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Brand elements, sometimes called brand identities, are those trademarkable devices that serve to

identify and differentiate the brand.The main brand elements are brand names, logos, symbols,
characters, slogans, jingles and packages. Brand Element Choice Criteria In general, there are five choice
criteria in choosing brand elements.

a) Memorability
b) Meaningfulness
c) Transferability
d) Adaptability
e) Protectability
f) Memorability

A necessary condition for building brand equity is achieving a high level of brand awareness.
Towards that goal, brand elements can be chosen that are inherently memorable and therefore
facilitate recall and/or recognition in purchase and/or consumption setting. In other words, the
intrinsic nature of certain names, symbols, logos, and the like-their semantic content, visual
look, and so on-may make them more memorable and therefore contribute to brand equity.
Meaningfulness Beside choosing brand elements to build awareness, brand elements can also
be chosen whose inherent meaning enhances the formation of brand associations.

Brand elements may take on all kinds of meaning, varying in descriptive, as well as persuasive,
content. Brand Elements Choice Criteria
1. MEMORABLE Easily recognized Easily recalled
2. MEANINGFUL Descriptive Persuasive Fun and interesting Rich visual and verbal imagery
3. PROTECTABLE Legally Competitively
4. ADAPTABLE Flexible Updatable
5. TRANSFERABLE Within and across product categories TRANSFERABILITY The third general
criterion concerns the transferability of the brand element, both in a product category and
geographic sense. Adaptability The fourth consideration concerns the adaptability of the brand
element over time. Because of changes in consumer values and opinions, or just because of a
need to remain up-to-date or contemporary, brand elements often must be updated over time.
6.PROTECTABILITY The fifth and final general consideration concerns the extent to which the
brand element is protectable - both in a legal and competitive sense. BRAND NAMES The brand
name is a fundamentally important choice as it often captures the central theme or key
associations of a product in a very compact and economical fashion. Brand names can be an
extremely effective “shorthand” means of communication.

“APPLE” is doing the best job of mixing and matching brand elements

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