does not have choices to opt out and dis-engage. Though
the message here is one of engagement and not dis-engaging. For all other
instinctual programmes and conditioned beliefs, particularly fears, then engage is the
operative word. Having said that, there is also a word of caution. Quite naturally this is
not a suggestion to engage in life threatening situations. No, this would only lead to
harm or even death. This is not to suggest pre-empting or being selective of topics to
engage, no, this would also be counterproductive. Perhaps better approached with a
guide, particularly in the initial stages, though over time, one will become conversant
with what one needs and is required to engage in.

Naturally one might ask, if this be the case then, how do we know it is wise and why
should we not continue life the way we currently are?

There is an understanding that life and reality as you knew it will no longer continue
“as it were”. Whether one engages or not, the planet is doing its own thing and
globally we can all see and feel the changes. This is not talk of a spiritual or new-age
pilgrimage, no, this is not the case. This talk is of natural human evolution and the
giant leaps that on occasions, evolution takes (history has noted this many times
over). You and most all every other human being has been caught up in the drama of
their external world and not the evolutionary process of themselves. This is changing
and that is fact. Whether one gets this or not is irrelevant, though this is the reality of

As aforementioned, there is approximately 1 million plus on this planet living free of all
constraints. This includes, drivers of desires, insecurities and fears, etc. Though when
free from desire or fear is stated, it doesn’t mean one no longer desires, desire or
fears a fear. It means that one is no longer attached to the desire or fear. The desire is
not “a must have or else”, the desire is just that “a preferential” and the fear is not an
“oh no” because it gets completely dissolved.

In order for this and all processes, one must actively engage. There is little to no
value in allowing, accepting, and then EXPECTING. No, this is also counterproductive
and will not assist one at all. In fact as the universe operates on a set of its own
principles, you will slow down your own process, create resistance and place yourself
in a position of being dragged along. Trust and believe in this, because most get
dragged along until the principles become understood and it is not a pleasant
experience. Just as one consciously engages in one’s personal and professional life,
one must consciously and intently engage in the process of moving their being to the
next level of existence. Paradoxically by engaging, will free you from global and group
dynamics of fear, insecurities, and worries. This is the irony, but it is truth and it works.
Engage, engage, engage is the operative word. What you feel to be instinctual is not,
well, it is pre-programmed, though as each issue is faced and engaged, one will
become aware of this illusionary aspect of individual perception.

Chapter 22, After one has Engaged

It must be re-iterated that the whole process of purification and expansion of
consciousness is not without turmoil. Be aware, it is thwart with it’s own individualistic
challenges. Challenges that may and most likely will be specific only to you. Again it is
my own understanding as well as personal opinion that whilst the information in this
book pertains to some, it may not be the case for you. This is not a disclaimer to
denote the inability of its contents. It is to highlight the individuality of this mutual
world that you were birthed into. You, me, and everyone else are differing vibrational
expressions of what is believed to be the whole of everything in existanal creation –
therefore size 9 shoes may fit me well, though for you they are not so comfortable
and they ought not to be so. It is with this that judgement is reserved and avoided the
common “how to do book”. There is an understanding that your own unfolding, and
experiences of unfolding are highly subjective and personal to you. It is also felt that
no other will understand yourself anywhere near what you do, and it is with this that
encouragement is to develop and strengthen your own intuitive connection. For
without this internal development, one will always be seeking from the outside. In
seeking the advice, help and healing of others, their view of you will first pass through
the filters of themselves. In truth, this is a diluted and somewhat distorted perception
from beyond that is then passed onto you. Again It cannot be emphasised that the
point is to develop you to understand and heal yourself. It is likened to manufacturing
two identical cars, with identical specifications, sold from identical dealers. If 10 years
later we were to recall both cars, their indenticality would be eroded. Upon return both
vehicles might resemble each other, but their roads travelled and experiences would
be very different. A quick wash and polish of one car might not be applicable to the
other, yet this might also not be evident. Is the same true for each and every
individual human? as all experiences are highly subjective, only you can develop the
ability to decipher and interoperate your own being. No one else possesses this
power, this is your journey and your journey with you.

