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Intro to Databases Worksheet

I. Terms/concepts associated with the lesson:

a. Data –is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using

graphs, images or other analysis tools. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some
existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage
or processing. Raw data ("unprocessed data") is a collection of numbers or characters before it has
been "cleaned" and corrected by researchers.

b. Database – is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a
computer system. Where databases are more complex they are often developed using formal design
and modeling techniques.

c. Template – is a file that serves as a starting point for a new document. When you open a template,
it is pre-formatted in some way. For example, you might use template in Microsoft Word that is
formatted as a business letter.

d. Table –  is a collection of data that is stored as rows and columns in 1010data. A worksheet is an
instance of a table that has been opened in 1010data and has had any number of operations applied
to it (such as selecting rows, performing summaries, or creating computed columns).

e. Related Table – select a table that has at least one column of data that is related to the table you
just selected for Table.

f. Record – in a database is an object that can contain one more values. Groups of records are then
saved in a table; the table defines the data that each record may contain. In a given database, there
are multiple tables, each containing multiple records. Think of the rows and columns of a
typical spreadsheet.

g. Field – Each item of information in a database record, such as a telephone number or street

number, is referred to as a field. In Excel, the individual cells of a worksheet serve as fields, since
each cell can contain a single piece of information about an object.

h. Form – is a convenient way to enter data into an Excel database and to view a row of information
in a worksheet without scrolling through the sheet. Data forms list the column headings in
a spreadsheet so that an entire row of data can be viewed at one time.

i. Query –  returns all of the users to the current database.

j. Report – When a user want to generate a report, the user shall be able to select the desired range
of data to be displayed in the report. Some cells can be set up in the worksheet for entering values
that are used to limit the data of a report.
II. Relevance of using databases

a. Organization of large amounts of data.

b. How overwhelming would it be to organize and keep track of employee information for a large retail
corporation with 1.5 million employees?

In order for a database to be efficient, its data must be organized in a fashion to make it
easily and quickly accessible. This is called data organization. Data organization typically uses a
primary key to identify where data is being stored. This allows for a specific record to be located
efficiently. There are a few different methods that databases use in order to store and retrieve data
efficiently. The two most common are Indexed Method and Direct Method. Indexed Method is the
method in which a database uses an index to keep track of where data is stored within it. An index is
a table that has the primary key as well as the location information for that key. Index organization
allows for records to be looked up quickly and retrieve information from the database. Direct
organization is faster than index organization. This is due to it using the key field and a mathematical
formula called hashing algorithm to find where specific records are physically stored in the database.
These systems are much harder to develop. They pave the way for an incident called collision, which
happens when two or more records are assigned the same storage address. Some systems use both
methods. The key field will first indicate where the record is located in the table, and then the hashing
algorithm is used to find where the data is physically stored on the storage medium.

III. Benefits of using a database instead of a spreadsheet

a. On the surface, both types of software seem similar. After all, they store data, and you can enter
data in a grid of cells.

b. The question is, “Are they the same function and purpose”?

c. Database software has a logical and physical structure that helps keep large amounts of
information accurate and provides you with customized manageable tables.

d. Spreadsheet software is used for forecast future performance, calculate tax, completing basic
payroll, producing charts and calculating revenues using mathematical formulas and the data in
cells. , while Database software is used for storage of large amounts of data that can be accessed
easily and quickly.

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