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Name : Gita Dewi Mayangsari

Class : 2D/D3/TK
NIM : 1831410129

Topic : Advantages and disadvantages of Coronavirus to Human
Topic sentence : There are 2 advantages and disadvantages caused by Corona
Viruses against humans
1. The origins of Corona Virus
2. The way to prevent the spread of Corona Virus
Disadvantages of Corona Virus:
1. Economic Impacts
a. Rupiah weakening exchange rate
b. Staple price rises
2. Impact of Body health
a. Decreased immune power
b. Lung damage
Advantages of Corona Virus:
1. Social Impact
a. Growth of mutual sharing
b. More caring to the body health
2. Environmental Impacts
a. Clean Air
b. Return of ozone Layer
Conclusion : Corona virus not only raises losses but also gives an unexpected
Corona Virus effect for humans
The Corona Virus was first discovered around the 1930's which caused bronchitis
infectious diseases on the ungags. In addition to ungags, corona viruses can infect mice, dogs,
cats, horses, pigs, and others. Corona virus is zoonoosis which means corona virus is a
disease that can be transmitted between animal and human. Corona Virus spreads widely
around the month of December 2019 in Wuhan City, China. Began to expand into other
countries in the early 2020 years. There are three types of corona viruses that exist in the
world namely, type A, type B, and type C. Type A is closest to the Corona virus found on
bats and is the original genome that infected humans. Type B is the type that has the virus
mutase. And type C is a Peranakan of type B. Besides being contagious from animals, corona
viruses can spread from human to human. Corona Virus spreads through small droplets of
nose or mouth when a sneezing or coughing is used. The droplets stick to objects or surfaces
that are then touched and the person touches the eyes, nose or mouth. Corona viruses can also
spread when the small droplets are inhalation of by a person when adjacent to an infected
corona virus.
Corona Virus gives a loss to humans. The losses that occur are in terms of economics
and health facets. In terms of the economy that has a very high impact of the weakening of
the exchange rate of rupiah that affects the increase in the purchase price of imported goods
production from abroad that resulted in some goods price rises such as handphone, laptop,
and vehicle vehicles. The second impact is the price of the underlying materials due to the
distribution of staples can not be done due to lockdown policy. That makes the scarcity of
staples that ultimately the price of basic needs rises. Meanwhile, in terms of health, the
immune system is decreased, the corona virus is attacking human immune systems. In
addition, corona viruses can damage the lungs. Corona Virus will attack the alveolus
membrane. If the membrane of the alveoli has been damaged then a variety of bacteria or
viruses will easily enter the human lungs.
In addition to giving losses, corona viruses also give human benefits in terms of the
environment and social aspects. In terms of environment we can feel that is the quality of air
is increasingly improved. This is because the government lockdown policy that requires
people to stay at home. The outside activity are decrease, that means to reduce smoke from
motor vehicles and also smoke from the activities of the factory. In addition, the ozone layer
that protects the earth gradually improves. And it poses a huge effect to the world as the
temperature of the earth will decrease or become cool and protect us from UV rays. When
viewed in a social sense, corona viruses have a great impact too. During pandemic, a sense of
insecurity will grow and subconsciously we will help the needy. Help not necessarily with
money, but it can be with staples, masks, or morally support. The Indonesian nation is pulled
back to the identity of mutual cooperation. In addition to the presence of corona viruses We
care more about our body health. We have to eat a nutritional diet and leave a fast food. In
addition, it augment physical activity such as streets, run-runs or others.
Therefore, in addition to causing corona virus losses but unconsciously also cause
benefits. The corona virus, we are reminded of the importance of maintaining a healthy body
and the environment and maintaining a healthy body. In addition, the presence of the corona
virus can enhance the human identity as a social creature that cannot survive without other

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