Though with this said, there is a feeling that there are many common denominators
within this book and they will not pass you by. What is included are shared triggers
and buttons that are required to instigate and begin the process. Once underway, the
finer details will be yours and yours alone. From experience and understanding, it is
the commonalities that assist one to assist themselves, and it is the personal one to
one subjectiveness that is between you are your created world. Once you have this
connection, you are well on your way to deciphering what will unfold thereon. Though
by no means is there a suggestion that one should follow this information as a set of
instructions or absolutes, on the contrary, pick and feel what resonates and apply

However, the information contained is not a one hit, one shot read. It is not a
traditional book and therefore breaks some of the rules in reading. Indeed, I myself
have enjoyed a minimum of 15 or so re-reads, upon each re-read my own
consciousness has experienced an expansion. This is perhaps better understood as
arriving in a new city, as upon first visit one will perceive it this way or that way. Upon
a second, perceptions change, then third, forth, and so on. This short book is similar,
so please do not under estimate its power. It is designed as an easy and quick read,
re-readable and packed with potent information. When one has read it, put it down
and then please read it again a month or so afterwards. It can almost be assured that
the meaning will be understood. Then do it again and again and again. Each time you
will find an additional process of understanding that has been internally achieved.
This is so because the brain is capable of processing the most relevant issues only,
though as the energy field is likened to an onion, as one layer peels, another is
revealed. It is this new layer that emerges which gets processed on a re-read but
could not be dealt with upon first read.

Chapter 23, The Twang

Have you ever come across the sheer amount of negative resistance that prevents
you from attaining your own internal desires, dreams and goals?

Under the most adverse circumstances and on numerous occasions, what is now
termed the “twang” has been tried and tested many, many times over, though you are
going to be the judge of it’s effectiveness.

In a basic sense, the twang is where one actually relinquishes and let’s go of that
which one was passionately pursuing, then at the very point of no return, the very
thing one was chasing arrives/materialises/appears/manifests into one’s reality.

However, pursuing the mechanics of “how it works” only serves to distance one
between the actual person, place, or thing. For example, let’s say a dream of living
and working overseas was a burning desire, but no matter how much one moved
towards it, the reality moved further and further away. Then one adopts and applies a
traditional “never give up, digging their heels in approach”, but still it continues be a
distant dream. Finally one gravitates towards questioning why their desire keeps
eluding them, thus maintaining and even creating more distance and frustration.

It is my own understanding as well as empirically studying that the “twang” is highly

organised energy patterns operating from a platform of non negotiable rules. Though
because universe energy/matter is fluid, these laws/rules may not be strict absolutes.
The exact science of what these laws/rules consist of is still largely undefined, yet
they have been implemented and tested (with outstanding results) time and time
again. As we all fall subservient to the nature, order and fluidity of the universe, I feel
it is better to work on the assumption or probabilities rather than absolute predictions.
We know these rules to be consistent, particularly and more so when applied
“subjectively”, that is only to YOU! and YOU ALONE. The very nature of sharing one’s
end goal, cancels out the actual attainment of that goal. This is not a cop out or
disclaimer, it is testament to the rule of subjectivity. Subjectivness is energy in
implicate form, though spoken and shared outwardly (into one’s own external physical
reality) means the energy has changed form from implicate to explicate. This has
been expanded upon in document (MR005 Transforming Dreams and Desires into

The average human beings external reality/world is perhaps better understood as a

projection of accumulated resistance’s from their internal subjective world. In other
words, the loss of connectivity from the esoteric self erodes self-mastery and
produces a reality that appears to be based on random chaos. Though it is not
random, nor is it chaos. The lack of conscious continuity means that 80% of any
persons reality is being created sub-consciously, but it is not being created by anyone
other than self. However one cannot be held fully responsible because the self aspect
is only 20% conscious. Admittedly this it is extremely difficult subject to grasp until
one raises their own bar of conscious continuity, or better termed vibrational state in

Imagine switching on a light that you supplied with only 20% of its true power, can the
20% imagine how bright they would be with the remaining 80%? – No this is not
possible. With this in mind, it is little surprise that for many individuals, they’re deepest
desires will go on eluding them, with a projected/presented reality of conflict and

Though how can a true desire be manifested, at the same time release all known and
unknown unwanted fears and worries?
The twang works every time. Though for it to be effective, one must fully take on
board the known/understood principles that will allow it to happen. They only way the
twang fails is when the operator, (i.e. YOU) back out of your own deal. Please allow
an explanation of a twang.

