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How to Teleport

Do you ever feel like you just need to get away? I know a lot of us can relate when I say
that sometimes, we’re under so much stress and pressure that we just feel the sudden urge to
escape from reality, ignore all your problems and responsibilities, and just relax for once
without another assignment or chore getting thrust at your face. Well if you felt that, (I know I
did), you’ve come to just the right place. Today, we’re going to learn how to teleport and
physically and mentally escape all our problems!

Materials Necessary:
• Yourself
• A completely focused, relaxed mind
• An absolutely silent room
• A relaxing, school-parent -stress-free place to teleport
• Optional: Someone to tag along

1) Find a completely silent room to start this process.
Doing this sort of magic required a completely quiet space
where you can fully concentrate. For example, you don’t want
to be in a room where people are fighting then one of them
yells “GO TO HELL!” Yeah, you see where I’m going with this
and it’s not a very pretty place let me tell you.

2) Become comfortable and become one with the room.

Teleporting is nearly impossible if you’re not completely comfortable with your
surroundings, that’s the whole point of teleportation of course!

3) Completely clear your mind of any troubles and relax both your mind and body.
Make sure you’re not thinking of anything that can mess with
the process. For example, if you think “Wow, this week has
been hell,” during the process… yeah, you see where I’m going
again with this.

4) Close your eyes, lay down, and massage the temples of

your head with your index and middle finger.
Getting in the proper position to teleport is an essential step. Be
sure to massage your head for maximum relaxation.

5) Imagine the place you want to teleport to clearly.

This is obviously the most important step of the whole process. You need to have a
place in mind to go to if you want to get there!!
6) You are allowed to make ONE imaginary place up as a safe place
for you in your mind when you need to get away from any human
This place is solely for you and your private relaxation purposes. This is
literally the land you always dreamed of being in when you were a kid,
whether it was Candy Land or Mattress Heaven!

7) After you have completed all the steps above, just continue to relax and let your mind
teleport you to the place of your desire, and grab a friend if you choose.
You must completely trust your mind and allow you to
carry the process on from here! If you’ve chosen for
someone to tag along, just make sure you’re holding hands
and they’ll get teleported there with you. Sometimes, it’s
really hard to find a private place to spill some hot tea with
your bestie. Just make sure one of your siblings doesn’t
barge in and grab your hand or else it would defeat the
purpose of your whole getaway!

8) Be sure not to mess anything up when you arrive at your destination

or get yourself stuck there, no matter how good it might sound.
Just relax, don’t get into trouble, and don’t do anything to lose your
powers or else your stuck… honestly still not sure if that’s a bad thing
because I know that I wouldn’t mind it.

9) Enjoy your vacation and remember to just chillax!

Well this is pretty self-explanatory, what are you still doing here go
enjoy yourself!

10) After you have finished your vacation, complete all the steps over
again and it is now back to the miserable reality of your life and this world.
Well, I see that your back from your getaway! I hope you had the best time, but
unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and it’s time to face reality again.

Now that you have completed your first teleportation successfully, the rest should be a
breeze. Remember not to push the limits of your powers and not overstay your visit. All good
things come to an end, and a free, efficient, and quick vacation at absolutely anytime of any day
is already too good to be true! Now enjoy your new mastered skill and be sure to put it to good
use… or if you’re just craving chicken nuggets in the middle of the night that’s a great use of
your power as well!

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