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Management of meconium What’s new?

aspiration syndrome C Amnioinfusion is no longer recommended for women with
Benjamin James Stenson MSAF.
C Surfactant lavage has been shown to reduce the risk of death or
Claire Lindsay Smith requirement for ECMO. Larger trials, including comparison with
bolus surfactant treatment are required to define its role.

Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) mainly affects term and post-term
infants. It ranges from mild respiratory distress to life-threatening cardio- Mortality rates for infants with meconium aspiration syndrome
respiratory failure. Prevention and treatment strategies are evolving. remain around 2.5e5%.
Amnioinfusion is no longer recommended for women with meconium
staining of the amniotic fluid (MSAF). Pharyngeal suction prior to delivery Pathophysiology
of the fetal shoulders and tracheal suction of vigorous infants after birth In most cases MSAF is not associated with identifiable fetal
do not prevent MAS and may be harmful. Tracheal suction is recommen- compromise and may simply reflect fetal gut maturation.
ded for non-vigorous infants with MSAF but has not been studied However, meconium passage may follow fetal stress such as
prospectively. Bolus surfactant therapy, high frequency oscillatory ventila- hypoxia-ischaemia, and this may also be associated with fetal
tion and inhaled nitric oxide may be beneficial in severe cases. Surfactant gasping, leading meconium to be aspirated into the fetal airways.
lavage reduces the combined risk of death or requirement for extracorpo- It is unclear to what extent meconium enters the distal airways in
real membrane oxygenation (ECMO) when compared with no surfactant utero or after delivery with the onset of air breathing.
treatment but its role in the routine management of MAS is uncertain Meconium consists of gastrointestinal and pancreatic secre-
and it should be compared with bolus surfactant in prospective studies. tions, bile and bile acids, mucous, swallowed vernix, lanugo
ECMO reduces the risk of mortality in severe cases so it is of paramount hair, blood and cellular debris. The pathophysiology of meco-
importance to discuss the transfer of severely ill infants to an ECMO nium aspiration syndrome is multi-factorial and reflects the
centre. direct effects of meconium in the airways, the resulting inflam-
matory response and any associated hypoxic-ischaemic insult.
Keywords extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; high frequency There is mechanical obstruction, chemical pneumonitis, surfac-
ventilation; infant; labour, induced; meconium aspiration syndrome; tant dysfunction and pulmonary vasoconstriction. Mechanical
newborn; nitric oxide; persistent fetal circulation; pulmonary surfactant obstruction, particularly in expiration leads to gas trapping, local
or generalized hyperinflation and increased risk of air leaks.
Chemical pneumonitis occurs, invoking a powerful inflammatory
response through cytokines such as IL-8, pro-inflammatory
enzymes such as phospholipase A2 and by activating comple-
ment. Surfactant dysfunction results from direct inhibition,
Introduction toxicity to type II pneumocytes, displacement of surfactant from
the surface of alveoli and reduction of surfactant proteins A and
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) mainly affects term or
B. Pulmonary vasoconstriction due to release of vasoconstrictors
post-term infants and can be defined as the presence of respira-
such as endothelin and thromboxane, contributes to pulmonary
tory distress and chest X-ray changes, not explained by other
hypertension. Meconium may also induce non-inflammatory cell
pathology, where there has been meconium stained amniotic
death (apoptosis) in the lungs. Ventilation perfusion mismatch
fluid prior to delivery.
and intrapulmonary shunting, lead to hypoxaemia, hypercarbia
Meconium staining of the amniotic fluid (MSAF) occurs in
and acidosis and in may progress to severe cardiorespiratory
around 4% of deliveries before 37 weeks, 10e20% of term
deliveries, and up to 30e40% of post-term deliveries. Around
Respiratory distress, cyanosis and chest hyperinflation may be
5% of infants born through MSAF go on to develop meconium
observed from soon after birth or develop over several hours.
aspiration syndrome. In the developed world, 0.43e2.1 per 1000
Typical X-ray changes are of hyperinflation and patchy intersti-
live-born infants receive mechanical ventilation for MAS.
tial shadowing (Figure 1). More uniform atelectasis is also seen
in some cases. The X-ray changes and clinical severity do not
always correlate.

Benjamin James Stenson MD FRCPCH is Consultant Neonatologist at the

Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, UK. General supportive measures
Most infants born through MSAF do not require resuscitation at
Claire Lindsay Smith MD MRCPCH is a Higher Specialist Trainee in birth and remain well. In the absence of other concerns or risk
Neonatal Medicine at the Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health, factors they should receive routine postnatal care. Infants who
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, UK. develop signs of respiratory distress require further management

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 22:12 532 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

The clinical management of MAS can be considered in two

phases: perinatal and postnatal management.