Paul had an irritating dilemma. He desired to “have a home”, yet every time he came
near to purchasing a desired property, it fell through. After 2.5 years, he was

Inside this 2.5 year window, he had viewed more than 50 properties, a third of which
genuinely did not tick his boxes. Bizarrely though, two thirds fell away for reasons
beyond the imagination. Paul stated, “ what started off a positive desire, had now
turned into a nightmare”. In between, he had applied the traditional “dig your heals in
tactic” by upping his game. He spent thousands upon thousands, driving endless
miles and sacrificed countless weekends of personal time in order to materialise his
desire. Finally, he let go and shifted to settle for a level well below the dream, but
even that turned sour. Truly exhausted he gave up, though not for the first time. He
had given up before, then kick started the program after resting for a while. However,
as bizarre as it may appear, only when he truly, truly gave up did a property appear.
Not only did it appear, it exceeded his desire and more than matched his tick boxes.
How did this happen?

Surface reality could suggest Paul was fussy and said no too easily, though after
successfully locating and purchasing six previous properties, this was not the case.
What was going on was the “twang”.

Upon maturing, Paul’s job called for him to travel nationally, though due to the
sarcastic remarks of being an uneducated man led Paul to form and embed an
energy pattern that drops neatly out of his conscious mind. This energy pattern places
itself within the sub-conscious where it can silently serve, but not consciously bother
him. After all, there is little value to continually remind himself of his perceived low
class status. Secretly he was repeating to himself that it was not so good to live
anywhere near his hometown. Hence, all future decisions would edge him further and
further away until many years later he was living on the other side of the world. Albeit
in rented accommodation, the embedded energy pattern was now in place and
serving to maintain distance from the root source of pain. Pain in the form of low self
esteem, through ridicule and embarrassment, etc. Along the way, Paul had also
perceived and accepted a large amount of negativity from his own people. Years upon
years of accepting the competitive put down of minority had led him to perceive this
was the majority, thus leading him to reject his own race.
Some years later when Paul returned to his homeland, understanding what was
preventing him from settling down is not so difficult. Though at this point the twang is
not yet in place and it cannot be established.

For the twang to be a reality, one must become conscious of that which they were
not previously conscious of. In Paul’s case, the constant negative synchronicity
was presenting him with his own issues – these issues are distorted embedded
energy patterns that previously served to distance him from his own past pain. By his
own reality presenting and keeping him from property purchasing, was prompting
questioning by self. The twang really comes into force when one tries to move around
any given issue, so no matter where, or what country Paul turned his attention too,
property purchasing become problematic. This issue would and will continue until one
raises the embedded energy pattern for releasing. Generally speaking these are
negative in nature, though the way they are presented is not always in a negative
light. Positive desire overlays negative experiences which serves to pack down and
further embed the negative experience. In Paul’s’ situation, moving countries
appeared a genuine desire, when in fact his past negative experiences had inputted
so much negative data that in order to cope, his EGO will overlay most and all
negative energy/experiences with a positive desire.

The mechanics are basic, though the implications can appear insurmountable – but
they are not.

By design, we think we are built to “forget”, though we do not. One can temporarily
“forget” a phone number, then recall it after some mild focus. When we shift the
vibration of consciousness, for example through hypnosis, one can recall deeper and
perhaps totally forgotten experiences. The twang has nothing to do with hypnosis or
any other form of psychotherapy. As both are therapies that alter mind states, we now
know this is a simple vibrational shift. The twang is becoming aware of synchronistic
situations and circumstances that happen in daily life, then consciously analysing “the
self”. What’s meant here is consciously asking yourself, the inner self, higher self,
what it is that you are being presented with. Not, why is this happening to me – No,
that is victim mode, but asking what is the energy behind these situations and
circumstances, that are creating these self circulating energy patterns that no longer
serve you.

