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Support Network Perspective

Name: Carla Pilatti

Date: 13 / 05 / 20
Relationship: Mother

What would you say I am good at? What skills have I demonstrated?
Sarah is a responsible, mature young lady who can be entrusted with tasks and
confidential information. She is an intelligent, loyal, friendly and approachable person.
Sarah is always sensitive and compassionate towards others.

What would you see as my major interest areas?

I see Sarah’s major interest areas as anything that involves the wellbeing and care of
animals and how animals can interact with humans in service such as Therapy dogs,
Police dogs, etc.

How would you describe my personal characteristics?

Sarah’s personal characteristics are commendable. She has a quiet nature and is very
intuitive to other’s needs. Sarah is always willing to go beyond her call to help both
animals and humans.

What positive changes have you noticed over time in my life, especially in relation to
education choices, to work, or to future career goals?
The positive changes that I have seen Sarah make with regards to school work, has
been her set goal to change schools and attend MacKillop College. Sarah showed
resilience and determination as she persisted to pursue her goal to attend MacKillop
even though she was set back and not immediately accepted into her dream school.

Her determination and courage paid off and won her dream to be successful in
attending MacKillop College.
Sarah is very keen to become an exotic vet and strives high to do well at school. She is
self-directed in completing her school work. Sarah has various exotic animals, turtle,
tropical frogs, Lizards etc. and she has educated herself on facts regarding her
particular pets and cares for them accordingly. She remains loyal to her pets’ care.

In what ways do you see me continuing to develop in the future?

Sarah, I see you continuing your studies towards Veterinary Science and beyond in
your specialty area of exotics. You are self-disciplined in your approach to your studies
having already researched and informed yourself on set milestones you need to
achieve now and in the future, to reach your ultimate goal of being an exotic vet.

Based on your responses above, if you were to suggest the ideal job or career
prospects for me, what would it be?
Sarah, I believe you would make a great vet and I could see you working with exotic
animals. Saying this I could see how you could do any job working with animals where
you could train/work with them to be of service to humans such as Police Dog
Handler, Therapy Dog Trainer, etc.
Sarah you also have an inquisitive mind and great factual recall where you can quickly
and objectively recall facts of an incident/numbers, which could be beneficial in
investigative work such as the Police Force. Scientific -Mathematical jobs perhaps with

Other Comments
Whatever your dream job is or should it change, I will always be happy to support you
in achieving your goals 😊

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