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Illustrated by Alla Krikun

© 2019
I am Alyona. I love esoteric ideas and philosophy
of Life. I bring some magic from dreamworld,
every single day. It is important for me to feel, to
sense my environment. This is how I learn and
grow. I listen and hear my thoughts, my point
of view, my inner voice. I express myself gently
via poetry and word play. If you happen to be
like me, then join me in my alternative universe.
Make yourself comfortable and dive into the
surreal explosion of colour by Alla Krikun and
expression of my soul in poetry. Stop, submerge,
gaze… read in between lines, beyond letters and
ideas, drown between the colour changes, and
maybe… just maybe you will find hints to ask
right questions about mystery of Life.


My name is Alla, I am graphic designer and illus-
trator. Alyona’s poetry opened for me the world
beyond established templates of thought and plain
associations. The world of emotions and lumines-
cent colours. There is no place for boredom. Every
illustration is a snapshot of state that bursts into
my mind reading a poem. This is alchemic amalga-
mation of words and visuals. Alyona is open, direct
and kind woman. And I know this book will convey
her kindness and warmth to you.
From my whole being with love and gratitude saying
THANK YOU for support and your faith in me
to my beloved soulmate, companion in The Life’s
adventures, to my mister Kim...

I have a duty to pursue,

It’s not a task, it is an aim.
I have two wings and sharing them with you.
Let’s fly up high, just you and me again!

I’m glad to share all my space,

I’m happy talking every day with you!
Giving you a bow with all my grace!
You are very precious, and I love you!!!

* * *

I fly to the sky; I enter my space.

With every step, I go deeper and deeper.
My breath is so calm, I slow down my pace.
My thoughts are getting clearer and clearer.

There are no many words to say out loud,

There are no longer vivid emotions.
There is a way – and this way is to stay.
To be who you are;
Dive into Life’s Ocean.

* * *

My mind is so strong,
My heart is so wise.
It’s easy to be wrong,
But it’s hard to arise.

Everyone has a choice

To fly or to stay in crying.
It depends on which Voice
You follow during a lifetime.

The whole of my life, I search for peace.

I search for harmony and balance.
I’ve learnt so much about dreams,
That I found myself in a cycle.

In a cycle of the Life

Where up and downs are dramatically changing
I know that truth might be so sharp; like a knife.
But I’m still here and stuck in running.

I want to merge with World, with every essence.

I learn to give no judgments, no expression.
I practice daily with my clear presence,
Keep on going with constant observation.

* * *

What do I want?
To Feel The Love…
What do I want?
To share Love from Inside-Out…
What do I want?
Let myself be free like Dove!
And Stop shutting myself down.

I want to be in harmony with Nature,

I want to have a balance in relations,
Accept myself The Way I am,
Stop chasing for perfections.

I want to share Love with People,

I want to tell the truth, to sing for them,
to play my drum
I want to acknowledge every second.
Be aware of my breathing now.

What do I want? I want to be completely open,

I want to have The solid trust in God,
I know my heart it is The Doorway,
My Faith, it is inside my blood.

* * *

Look, something is hidden.

Look. What is inside?
Open your window,
And dance with The Light.

Discover your shade.

Accept it and hug it.
Acknowledge your shade.
Guilt is no longer inside.

Collect all your parts

And make yourself whole.
Please open your heart
And step to the World.

* * *

People want to know in advance

What is about to happen.
What are you looking for? Applause?
It’s quite rare that happens.

What is your benefit

If you discover the purpose of living?
Would it be easy for you to leave in the world
an unrevealed blueprint?
Or does it make things easier to keep going?

You live your life, and now have to quit

No credits, no laurels, and no celebration.
You know the other way the things should be.
The other life calls your attention.

The story is not over yet, it has just started.

Watch where are you going, my friend,
Please, do not be easily frightened.

* * *

Take me to The Moon,

Take me to bright stars.
Let’s go there soon.
It’s always the right time.

You and me together.

Where it feels like home.
It is your present,
Where you’re not alone.

Moonlight of the night,

It’s inviting us:
Discover hidden Light,
Flying to the Stars.

* * *

It is essential to hear each other.

It is important to give the opportunity to speak.
Every single woman is a mother.
Look at men, as they are your friends, it is a trick.

It is a trick to keep this World open,

It is a trick to let The Love to grow.
It is not the only my personal story.
It is the Universal Law.

