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T’iwe n’hi’ yu’i nasayak

The origin of the earth and man

In the early days there was no land, no

people, there was only Ks’a’w Wala,

«Great Spirit». This spirit was both

masculine and female; this is how they

reproduced themself and hence other

spirits like the Ekthe’," Sage of space ".

the Thunder, T’iwe Yase, «Nominator

of the earth". Weet’ahn, "the one who leaves diseases in time". The K’lum,

"Goblin that controls the environment". The Daat’i, «Spirit of social control».

S’i, "Spirit of transformation". Tay, "the Sun". A’te, "the Moon". Weh’a,

«Wind of the atmosphere».

Those are the eldest sons of Ks’a’w Wala, "Great Spirit." The elder

sons/daughters reproduced and originated plants, animals, minerals, and created

a special son/daughter named Nasa, the "Human Being" (people). All these

major and minor spirits lived together, they had only one language, the nasa
yuwe (paez language), and they knew many things; some were singers, other

artisans, another shaman, advisers, musicians and farmers, among others...

Before Ks’a’w Wala had a big house; there they lived with the others greater

spirits. The older children roamed permanently everywhere because they had

no fixed place to live. One day Ks’a’w Wala told them that they had to build

their own homes where everyone lived. Then, they transformed into people and

made their houses in different places separately. At first they lived in conflict;

Tay «Sun» with his rays burned them, and the Water flooded everything. Seeing

this, Ks’a’w Wala directed them to unite into one and thus form a single home.

They did so, and by uniting they continued to reproduce in animals, men and

women, vegetables, minerals, males and females, so that they would continue

to reproduce and generate more life. Since the earth was weak, gelatinous, then

the male and female stones were brought together and reproduced to make the

earth firmer...

In this way four houses and four roads were formed: the main house of the

Ks'a'w Wala, the house of the oldest children and the house of the youngest
children, where the nasa, animals, vegetables lived, and the house of the

yu'khipmenas, the “tapanos” (men without an anus), those who live

underground. The K'dul, "Condor", the Meweh, "King of the raptor vulture",

the S'uita "armadillo" and the "Medico", among others, know the way to get to

the four houses, because they understand the language to communicate with the

beings that live there.

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