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The Goal

Chapter 10
What title would you give this
Write a 10-sentence summary of Alex and his team (Bob Donovan from production, Lou from accounting
the chapter. Use specific and Stacey from inventory control) reviewed the meaning of throughput,
character names, and specific inventory and operating expense until everyone was satisfied. Lou,
events that occurred. summarizes them as follows. "Throughput is money coming in. Inventory
is the money currently inside the system. And operational expense is the
money we have to pay out to make throughput happen." Bob remains
skeptical that everything can be accounted for with just three
measurements. But Lou explained that machines, tooling and the whole
the building are all just different forms of inventory. Stacey remarked, "So
investment is the same thing as inventory." Together they decide that
something drastic must be done with the machines. Machines are
unproductive and counter-effective all at the same time. Their dilemma is
how to achieve their goal without decreasing efficiencies. They call Jonah
in search of answers but Jonah asked Alex to speak and visit him New
3-5 unfamiliar or not very familiar  sheepishly - in an embarrassed manner due to shame or a lack of
words (add their definition, or self-confidence.
ever a picture to show what they  lousy - very poor or bad; disgusting.
are)  chauffeur – a person employed to drive a private or rented
 counter-productive - having the opposite of the desired effect.
Powerful quote from this chapter “"And in order for the corporation to make money, the value of the
and why you chose it product—and the price we're charging—has to be greater than the
combination of the investment in inventory and the total operational
expense per unit of what we sell."

Historical or current event

Personal Comments/Insights

CLAVO, Jaira Micah P. | BSA52

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