We’re lost manipulating each other,

We’re trying force, not trying to understand.
Let’s have heartfelt talk,
without changing the subject to another.
Let’s find an honest moment with ourselves.

I’m here to talk and I’m here to listen.

I’m here to evolve and here to give The Love.
I’m here and importance missing,
Importance of ignorance in the doubts.

Harmony, Life and Peace all matter.

The rulers are guiding us through the years.
Let’s communicate openly; respectful.
We can live together, surrounded by peace.

* * *

It is so beautiful to pause,
To stop your things from going.
To touch your soul, to hear your inner voice.
To make your step even more slowly.

Touch Nature and it will give you strength:

Strength and ability to see the beauty.
To feel how the wind is touching you with a tender kiss,
How the Sun is lighting upon you so brightly.

Invite yourself to dance with World

Invite yourself to see the distance from the horizon.
Be open and let yourself to live with the flow.
Don’t think too much, be focused and keep your gaze in.

. . . e v e n mo r e
l y
* * *

I see it through your eyes.

I feel it on your skin.
The thin veil between worlds lies
I dive with you, within...

* * *

What’s happened to humanity?

Why are there boundaries and ladders?
There is more than just individuality.
All creatures’ souls also matter.

We all have the same value in the world

From small little bird to lion.
Who told you you can run the world
Instead of being a companion?

I’m in confusion, there is a pain inside of me:

There is a struggle to distinguish,
What’s going on with world’s humanity?
And why the others value just diminishes.

* * *

It’s never enough when The Sun shines,

It’s never enough to be good.
So much complaining about getting a prize
It’s so hard to agree with the truth.

You always have a choice to choose

Being sad or being happy…
Please, don’t blame others when you lose
And keep your mind steady.

There is always, a TAG for everything,

Everything has a definition.
Please, acknowledge every choice you’ve made,
Which brought to you your own frustration.

Acknowledge it and let it go;

You are the master of this presence.
And only you can let yourself grow,
And connect with The Absolute, with Divine essence.

* * *

We are all just humans,

We are all just the same.
Someone tries to be a steersman,
Someone quits the game.

Illusions pass from left to right,

Confusion dives from outer-inside.
Please, candlelight helps me these days.
Wake up before sunrise
And follow my way.

* * *

When it’s full, it’s open,

When it’s full, it shines.
Don’t be so deeply worried.
You just need to Rise.

Rise from your doubts.

Rise from your thoughts.
Rise from your sorrow.
Not much to hold on.

Life is so beautiful,
Please open your eyes.
Small things are so meaningful,
It’s nothing to hide.

* * *

No-one knows how life turns

Staying aside, watching day go.
What is your goal?
What is your aim?
What are you going to do when the Wheel stops?

So many questions on the road.

So many bright thoughts.
You always look abroad
Rather turning inwards.

One day and one night is a simple cycle.

Which gives you pause to reset
Use it wisely, watching your timer.
Go further, shine brighter,
There is nothing much to regret.

* * *

I’m alive!
I’m here and I’m now.
Whole my being is thriving
And I’m flying so high.
I’m no longer in crying.

I feel Mother Earth

And I’m loved by The Sun.
I know where I’m going.
No doubts, all fear is gone!

My thoughts are no longer disturbing.

I accept all my darkness,
The light is inside!
I’ve chosen to be here.
And serve to The God.

* * *

Without shame, I can say NO

Without shame, I can Let GO
Without shame, I do my Right.
Without shame, I start my Flight!

No more begging, explanations.

No more tears and depressions!
No more lie and No more fear.
Because there is THE Life
and we’re living HERE.

I chose my path to give some Hope,

I chose my Star to shine so brightly.
I stop in saying to myself NO MORE.
There is enough I spent in lying.

* * *

My fear to change –
This holds me back.
It’s my inner chain
Stops me coming back on track.

Desires, possessions, ambitions so on…

Still, occupy me, it’s hard to go on.

I need to acknowledge that nothing is mine.

I need to accept that illusion is a lie.
I need to release and reduce my control.
I need to start looking at what’s far beyond.

I need to work hard to achieve the result,

I need to do the right thing, which tells me my heart.
I need to wake up together with the Sun
I need to work hard and “PLEASE, DON’T GIVE UP”.

* * *

Killing yourSELF by not knowing,

Killing yourSELF it is right.
Drinking, eating, drowning in sorrow.
Fulfilling desires over The night.

Pealing yourSELF from confusions,

Pealing youSELF from THE SELF.
To feel again that You are THE Divine creation.
Release yourself from The Soul’s death.

