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title; OTHER SIDE genre: Action Horizontal read* Setting; THE WOODS pagel 4 panels *panel 1: close up to an eye, still hardly close knowing the person was fast asleep. Caption; you are not pure any more Nigel. You are evil now . you must die. *panel 2: same setting but this time the eye is wide open and the reflection of trees are shown in the dark pupils. Nigel: Ahhh *panel 3: Nigel, (a 5 foot tall young man with sparkling dark hair and less muscular ) is shown to the waist level. He seems naked but leaves covers his nude parts. He sits up right (motion lines showing his movement) Nigel: Not again. | don't think | can afford to die vet Page 2 4 panels *panel 1: a young girl runs in waring a long rob and on her left hand, she holds Nigel's dresses. She has a very long red hair and she is very short and pretty Tertia: ahh ! Nigel: waaahh! *panel 2: tertia right hand is on her face covering her eyes while she stretch the left hand that holds Nigel's cloths. Tertia: | swear | didnt see anything. Forgive me. @ *xpanel 3: Nigel has collected his cloths from Tertia... He looks shy and nervous. Nigel: huh! *panel 4: Nigel is fulling dressed and Tertia is still closing her eyes now with both hands Nigel: you can open your eyes now Tertia. | am all dressed now

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