Self circulating energy patterns are in force every moment of every day. The very
nature of being human means one creates self circulating energy patterns. What
matters most, is the ones that are no longer serving you.

Perhaps one is attracting the same type of personal relationship, or cannot get out of
a particular rut. Maybe it’s financial, or an issue as small as a preference for a certain
type of shoe. Whatever and whoever we are, we are a culmination of our own
embedded energies.

Now – Let’s take a twang in operation.

It is important to know that the twang is subjectively selective. In other words, one is
unlikely to know the issue in question until it becomes re-occurring by the nature of
their own external reality. With experience it has been found that one cannot
consciously pick and choose, though a well advanced individual can push and pull on
their own issues.

For Paul, until the unfolding of self begins, he will happily go on purchasing properties
based on his desires, with no thought or consciousness as to the reasons these
decisions are being manufactured – to Paul a desire is perceived as GOOD, so why
should he even consider undoing it?

There is no choice – unfolding the self and moving to the next level means one must
release all distorted and non-truth energy patterns, including those of desire. If the
desire is a truth of self, then, after purification it will remain. However, if Paul’s desire
was a distorted desire, based on an un-truth, i.e. an overlaid negative experience,
then the root will be dissolved and the desire will level out. This does not mean Paul
will never desire a property overseas, it means he is at peace with home and abroad.
Either way, Paul will make future decisions based on his own truth, and not decisions
founded upon inner core FEARS.

Though to get to this place, Paul’s reality must first raise the issue. His subconscious
will begin to project into his reality that which requires attention. One by one, issues
will manifest prompting him to take notice of his own manifestations. He might see
this as a bizarre sequence of life’s events and wonder what on earth is going on. He
might think his whole world has collapsed into chaos and that it is him against the
world, but it is not. If he doesn’t take notice and own the responsibility of his own
reality, the projected issue will intensify. Eventually and no matter how much he might
not want this to be happening, he will come to a point whereby he reflects inwardly.
He might start by asking “why is this happening to me?”, though that will only serve to
highlight the issue further. Asking why me is disempowering and maintains distance to
one’s own issues and reality. Until one accepts this might be my issue, my creation,
my very own subjective reality, then the issue in question will not go away. Praying for
solace is also a fruitless exercise, until one comes to accept that which is being
presented there is no let up. It’s a little like a toddler crying out for help when their first
steps are being taken. You know you can help them, though the biggest help is to
allow the fall in order to develop and master their own ability to walk. The universe will
not appear to help because one must progress to the understanding that these
energies were self-created. However, It must be emphasised self created does not
mean you are entirely responsible, no that is not so.

After one internally questions their own negative synchronistic events, it is quite
normal for proceeding events to become even more bizarre. This happens to serve as
an elevator for the embedded energy to surface in physical reality, and it must surface
in order to release it.

It is like bottling a potent smell and burying it deep within the ground. No matter how
many times one passes by the surface, the smell remains actively buried. This
potency will remain until the bottle is dug up, opened and released. These same
principles apply to human energy. We are all sum totals of our cumulative
experiences. Whether one can remember these cumulative experiences or not is
totally irrelevant, what matters is the magic in there release. Though before that
release can happen, one’s reality will stretch to the maximum opposite of their
unknown issues.

Please allow am explanation;

Paul did not consciously know of his embedded issue, he unconsciously went through
life assuming buying outside his hometown was a positive desire. That is until the
presentation showed up thick and fast. He was presented with bizarre situations that
pertained towards all house purchases falling through, including overseas.

Questioning is a reactive response, though one must progress quickly past this innate
egoic stage, else one will get caught up thinking it is a spiritual test. It is not, it is an
embedded self circulating energy that has raised itself for purification.
With experience and studies, all rising energies appear to rise well in excess of
normality, often bordering on extremities. In other words, if Paul lived life avoiding his
hometown, he might well find an internal compulsion to come back. Likewise another
individual that was for example a resolute homophobic, is quite likely to find
themselves submersed with compulsive same sex tendencies. This is what’s called
“far left”. As their energies were not balanced to begin with, far right will be the
avoidance, and far left the opposing compulsion.

