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Exam Paper

The Italian-American Experience

In no more than 2 pages, describe 2 situations from The Godfather Trilogy and The Sopranos
series (1st season) respectively (one example from each film series) in which you feel inclined to
sympathize with the protagonist (Michael Corleone and Tony Soprano, respectively) and give
reasons for this tendency.
Suggested bibliography:
1. Anthony Ambrogio, "The Godfather, I and II": Patterns of Corruption, Film Criticism,
Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall, 1978), pp. 35-44.
2. Phoebe Poon, The Tragedy of Michael Corleone in "The Godfather: Part III",
Literature/Film Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 1 (2006), pp. 64-70.
3. Sympathetic Brutes In a Pop Masterpiece, By Stephen Holden, The New York Times, June
6, 1999.

It will help you if you finish watching the rest of the episodes in the first season of The Sopranos.
Whatever sources you use, those suggested by me and/or other materials you find useful, please
make sure you quote and reference them appropriately. I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY
INSTANCE OF PLAGIARISM! Borrowing ideas or full paragraphs from any of your colleagues
also constitutes plagiarism. Do not place yourselves in an unpleasant situation. I will not hesitate
to take the necessary measures. You have plenty of time and resources at hand to produce honest
reseach and legitimate academic work. I trust that that will be the case.
The deadline is also very important. Anything you hand in after the designated date will not be
taken into consideration. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are also important matters to
consider, besides the actual content of your paper. Please do not go over the 2-page limit.
I look forward to reading your papers!

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