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Julia Rodinec

Mrs. Storer
Block 1
Socratic Seminar: Great Gatsby
Our group discussion was based off the questions regarding colors and a Christ like
character. When we discussed the color green and how the green light could be a symbol of
healing and moving on from the past. The green light could also symbolize the money and
wealth that Gatsby had and spent to try to impress Daisy. We also discussed how the green is
supposed to symbolize growth. With this idea we discussed how since the green light continued
to shine it shows how Gatsby was never able to grow since he continued to cling onto the idea of
being with Daisy. We also discussed the topic of how some characters could represent Christlike
figures. For example, we talked about how Gatsby died for Tom and Daisy’s sin. With this idea,
we talked about how he sacrificed everything for daisy, Daisy betrayal was driving (killing
myrtle), and that in the end Gatsby died. We also discussed a contradicting idea of how Gatsby
was not like Christ. Gatsby was continuously breaking commandments and he was a bootlegger
that broke up marriages.
In the group we were able to affectively convey the topics through new ideas and textual
evidence. Our group did a good job at jumping between our own opinions as well as evidence
from the book. My favorite quote was about the green light because I thought that we had a
really good discussion based off of this topic. It was well done because we discussed supporting
ideas as well as contradicting ideas. It helped us to have a different perspective from both sides. I
also thought that our discussion on Gatsby being a Christlike figure was very interesting to me.
If I were to write an essay, I would talk about Gatsby portraying a Christlike figure as
well as how he went against the stereotype. Throughout the story Gatsby can be seen as a
Christlike figure through his sacrifices, however he could be seen differently when viewed
through his corrupted morals. Gatsby sacrificed himself for the well being of Daisy. He even
took the blame for her when she carelessly killed myrtle. He also sacrificed five years of his life
to try to give Daisy everything she wanted. He can also be portrayed different from Christ
because he was a bootlegger and he didn’t work a proper job to gain his wealth. He also broke
many of the 10 commandments and he was trying to break up a marriage of people that already
had a family. Overall, he can be seen as a two-faced person who wants to better other people, but
he also has corrupted morals.
This story relates to my own life because many times I try to sacrifice things for my
family, friends, and community. However, there have been times in my life where I don’t follow
these morals of being a good person, but in the end I always turn to good.

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