The “twang” only comes when the reality has gone far left, exceeding one’s limitations
and boundaries. The twang comes only when Paul’s compulsion to buy in his once
avoided hometown, actually and genuinely gets relinquished, or when the resolute
homophobic relinquishes their gay tendencies to accept that which they previously
thought and believed they were not. When one totally relinquishes all expectational
outcomes, to accept what is, “IS”. When one genuinely accepts that the energy one
momentarily stands in, then one is not generating any form of positive or negative
resistance. In these moments of polar opposite energies, one experiences the actual
energy that was previously being avoided, shut off and blocked from their awareness /
reality. It is during this, that the conscious release takes place. Permeating Paul’s
awareness will be reasons as to why he made the decisions he did, likewise the
resolute homophobic will be contemplating their own past decision making and belief

The TWANG is automatic and snaps quickly after a long and drawn out journey to the
far left. The twang “just happens”, though this is esoteric in nature, it will most
certainly be perceived in daily reality. For Paul, twang is an instant letting go of the far
left, into middle ground. No longer will Paul think far right, i.e. avoiding his hometown,
and no longer far left, i.e. endure compulsions to purchase locally. No, like the
homophobic, they will arrive at a balanced perception whereby one no longer
despises nor lusts after same sex liaisons. The balanced mind will have no
preference, no desire, though may still choose this way or that way. They are free
from internal drivers and motivators, which leaves one in a balanced position of true
free will. Do not confuse this with renouncing desires as in new age spiritual
abstinence, for this is not a spiritual pilgrimage nor is it abstinence. This is about
balancing one’s human energies to truly live free choice and not choices made from
the insecurities of the negative ego.

Again it must be reiterated that the twang will not happen unless one fully and
genuinely embraces that which they previously resisted embracing, though this also
operates in complete reverse. At 22 years old Mary desired to travel, and no amount
of incentives could have tied her down to one place. 10 years on and Mary was
desperate to secure a home, no longer wishing to live the temporary life she so
enjoyed. One could argue this was just Mary, and she was living life as any normal
human being would live, but this is not the case. Upon reflection, at 22, Mary so
desperately sought to leave her own country, this was born out of the sheer amount of
suppression carried in her energy field. Expressing suppression does not release; it is
merely a coping strategy to temporarily let off steam. Sooner or later Mary will be
presented with her issues as far left as she can imagine, i.e. her sudden compulsion
to settle down in one place. When she cannot find that place, she will reflect inwardly
questioning what on earth is going on. She might not wonder where her compulsion
has arose from, until it is that she cannot find what it is she is looking for. Her
consciousness will project a reality in order for her to take notice, own and clear her
issues, before she can move forward. She might not consciously know this, until her
reality becomes extremely tough, presenting bizarre and or highly adverse situations.
She might spend endless months or even years looking for what it is she desires, and
it may continue to elude her. This is quite normal.
Until her subjective self consciously raises the issues and renounces the compulsion
(which is always rooted in delusional thinking and mis-aligned beliefs) the very issue
cannot be released. However, the twang will naturally happen when one consciously
searches and raises the sub-conscious, blocked, hidden, shut off energies that were
driving her system to move away in the first place. Only as examples, though Mary’s
drivers are likely to be culmination of distorted perceptional beliefs that were collected
from past live’s, this life, or pulled from the collective. The source of the energy is
totally irrelevant, though all mis-aligned attachments, conditioned thinking distorted
beliefs, and expectations, must be raised one by one for release and purification.

Due to the thousands upon thousands of embedded mis-aligned energies, do not

under estimate this process. It is literally exhaustive in every shape and form, so
exhaustive that the “twang” processing can appear to be life in itself. It must also
come with a warning notice, that once initiated there is no going back.

