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Comenzado el lunes, 10 de junio de 2019, 10:10

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en lunes, 10 de junio de 2019, 11:11

Tiempo empleado 1 hora

Puntos 9,0/15,0

Calificación 66,0 de 110,0 (60%)

Comentario - You did a good job, but it’s necessary to check your reading and listening skills.

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

Choose the correct statement:

Seleccione una:
a. Caroline and Jhon would like to getting married.
b. Caroline and Jhon would to like to get married.
c. Caroline and Jhon would like to get married.
d. Caroline and Jhon would to like to get married.
Pregunta 2
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Enunciado de la pregunta

Complete the question with the correct word.

Miss, I need help. My seat belt doesn't work. What
 ________________ ? 
Seleccione una:
a. should I do
b. I shouldn't do
c. I should do
d. had I better do
Pregunta 3
Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

Choose the correct statement:

Seleccione una:
a. Is there a pencil on the kitchen table
b. There is a pencil on the kitchen table?
c. There are a pencil on the kitchen table?
d. Is there a pencil on the kitchen table?
Pregunta 4
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Enunciado de la pregunta

Choose the correct statement:

Seleccione una:
a. Richard would likes not to watch that movie again.
b. Richard would not likes to watch that movie again.
c. Richard would not like to watch that movie again.
d. Richard would like not to watch that movie again
Pregunta 5
Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

Complete the sentence with the correct option.

When it is windy, it is ____________

Seleccione una:
a. recommended that you open not an umbrella.
b. recommended that not you open an umbrella.
c. recommended that you open an umbrella not.
d. recommended that you not open an umbrella.
Pregunta 6
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Enunciado de la pregunta

Choose the best option

Daves loves chocolate, but he _________ too much or he will get

Seleccione una:
a. Should eat
b. Shouldn't eat
c. Ought to I go
d. Should eat not

Pregunta 7
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The letter was sent by:

Seleccione una:
a. E-mail
b. Delivery mail
c. Whatsapp
d. Surface mail

Pregunta 8
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Enunciado de la pregunta

Choose the correct option according to the picture.

Seleccione una:
a. It is not essential that people shut windows and doors during a hurricane.
b. It is essential that people open windows and doors during a hurricane.
d. ought to I go
Pregunta 15
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Enunciado de la pregunta

What you should wear according to this forecast headlines

Seleccione una:
a. It is necessary to wear winter gloves
b. It is important to wear shorts and sandals.
c. It is advisable to wear boots and raincoats
d. It is important to wear sun glasses

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