Perinatal management
Management of “post dates” pregnancy
MAS is clearly associated with advancing gestation, especially
beyond 40 weeks. MAS is reduced after induction of labour post
dates in comparison with expectant management. The relative
risk of MAS at 41 weeks after induction compared with expectant
management is 0.29 (95% CI 0.12e0.68). The relative risk at 42
weeks is 0.66 (CI 0.24e1.81) but this is not statistically signifi-
cant. However, the absolute risk of MAS is small and this, in
isolation, is not considered to be an indication for post dates
induction of labour. Key goals of intrapartum care to minimize
the risk of MAS include early detection and prompt management
of fetal hypoxia.

Transcervical infusion of fluid during labour with MSAF was
postulated potentially to reduce MAS by diluting thick meconium,
reversing oligohydramnios or by providing support to the umbil-
ical cord and thus reducing the risk of cord obstruction. A Cochrane
Figure 1 Chest X-ray of a ventilated infant with meconium aspiration review by Xu et al. concluded that amnioinfusion was not benefi-
syndrome showing typical appearances of hyperinflation and patchy cial in terms of significant reduction of perinatal deaths or
interstitial shadowing.
morbidity in infants with meconium staining of the liquor, except
perhaps in resource poor settings with limited means of fetal
monitoring. Amnioinfusion is not without risks, including cord
and admission to a neonatal unit. Although there is little
prolapse and prolongation of labour. The UK National Institute of
objective evidence regarding the general management of infants
Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines, currently
with MAS, monitoring and treatment should include the
recommend against use of amnioinfusion in women with MSAF.
 Careful observation with monitoring of heart rate, respi-
Pharyngeal suction before delivery of the fetal shoulders
ratory rate and oxygen saturation.
A large randomized multi-centre study by Vain et al., showed
 Minimal handling.
that the incidence of MAS, the need for mechanical ventilation
 Treatment with intravenous fluids, rather than enteral
and mortality rates were similar for infants whether or not they
feeding, until respiratory signs subside.
received intrapartum pharyngeal suction. Following this trial,
 Oxygen therapy to maintain saturation in the upper 90s,
intrapartum pharyngeal suction is no longer recommended.
aiming to minimize pulmonary hypertension.
 Blood gas and blood glucose monitoring to detect wors-
ening respiratory acidosis or the development of Postpartum management
hypoglycaemia. Tracheal suction
 For ventilated infants, assessment of the need for anal- The value of attempting to suction meconium from the trachea
gesia, sedation and in some cases muscle relaxation to remains unclear. Meta-analysis of four randomized controlled
facilitate optimal ventilation. trials of tracheal suction of vigorous infants (good tone, sponta-
It is usual practice for infants with respiratory distress of neous respirations and heart rate of over 100 beats per minute)
uncertain aetiology to be treated with antibiotics pending blood does not support routine endotracheal suction of such infants.
culture results. Meconium would usually be sterile prior rupture Laryngoscopy and tracheal suction are still recommended prior
of the fetal membranes so its presence around delivery does not to commencement of positive pressure ventilation in infants who
make a strong argument for routine antibiotic therapy. One small are not vigorous at delivery. The benefits and risks of this
randomized controlled trial showed no evidence of reduction in approach have not been evaluated in a prospective randomized
neonatal sepsis or neonatal intensive care admission following study. Such a trial would be a valuable addition to the literature.
maternal antibiotic prophylaxis in labour where there was MSAF
but power was limited by sample size. Passage of meconium may Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP)
be triggered by a fetal stress response and this could be due to Many neonatologist use nCPAP to support infants with respira-
infection. Given the potential devastating effects of neonatal tory dysfunction and its use in infants with MAS has been
sepsis, it is reasonable to perform blood cultures and give described. Others avoid using nCPAP in this condition because of
empirical treatment with penicillin and gentamicin for possible the association between MAS, gas trapping and air leaks. There is
early onset sepsis until the results are available. Large studies no clear evidence of benefit or harm for nCPAP in this patient
would be required to answer the question definitively. group as trials are lacking.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 22:12 533 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Conventional ventilation Nitric oxide

