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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Modeling excellence

Good day, teacher. For this evidence, which seems very interim to me, decide to choose these
three people: James Rodríguez, Barack Obama and Gabriel García Márquez. Each person has a
good example of life, they have aspects in common that is the key to fulfilling their dreams and
this could be very productive, because I can use each Strength of them to implement them in
me and continue to grow as a person and be even stronger in the life

• James Rodríguez (Professional Soccer Player)

• Barack Obama (former president of the United States)
• Gabriel García Márquez (Writer)

1. James Rodríguez

"Trust is within you, it is something you carry with yourself"

James Rodriguez

James Rodríguez was born on July 12, 1991 in the city of Cúcuta, Santander, Colombia. During
his childhood, James Rodríguez had to go through a moment that would mark the rest of his
life: the murder of his uncle, Arley Antonio Rodríguez, who was also a great Colombian soccer
player and the separation of his parents at such a young age. His love for soccer led him to
become the youngest foreign player to debut and score a goal in the first division of Argentine
soccer at just 17 years old. At the 2014 Soccer World Cup, a great performance taking
Colombia to the quarterfinals, giving James Rodríguez the direct ticket to fulfill his dreams in
the dream team, the glorious Real Madrid ranked one of the best teams in the world. James
Rodríguez is not afraid of challenges and it is something that he has shown at every stage of his
professional career, he always alludes to working together, the humble origin is evident in how
he behaves, James's goals have been rising as his sports career advanced. Today, winning the
league with Real Madrid, reaching the Champions League final and the biggest key to his
success is enjoying what he does.
2. Barack Obama

"Your voice can change the world"

Barack Obama

Barack Obama, born Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961.
From 2009 to 2017, he was the 44th President of the United States and the first African
American. The former president's parents divorced when he was two years old. But that was
not an impediment to finish his high school studies, after this Barack Obama moved to Los
Angeles to begin his university studies. With the help of scholarships and student loans, she
began studying at Occidental College for two years. He became the fifth African American
senator in American history and the third to be elected in elections. Obama won the
Democratic presidential bid for Hillary Clinton in June 2008. Barack Obama is an example of
charisma. It transmits enthusiasm and security. Another is its magical capacity for physical
contact. The sincere embrace fills a person with humanity. the naturalness with which it is
shown is called humility.

3. Gabriel García Márquez

"Life is not what you lived, but what you remember and how you remember to
tell it."
Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez was born in Aracataca (Magdalena), Colombia on March 6, 1927. Son
of Gabriel Eligio García and Luisa Santiaga Márquez Iguarán. At an early age he was raised by
his maternal grandparents, but it was not an impediment to being the best novelist writer,
short story writer, screenwriter, editor and journalist, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982 and
one of the great masters of world literature. He was the main figure in the so-called Boom of
Spanish American Literature. He completed secondary studies at the Jesuit school San José.
Later, thanks to a government grant, he was sent to Bogotá where he would become a
celebrity in literature. A humble person focuses on his work with a lot of energy and ready to
help those around him.

For me, it seemed excellent to do this research because I realized that I share many things that
they implemented in their lives to achieve their dreams, I consider myself a very organized,
dedicated, responsible person and wanting to get ahead, despite the fact that My parents
separated early has not been an impediment to meet my goals and have my goals clear. I will
continue fighting for my activities daily planner. I finished my studies with some scholarships,
being able to become an industrial engineer, they are not afraid of challenges, I like to transmit
enthusiasm, security and the best energy always. The dedication of each one of these people
encourages me to become a better person every day and achieve my dream of being the best
industrial engineer first in Colombia, then Latin America and finally the world, I am very
grateful they are examples to live.

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