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7.1 Life Cycle of Plants Let us study the life cycle of a plant. Many plants start off as a seed. Every seed holds a miniature plant called the embryo. The hard part that covers the seed is called the seed coat; it protects the embryo. The embryo gets nourishment from the stored food, called cotyledon, in the seed. Some seeds are capable of growing even after many years if they are kept cool and dry. When a seed falls on the ground, it needs the right temperature and water to germinate. Some seeds also need light. Given these conditions, the seed sprouts and produces a tiny plant called a seedling. The young plant, then, starts to come out. This process is called germination. The tiny root pushes down and grows, looking for water and nutrients. Soon, the first real leaves emerge. It is important that the seed is planted in the right place at the right time for it to germinate. first leaves — Objectives Som explain the life cycle ¢ a plant analyze the stages in the life cycle of a plant that are affecte by the environment parts of a seed young plant

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