Ventilation of infants with MAS can be challenging and there Many infants with MAS have significant persistent pulmonary
are no evidenced criteria for commencing ventilation or for hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). General measures to
ventilatory strategies. Differing patterns of disease in MAS, with maintain homeostasis including maintenance of adequate
some infants having homogenous lung changes and others the systemic blood pressure, normalization of acid base balance and
more common patchy disease, mean that ventilation has to be avoidance of hypercarbia are important. Inhaled nitric oxide
tailored to the individual clinical picture. It is common to aim (iNO) reduces the need for ECMO in infants with PPHN and has
for a long expiratory time to avoid exacerbation of any air been widely used in the management of MAS-related PPHN. In
trapping. It may be helpful to use pulmonary flow graphics to cases of severe lung disease, iNO may be more effective if used in
ensure that the selected expiratory time allows complete combination with HFOV in order to maximize alveolar recruit-
expiration. ment. Infants with MAS have not been studied in isolation with
In infants with severe MAS, there is often a requirement for respect to iNO therapy but have been included in subgroups
high airway pressures and high FiO2. It is common for sedation within larger studies of iNO in term infants with PPHN and
and muscle relaxants to be used in order to optimize ventilation severe respiratory failure. Definitive conclusions about the effi-
and minimize the risk of pneumothorax associated with dys- cacy of iNO in MAS are therefore not possible on current
synchronous breathing. evidence.

High frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) Corticosteroids

In view of the high pressures often required with conventional Chemical pneumonitis is part of the pathophysiology of MAS.
ventilation and poor lung aeration in MAS, HFOV is commonly Corticosteroids have been thought to be potentially beneficial by
used in MAS. HFOV, as a component of treatment in trials has virtue of their anti-inflammatory properties. However,
been seen to lead to short-term improvements in gas exchange a Cochrane review of two relatively small studies did not show
but trials to define the role of HFOV in infants with MAS more any benefit from steroid use in terms of mortality, duration of
clearly have not yet been undertaken. ventilation or development of air leak. Infants who received
steroids were seen to have a small but significant increase in
Surfactant replacement duration of oxygen therapy. More recent studies have contra-
Most neonatologists now consider surfactant treatment to be an dicted this particular finding with reduced oxygen dependence
integral component of the management of MAS. Because of and improved X-ray appearances seen in infants treated with
surfactant inhibition, several doses of surfactant may be required steroids. Further, definitive studies would be beneficial to
before the desired response is achieved. Meta-analysis of clinical determine the role of this treatment. Given concerns of the effects
trials of surfactant replacement has not shown any statistically of corticosteroids on infant growth and neurodevelopment,
significant reduction in mortality, duration of ventilation or air treatment with steroids should not be considered standard
leak when surfactant replacement is instituted. However, in two practice in the meantime.
randomized controlled trials, the severity of the respiratory
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)/
illness was reduced as there was a significant reduction in the
extracorporeal life support (ECLS)
number of infants requiring treatment with extracorporeal
As the pulmonary effects of meconium aspiration syndrome are
membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Relative risk was 0.64 (95% CI
largely reversible, infants with severe disease are ideal candi-
0.46e0.91) and number needed to treat was 6 (95% CI 3e25).
dates for rescue therapy with ECMO. Outcome data from ECLS
registries and from the UK collaborative ECMO trial have shown
Surfactant lavage
mortality rates of severe MAS to be reduced by ECLS and the
Surfactant lavage aims to use relatively large volumes of diluted
overall mortality rate of infants treated with ECLS for MAS is
surfactant to facilitate removal of meconium from the lungs,
extremely low. While implementing therapies such as HFOV,
while at the same time maintaining adequate surfactant function.
iNO and surfactant is important in infants with severe disease,
A recent randomized controlled trial of 66 infants compared
delay in considering ECLS for the sickest infants must be avoi-
lavage using two 15 ml/kg aliquots of dilute surfactant (in 0.9%
ded. It is vital that infants who are developing severe disease be
saline) with standard care (high frequency ventilation, inhaled
discussed with an ECLS centre so that the timing of transfer is
nitric oxide and ECMO as indicated). There was no benefit shown
optimized and death prior to ECLS being instituted is avoided
for the primary outcome in this study e duration of ventilatory
wherever possible.
support. There was a reduced risk of the combined outcome of
death or ECMO with surfactant lavage: OR 0.24 (95% CI 0.06e
0.9). Transient desaturations were observed during lavage in this
study but significant alterations in blood pressure and heart rate Most infants with MAS recover to good health but there are
were not noted. Meta-analysis that included this, another small potential long term sequelae both in terms of pulmonary function
randomized trial and eight non-randomized series concurred and neurological outcome. Increased incidence of wheeze and
with these findings. Despite this, there is still concern that the bronchial reactivity in infancy and of asthma in later childhood
procedure is technically demanding and that complications are have been observed in infants who had MAS. In addition, MAS is
not uncommon. Larger trials are still required to determine the closely associated with perinatal hypoxia-ischaemia which
place of this treatment in clinical practice and this should include carries with it an increased risk of adverse neurodevelopmental
comparison with bolus surfactant treatment. outcome. The risk is compounded by exposure to postnatal

