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Humorous Prom

Isabella walked into the party just to get sent to get her assigned pod by the CDC

security. As she walked into the pod she was in awe. The prom was expensive, but

it was worth it. As she walked in, she saw her own refreshment table, trash can,

dance floor, radio, and screen. She turned the screen on to see many options. She

could talk to her friends separately or as a group. They could all dance together

and sync their speakers. She went to the refreshment table to grab a cookie and

soda when she got an incoming call from her best friend, Amy. They were chatting

for a little and dancing when Amy got an incoming call from the guy who broke her

heart, Joe. Isabella waited as Amy talked to her ex. She called Isabella back in a

panic. “We have a problem, Isabella,” Elena exclaimed. Isabella listened attentively

while Amy told her about how a big group of students came together to vote her

and her ex for prom king and queen so they would have to do the slow dance in

the big dance floor at the middle of the floor together. However, that wasn’t even

the worst part. They would have to wear these ugly, smelly suits with gloves and

face masks as they danced together. “I have to leave Isabella, I can’t do that with

him, I absolutely hate him!” Amy said worriedly. “Wait Amy, I have a better idea,”

Isabella exclaimed. They invited a big group of their friends on the call and told

them to invite everyone they know. They came up with a plan to vote another guy

for prom king, Amy’s crush, Bob! The other students probably had many people in
on their plan, but Isabella and Amy’s group had many more, another pro of being

one of the popular girls. They all listened attentively as their principal announced

this year’s prom king and queen. “This year’s prom queen is.. AMY! And your king

is… BOB!” their principal announced. They all jumped in joy… mission

accomplished! Now everyone could end the night happy and satisfied, especially

Bob and Amy as they danced their hearts away in the middle of the dance floor,

enjoying the envious look Joe was giving them.

I apologize

in advance

for my sucky

art and this

cheesy high

school story.

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