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1. GRAMMAR. Complete the seconds sentence so that it means the same as the

1. You must have left your phone in the restaurant.

2. You should have told me it was your birthday!
3. The backpackers can’t have got lost.
4. What would you rather do tonight, go out or stay in?
5. It looks as if somebody has tried to break in.
6. This meat tastes like beef.
7. My brother works as a waiter in a restaurant.
8. The accident happened when the road was being repaired.
9. The murderer will probably never be found.
10. The burglar is thought to be a teenager.
11. It is said that crime doesn’t pay.
12. We need to have a burglar alarm installed in our house.
13. I advised Sarah to talk to a lawyer.
14. Margaret denied killing her husband.
15. James apologized for being late.


a) Circle the correct verb.

1. Please remind the children to do their homework.

2. A I’m terribly sorry.
B Don’t Worry. It doesn’t matter.
3. The robbers stole 50,000$ from the bank.
4. If you know the answer, raise your hand, don’t shout.
5. Don’t argue about it! You know that I’m right.
6. My brother refuses to admit that he has a problem.

b) Circle the word that is different.

1. Calf (the others are relate to hands).

2. Hip (the others are organs).
3. Wink (The others are things you do with your hand).
4. Vandal (the others are all kinds of thieves).
5. Smuggler (the others are crimes)
6. Evidence (the others are people)

c) Write the verbs for the definitions.

1. Chew
2. Scratch
3. Stare
4. Frown
5. Hack
6. Blackmail
7. Bribe
8. Quit

d) Complete the missing words.

1. The Sunday Times TV critic wrote a very negative review of the

2. This paper always supports the government. It’s very biased.
3. The journalist’s report was censored by the newspaper. They cut some of
the things he had wanted to say because of government rules.
4. My favorite newsreader is the woman on the six o’clock news on BBC1.
5. The article in the newspaper wasn’t very accurate -a lot of the facts were
completely wrong.


a) Circle the word with a different sound.

1. Frown
2. Biased
3. Fraud
4. Stare
5. Jury

b) Underline the main stressed syllable.

1. Re|a|lize
2. Kid|ney
3. Kid|nap
4. Co|commen|ta|tor
5. Ob|jec|tive


a) Read the article once. What was ironic about Jill Dando’s murder?

- She presented on the BBCC a programme called Crimewatch about unsolved

crimes and then she was murdered and the police couldn’t solve the crime.

b) Read the article again. Mark the sentences T or F.

1. F.
2. T.
3. F.
4. T.
5. T
6. T
7. F.
8. T
9. T
10. F.


a) can you understand this film?

1. post an article online.

2. Thirty thousand
3. Blackbeard (pirate)
4. Journalist would ride their horses to the nearest town that had a printing
5. Because the roads were very bad.
6. The telegraph.
7. The were very biased and they were usually censored.
8. Radio and television.
9. By live Twitter feeds
10. Because photos were taken on smartphones and uploaded to Twitter
within seconds.

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