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Task 2 Writing task

Presented by

Jeniffer Martínez Jaimes

Cod. 1094265967

Group 90121_31


Maricela Guzmán

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

CEAD Pamplona

17 may 2020

It is heartbreaking to see how polar bears die due to global warming, which causes ice to

melt and they cannot feed, often and travel long distances to feed, looking in trash cans,

snooping through the stones without any result they died of starvation. The image of the

polar bear shows us that little by little it runs out of strength, without energy it is a slow and

painful death.

It is important to note that if global warming continues to melt the ice and prevent polar

bears from hunting seals, there will be more cases of death from lack of food.

Millions of animals are already suffering the effects of climate change, the planet's climate

has undergone several constant changes throughout geological time, and the high global

temperatures that have been caused in part by humans, who owe it to themselves to reclaim

our planet earth .

Pamplona, Colombia 17th May 2020


14 Avenue 5-43

Pamplona, Norte De Santander



Dear Sir Rodolfo Jaimes

I'm writing you to express my disagreement with the pollution generated by your company

due to the amount of plastic they market worldwide, especially in Pamplona, Norte de

Santander Colombia. Where as a first measure I request transparency, that is to say that the

complete information on the amount of packaging that the company produces, including

plastics and paper, is disclosed.

The pollution generated by plastic is quite worrying, since its decomposition process is

extremely long, which takes a number of years to decompose.

For this reason, we ask you to become aware and join us to create actions against plastic, to

generate the change we need and achieve a future without plastic that is healthier for our

families, our communities and the environment.

We demand you to be friends with the environment, making biodegradable packaging.

If the measures mentioned above are not complied with, I will be forced to impose a claim

for non-compliance and contempt of them.

I invite you to take a firm action in this regard and uphold a lifestyle that connects us to

each other and the beauty of this planet that we want to protect.

To stop the contamination of plastics we need to take actions. By doing this we want to

protect our oceans, rivers, landscapes and communities.

● Help us to generate a change and improve our planet. I look forward to hearing from


Best regards,

Jeniffer Martínez

Agencia EFE. (09 de 10 de 2018). Obtenido de Coca-Cola, Pepsi y Nestlé, firmas que más

contaminan los océanos con plástico:


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