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Mr. O’Connell

Writing S04

May 20, 2020

S04 Reflection

I think that this unit was especially interesting for me. I feel that in this unit, I was able to express

my creativity through my writing. I was able to choose a topic and write about anything I

wanted. This made my mind wander, and various of ideas popped into my head. However, even

though I had many ideas, I was not able to choose one and begin. This made me fall behind

compared to my other classmates. However, I stayed determined and managed to finish my essay

in time. While I was writing my essay, I made a fatal error that set me back a few hours of work.

When I finished, I realized that my conclusion for the story was terrible. Even though some of

my friends proofread the story and said it was fine, all I could think about was the horrible way I

wrapped up the story. A few days later, I erased the last 2 pages and rewrote the story to make it

better. It may have taken a few extra hours but by then, I was a happy man. In the end, I was able

to get a good grade on my essay and I was elated.

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