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Adriana Mamou

Mrs. Storer
English 3 Honors American Literature
January 21, 2020

Reflection on Performance 
My inner circle spoke heavily on the fact that Nature is not appreciated enough. We
focused on questions number 3 of Emerson’s Nature. Many of my classmates mentioned that our
world is not appreciated enough because of all of the things each individual has going on in their
own lives. One of my classmates also mentioned that in our lives we do not always need nature
and that we crave new experiences that technology gives us. Technology allows us to refresh our
screens to find endless information that can bring us to tears, laughter, happiness, or sadness.
Although, I argued that although we crave new experiences it is a matter of the quality of these
experiences/memories. The time we spend outside and enjoying nature versus paying attention to
a lifeless screen. I feel as though our group did well at keeping the conversation going. Once one
mentioned their own ideas it allowed others to collaborate and welcomed new ideas of others
who had not spoken or had something to add. All together, I believe my inner circle did well and
cooperated with one another to make a socratic seminar what it should be.
Within the discussion, I spoke about how nature and the world that we live in today is not
valued enough. The authors of the stories I was assigned to read write and thoroughly explained
a deeper understanding of nature. As I read I came to realization that we do not focus on the
nature and the world that surrounds us. I mentioned how with technology and our priorities
distract us from the beauty. I also mentioned that as young children we saw the world just as the
way our authors had. For example, within Emerson’s Nature I read, “The sun illuminates only
the eye of the man. But shines into the eye and the heart of the child.” I used this to back up my
opinion and connection that as children we were freed of the distractions we live with today.
These distractions include cell phones, homework, friends, etc. These may not seem to be
distractions but we tend to live our lives out of the moment. As children we observed the world
with eyes open to new things. I would enjoy spending time outside on my swing on the big tree
in front of my home. I loved to set bug catchers to see what nature had in store for me. Now, I go
to the beach with my friends and lay down on a towel or blanket on my cell phone and take
pictures that I hope to post on my instagram. As a child my eyes were open to see what the world
had in store for me. Now that I am older I have pushed that all aside and don’t admire it enough.
I am only worried about how beautiful the sunset is for my snapchat viewers versus actually
putting my phone down and watching the sun fall below. As others mentioned their own
opinions I also bounced off of these ideas and grew a deeper and more relatable understanding. I
was able to realize how life can become so busy and that it is hard for one to find time to enjoy
that beauty before us. However, as a child I had no worries and was in no hurry to grow up and
could admire the stars above. I did not find myself inviting others into the conversation because I
hoped that they could bounce off of all of the other ideas being introduced but I wish I could
have spoken or asked those who had not gotten a chance to speak how they felt on the matter.
Overall, I feel as though I performed well within the discussion and added as well as agreed and
disagreed with the input others gave.
Reflection on Content
Both authors Emerson and Thoreau argue within their pieces that society needs to be
more individualistic rather than deicing to conform with society and its expectations.
The pieces evaluated allow readers to realize the truth in life. Both authors have their own
point of views that may seem strange and out of society’s box. For example, Emerson heavily
established that nature is not appreciated as much as it should be. In today’s society many are
trapped within reality through a screen. Life is lived day by day as one refreshes a cellphone or
computer too find the latest details on Kim Kardashan. Rather than spending time outside and
admiring the beauty God has given us many settle for staying locked away from the wonder the
world has in store. Thoreau also mentions through his pieces that conformity is not the way a
society should be ran. This statement might stand out to readers because society seems to follow
all of the trends that are expected. In Civil Disobedience he explains to readers through his piece
that following what is the norm is not always what should be done. It is about standing up for
your own wants and desires that motivate one within their life. Rather than paying his fees he is
an outcast to his own society and spends time in jail. Although, this may be appealing to readers
he shows that one must stand for their own beliefs rather than stay tied down by what society and
those within a society wants to see. In both pieces each author represents that each individual in a
society must have their own power and or taste rather than stick to the usual that all would like to
In my own life I can connect what I do and observe to the lessons that the authors above
would like to teach me. In the world I live in today I noticed that those around me seem to try to
put themselves in the box society wishes to put them in. They place themselves inside a box
rather than to stand outside of it for fear that they will be judged. I find that even I do this. I see a
picture on instagram and save it because I think if I do that I will get this many likes and so on.
Many teenages dress a certain way to find approval for their friends and those who they may
never see again. It is done solely to appeal to others. Now is true happiness gained from this?
The approval of classmates, friends, a boy or girl may be nice but are you truly satisfied with
yourself. Those who stand out and do not fit in are seen as outcasts. They are judged by their
apprentices and interests. However, they decide to stand away from society. These people place
themselves outside of the norm and are completely bashed for it. We see kids who dress a
different way, do not speak the slang that is expected, or post teh social media posts that all posts
are, “weird”. These authors heavily establish that individual ideas are needed and that we need to
branch away from society. One should not have to dress or appeal to others to feel welcomed.
Instead, they should feel welcomed by being their self.

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