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Not one man interpreted it as you joking around as far as

we've seen or heard. It actually looked you were fairly

bothered by the mere idea your kid might want to hang out
naked socially as an adult.

Additionally, some people in the social activist world were upset by the remark you made
about not wanting to see yourself naked, since it leads to the full body pity & body image
issues that afflict a lot of people now.
I'm not a journalist. I'm a comedian and writer and a Mother. My job would be to speak to
many different Mothers from all different walks of life. I am not here to support anyone's
A. The show is a newbie curious about naturism, the last comments in the show probably
would've squashed my interest - Any ideas on this?
Q. In closing, if I were in front of lots of other naked people isn't my thing. I was honest about
that. It is simply not for me. But for people who are into it - great. I don't signify the people I
speak to. Who, incidentally, were totally cool.
A. Being nude not least -
Q. And last but were with me the whole time.
A. My husband and infant mean to upset a community. I 've a great body image. I was being
somewhat tongue and cheek about not wanting to see my own body naked. see it a lot. And it is all
So there you might have it. If you saw the episode, what did you think? Did it give an overall
positive or negative view of nudism / naturism?
This Interview with Andrea Rosen was released by - Young Naturists and Naturists America
Tags: body image, children and youngsters, clubs and resorts, documentary, family,
pennsylvania, Sunny Rest, television
Classification: Naked News, Sex Favorable and Sexuality, Social Activism, Social Nudity
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Personally, I could not care less about the end result; the procedure and discussion is what I
find much more important and fascinating.
It was evident, from what the people said and the comments that came after, just how
unorganized and poor the nudist movement is. But is, why? Why is something
so basic as an easy definition of a naturist so difficult to reply? This can be a new occurrence
for me, because in business, politics and so forth, the terms are clear and leave no room for
A company has an obvious leadership structure. An organization has (or should have) a clear
mission. A movement is something that comes about to address specific issues because of
the lack of ordered organizations recommending on people's benefit (but since it is created to
deal with special problems, it has clear cut aims). So where does that leave the nudist world?
Jim Smock, Executive Director of Naturist Advocacy Organizations - AANR
This sends us a clear sign they consider they truly are doing a great job and would choose to
keep the status quo (basically continuing the same manner they have been for decades). We
respect their views but retain the right to differ.
I sent the article to a couple of folks only to get their thoughts and thus far, I have yet to get
one neutral party to say anything positive about it. The gist of the comments was that AANR
came off seeming like a small child who is desperate for attention along with being an
organization that doesn't understand how exactly to take constructive criticism (and of course
the fact that AANR gave the feeling that they have given up on attracting the younger
generation and today cater to the baby boomers).

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