Chapter 24, Dealing with what Arises

It is not unusual for fear by way of general uneasiness, anxiety, or panic to surface. In
fact it would be most unusual if these symptoms did not appear in some form or other.
Dependent upon one’s past cumulative experiences, most of which are
subconsciously embedded, one will be faced with thoughts and feelings that are not
normally part of one’s reality. Again, this is normal

Thoughts and feelings will surface, jump and bounce around in a somewhat erratic
mannerism, though again this is quite normal.

As we are physical, emotional, mental and esoterically created/connected, what hits

one can appear overwhelming. This is because most humans predominantly identify
with one level of reality over another. For example; a business executive will connect
with physical life and may feel very little in the way of emotional/mental or esoteric
expressional realities. In other words, he or she may feel totally disconnected with
these other aspects of life focusing all their energy into physical manifestations of
creation, hence he or she may seek to create a physical empire. Whilst a creative
artist will be expressing emotional content, therefore they may not connect too greatly
with the material possessions of the business executive, and will express their
emotional content through painting, dancing, music, etc. Same can be said for an
academic who connects with the mental vibration. He or she must mentally
understand, though has little interest in emotional expressions of painting/dancing or
the material possessions of a businessperson. This is not to say that either or does
not connect with other aspects of self, the suggestion is to emphasize the
predominate factors only.

To live in harmony and at peace with oneself, one must first bring themselves into
balance and that requires processing. Living in balance means physically,
emotionally, mentally and esoterically processing and expressing each and every
aspect of every element in life. This is the difference between perceiving a flower for
profit, for beauty, or for its co-creative elements. Every aspect has a place and an
understanding, though when all is in balance one perceives every element all at once.
However, to get there, one must first engage in the process of unearthing and
processing one’s own issues. That means engaging in self and partly dis-engaging
from external reality. Yes, during the initial stages and by engaging inwardly, one will
autopilot into dis-engaging with their external reality. This is temporary and quite
normal. It can appear a surreal reality, as though one has left the planet, though still
biologically functioning “sort of speak”. One may experience long bouts of continual
engage and dis-engaging. A tip is to actively participate in consciously engaging
which will minimize the auto-engaging.

A general yet very helpful exercise that can be performed routinely, first before sleep
and then upon awakening is as follows;

General experience denotes no special preparation is necessary. Meditation is not

required, nor are any particular rituals. Though, just before sleep, consciously attune
to the inner self. This is where your brain naturally disengages from high hertz Alpha
mode into suggestive Theta mode. Ask thyself, thy universe, or thy God (whomever
one feels most comfortable with) to show you what it is you need to know. Dependent
upon one’s issues, will depend upon the question, though what matters is the
connection. When one consciously engages in the process of self, then the self flows
through. What this allowing does, is engages one in the connection with oneself. That
is it.

Upon awakening, our brain naturally engages from low frequency Delta vibrations
through to suggestive Theta before rising into Beta/Alpha. Prime time is to catch the
suggestive open right brain before the left hemisphere logic awakened thinking kicks
in. One might wish to do the same exercise as before sleep, requesting, directing, or
just listening to the inner self. Over time this will strengthen and reduce the amount of
dis-engaging during waking hours. Do not under estimate the power of this as it is
your connection to self. This is you, connecting with you. It is the 80/20 unconscious
existence transmuting to 80/20 conscious. In order for this to happen, it can either be
consciously engaged or dragged by autopilot. The choice is yours.

Eventually engaging will become you. Though there is no need to be afraid and
fearful, for this is your higher self of which you were previously almost cut off from.
Welcome the process; you are reconnecting to YOU. Though it will take time, possibly
a great deal of. One can expect this process to continue for a minimum of two years,
whereby you will become so familiar; you will desire it no other way.

For now, that is it. This book has been simple and in laymans terms not because it is
uneducated or because you are either, but because our subconscious self operates
from a basic premise. It is the wakened logical mind that constructs complicated
situations and circumstances. Inwardly our suggestive self is extremely basic, that is
we perceive like or dislike, want or not want and so forth. We are uncomplicated
beings trying to make sense of a complicated reality, yet it is mans EGO that perhaps
unconsciously constructed these complexities. However, when we allow these
intricacies to unwind, we find the innocence of a child.

Thank you for taking the time, effort and energy to read this quick read book.

The End

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