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So it's been Thourougly concluded that animal products are not necessary
whatsoever for humans to survive and thrive, especially in the modern world where
plant foods of all kinds are as available as they are.

2. With this being said, it can be logically concluded that the death and torture
of animals for food is completely unnecessary. Not only are modern factory
practices comlpetely barbaric and insane, but the damage done to the planet from
such practices is very real.

3. Freelee the banana girl made a video back in March last year where she
postulated if non-vegans who are aware of the damage they are causing should
deserve to continue living.

4. This in turn caused some very buthurt responses from various youtubers, who made
several responses to her.

5. This is where you TRULY see the ignorance of people who use animal products. You
will NEVER see these people address the fact that the use of animal products is
completely unnecessary, instead you will see them attacking the character of vegans
by appealing to ridiculous emotional arguments instead of addressing the actual
substance of the argument.

6. You will always hear these nitwits bitching about "shoving our views down their
throat" while completely ignoring the reality of their actions resulting in the
death and torture of billions of animals. If verbalizing your views and postulating
hypotehticals about non-vegans is considered "pushing your beliefs on someone,"
WHAT would you consider contributing to the unneccesarry death and torture of
animals then.

7. When it's convenient, you will see this nitwits refer to veganism as simply "a
diet", when it reality, it's attempting to solve some of the biggest problems
facing the world today, on top of trying to end the suffering and death of innocent
animals. WHO is really pushing their beliefs on who?

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