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 22:12 534 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

cardiorespiratory compromise and exposure to therapies which Ka€a€p€a PO. Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) e where do we go?
may in themselves be associated with adverse outcomes. By Research perspectives. Early Hum Dev 2009; 85: 627e9.
provoking a systemic inflammatory response with release of Kinsella JP, Truog WE, Walsh WF, et al. Randomised multicentre trial of
inflammatory mediators into the systemic circulation it is inhaled nitric oxide and high frequency oscillatory ventilation in severe
possible that MAS may cause injury remote from the lungs. More persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. J Pediatr 1997;
research is needed to elucidate this. 1311: 55e62.
Schaible T, Hermle D, Loersch F, Demirakca S, Reinshagen K, Varnholt V.
Conclusions A 20-year experience on neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygen-
ation in a referral center. Intensive Care Med 2010; 36: 1229e34.
The management of MAS continues to evolve. There is still
Siriwachirachai T, Sangkomkamhang US, Lumbiganon P, Laopaiboon M.
a need for further clinical studies to determine the optimal
Antibiotics for meconium-stained amniotic fluid in labour for pre-
overall treatment strategies. With good treatment, survival to
venting maternal and neonatal infections. Cochrane Database Syst
normal health should be the expected outcome for most infants.
Rev 2010; Issue
Those with severe disease should be discussed promptly with an
12. Art. No.: CD007772.
ECMO centre to ensure that risk of mortality is minimized. A
Tybulewicz AT, Clegg SK, Fonfe GJ, Stenson BJ. Preterm meconium staining
of the amniotic fluid: associated findings and risk of adverse clinical
outcome. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2004; 89: 328e30.
FURTHER READING Vain NE, Szyld EG, Prudent LM, Wiswell TE, Aguilar AM, Vivas NI.
Choi HJ, Hahn S, Lee J, et al. Surfactant lavage therapy for meconium Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal suctioning of meconium stained
aspiration syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neona- neonates before delivery of their shoulders: multicentre, randomized
tology 2012; 101: 183e91. controlled trial. Lancet 2004; 362: 560e1.
Dargaville PA, Copnell B, Mills JF, et al on behalf of the lessMAS Trial Study Ward MC, Sinn JKH. Steroid therapy for meconium aspiration syndrome in
Group. Randomized controlled trial of lung lavage with dilute surfac- newborn infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;
tant for meconium aspiration syndrome. J Pediatr 2011; 158: 383e9. 10.1002/14651858.CD003485. Issue 4. Art. No.: CD003485.
Dargaville PA, Coppenell B for the Australian and New Zealand Neonatal
Network. The epidemiology of meconium aspiration syndrome: inci-
dence, risk factors, therapies and outcome. Pediatrics 2006; 117:
El Shahed AI, Dargaville PA, Ohlsson A, Soll R. Surfactant for meconium
aspiration syndrome in full term/near term infants. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2007; Practice points
Issue 3. Art. No.: CD002054.
Finer N, Barrington KJ. Nitric oxide for respiratory failure in infants born C MAS occurs more commonly in post dates pregnancies and
at or near term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006; incidence is reduced when labour is induced, in comparison Issue 4. with continued expectant management
Art. No.: CD000399. C Amnioinfusion is no longer recommended for women with
Gu€lmezoglu AM, Crowther CA, Middleton P. Induction of labour for MSAF
improving birth outcomes for women at or beyond term. Cochrane C Routine pharyngeal suction prior to delivery of the shoulders
Database Syst Rev 2006; and routine tracheal suction in vigorous infants are no longer
CD004945.pub2. Issue 4. Art. No.: CD004945. recommended as they do not reduce the incidence of MAS
Halliday HL, Sweet DG. Endotracheal intubation at birth for preventing C Non-vigorous infants should have tracheal suction performed
morbidity and mortality in vigorous, meconium-stained infants born at at birth prior to positive pressure ventilation
term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001; C Surfactant replacement, HFOV and iNO are effective strategies
14651858.CD000500. Issue 1. Art. No.: CD000500. in ventilated infants with severe respiratory failure
Hofmeyr GJ, Xu H. Amnioinfusion for meconium-stained liquor in labour. C Surfactant lavage has been shown to reduce to risk the of
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010; death or requirement for ECMO but its role remains uncertain
14651858.CD000014.pub3. Issue 1. Art. No.: CD000014. C ECMO reduces mortality in infants with the most severe
Intrapartum care: care of healthy women and their babies during child- disease and early discussions with an ECMO centre should be
birth. London: National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Chil- undertaken
dren’s Health,; 2007.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 22:12 535 Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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