Feel that dip and rise to Stars,

Feel it and be happy.
Be again the pure Child as you are,
Listen to your heart and be just ready.

Inspired by Hermann Hesse. Siddhartha

* * *

There is a choice to give a helping hand,

There is a choice to stay in balance.
Let’s be again united like a band;
Respect ancestors, mothers, fathers.

There is the only Way – to open hearts,

There is the only Way – it’s Love.
No matter how deep it is inside:
We are all children of The God!

Create a circle, let’s forgive

Whatever’s holding back from flying,
Stay grounded and remain in peace,
Be present, and please no more fighting!!!

* * *

I find myself all the days and all the nights

I find myself through the rains.
I find myself when nothing goes right,
I find myself in a maze.

It’s hard and confusing,

It’s blissful and peaceful,
It’s frustrating, exhausting,
And hard to believe.

Anyway, I’m here and I’m now.

And nothing will stop me.
For sure, I’ll figure it out somehow
Finally, the puzzle is going be sorted.

* * *

Love is everywhere;
Not hiding in corners.
Love is here and nowhere.
Please break down your borders!

Believe in yourself.
See every day’s beauty.
Don’t be hard on yourself.
There is no mandatory duty.

You live your life,

Please do only LIVE.
Do not raise your question higher,
It’s time for fear to release.

Be balanced and enjoy your life.

Don’t struggle much
There is no extra time.

Please give more love

And you will feel return.
Just let it be
Accept the role!

* * *

There is enough LOVE for everybody

Because there is enough light from The Sun.
We need to start again believing in humanity,
We all need to start being friends again.

Why don’t we trust people anymore?

Why did we lose the faith in God?
It is so easy now to break a law,
It is no problem to tell a lie.

My friend be open and try to feel.

Please be true and face your fear.
Feel your anger, feel your pain.
Take a deep breath to start your life again.

Can you please respect your time?

Where are you going? Why?
What are you looking for? Please pause.
Silence… All answers are inside.

* * *

My enemy is me,
My fear is to beat it.
What if I crush myself, how could it be?
What will remain after?

I have no idea where to go…

I’m lost, confused, with a smile.
I take a rest, it’s time to pause.
It’s no time for running.

It’s time to reconsider life,

Where do I go, what’s after?
I think I’ve had enough of here,
Want to stop chasing for appraisal.

Here is my monster.
Please do come, nobody will hurt you.
The world is open and no more lie.
I’m ready to embrace you.

I’m ready to accept my pain,

I’m ready to see your beauty.
Let’s be united, whole again.
Inviting to complete the duty.

* * *

Everything in life costs something:

Money, time, emotions, trust.
Nothing cheap and nothing pricy,
Everything must be given back.

You earn your presents

Even if it’s worse then hell,
Or maybe you do live in heaven -
Your single step rings like a bell.

Please be aware of your actions

What you have in life it’s just a loan.
If you found yourself feeling frustration
It’s because your expectations had a fall.

They fell and were crushed by life’s reality

What you feel it’s not what you see.
Be ready to accept mortality
Your consciousness and silence are The Key!

* * *

I have a duty to pursue,

It’s not a task, it is an aim.
I have two wings and sharing them with you.
Let’s fly up high, just you and me again!

I’m glad to share all my space,

I’m happy talking every day with you!
Giving you a bow with all my grace!
You are very precious, and I love you!!!


I fly to the sky; I enter my space 5

My mind is so strong 7
What do I want? 9
Look, something is hidden 11
People want to know in advance 13
Take me to The Moon 15
It is essential to hear each other 17
It is so beautiful to pause 19
I see it through your eyes 21
What’s happened to humanity? 23
It’s never enough when The Sun shines 25
We are all just humans 27
When it’s full, it’s open 29
No-one knows how life turns 31
I’m alive 33
Without shame, I can say NO 35
My fear to change 37
Killing yourSELF by not knowing 39
There is a choice to give a helping hand 41
I find myself all the days and all the nights 43
Love is everywhere 45
There is enough LOVE for everybody 47
My enemy is me 49
Everything in life costs something 51
I have a duty to pursue 53

Make yourself comfortable and dive into the
surreal explosion of colour by Alla Krikun
and expression of my soul in poetry. Stop,
submerge, gaze… read in between lines,
beyond letters and ideas, drown between
the colour changes, and maybe… just maybe
you will find hints to ask right questions
about mystery of Life.


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