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Activity 2- Writing Task

Sebastián Arboleda
Ivonne Maritza López
Lady Maryory Tangarife
Yuli Isabel Pérez Medina
Grupo: 90008_615

Alcides Javier Hoyos

Tutor Virtual

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia “UNAD”

Ingle 1
Medellín - Antioquia
Unit 1.3 writing (Sebastian Arboleda)

I am a teacher and I like to teach.

Roberto is a student and I like English.
My father and mother are from Peru.
They are Peruvians and they love their country.
My sister is a dentist and she is the best.
Unit 1.2 writing (Lady Maryory Tangarife)
Unit 1.3 writing (Yuli Isabel Pérez)

In my favorite room there is a bed by the window, there are three pillows on the bed,
there is a desk is next to the bed, there is a chair by the desk, there are a blue and
brown carpet next to the bed, there is a closet in front of the bed, there are a lot of
books in of shelf next to the closet, there is a computer and a lamp on the desk, there
are eight books and a clock on the shelf next to the window, there is a lamp on the
bedside table next to the bed.

Escrito ambientado con las imágenes seleccionadas

The daily lives of two friends in their different worlds

Ana lives in a small cabin in Banff, Banff is a town in Canada, located in the rocky
mountains in the province of
Alberta. In winter, everything is
covered with snow, she often lights
the fireplace. But Ana works as a
stewardess for a prestigious airline,
so she also spends a lot of time
outside the house. Travel by plane
from Banff to Colombia, Mexico or
Brasil, she is always happy, I´ve
never met a woman like Ana; Finally, they will ask themselves if does she speak
Spanish? If she speaks more than 3 languages; Does Ana like to live in the cabin?
if she loves her home.

also, she travels often to different places for

the world with friends who is your best friend?
She says that her best friend is sofia because
she loves travel with sofia what countries do
you know with sofia ? we know different
countries as Colombia mexico and brasil but
our countries favorite is Colombia because is
a beautiful countrie
Furthermore, Sofia is a recognized
photographer, lives in Spain and works for
a design company, travels to different
countries to take photographs, for example
Chile, writes stories of the photos she has
taken, loves her work because she likes
what she does. He never stays at home
because he is always in a different place
knowing different cultures. Meanwhile,
people ask: ¿does Sofia like to travel alone?
The answer is simple: he loves to discover countries, cities and people who tell their
Finally, the two friends agree with the
following questions. how often you jog?
I jog every day in the morning,
sometimes in the afternoon, I always
leave at this time and I like this area
also in the sports unit. you like sports?
if I often do it, I like to date active
people like you.

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