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Reasons to process background checks and drug screening when hiring

The process of recruitment and selection entails a plethora of hard work, time and cost incurred
by the management. Now after having shed all the blood, sweat and tears, if you find that the candidates
finally selected are ineffective and unproductive, it only leaves you dumb-struck. Candidates try their best
to camouflage their blemishes and ace an interview.

Now how do you help yourself and your organisation to not fall prey to such a snag?

If you are already opting for an Employment Background Check and Drug Screening before
selecting your candidate then “BINGO’! you are absolutely on the right track. But if you are still
wondering how to sort this out, then let me guide you through this.

An Employment Background Check is a test wherein a company scrutinizes a potential candidate

either by hiring third-party agencies namely AuthBridge, Jantakhoj, First India Advantage, HireRight,
IDfy, etc. or by conducting a self Background Check, which can be worked out simply by reading the
discussions that follow:
● Candidates work history​- You can access the particulars such as actual work period, job role,
salary, performance history and the conduct of a candidate throughout his work journey by
contacting the previous employers if any. Also, for government enterprises, the ​National Skills
Registry​(NSR) is the perfect platform for retrieving any employee information.

● Education history​- You can examine the legitimacy of the degrees, certificates and grades
provided by the candidate via contacting the mentioned universities/institutes. Another great
source for accessing such academic details is the ​National Academic Depository​(NAD).

● Address Verification​- The residential proof of a candidate can be obtained via Aadhar

● Public Records​- The law enforcement agencies will squeeze out any kind of criminal history or
court records that the candidate might have had in the past, thus, preventing you from not
selecting a wrong candidate.

● Social Media​- When you feel that the position being offered is too important to be risked, then
scanning through the social media profiles of the candidate is no unethical.

This entire screening process might gobble up a considerable amount of 3-10 days or even more
of your valuable time, but it’s worth the wait. The background checks cover a total of 7 or even 10 years
of past records of a candidate and it’s usually practised at the end of other selection procedures.

Let’s talk Drugs

Referring to the latest United Nations Drug Report 2019, India continues to secure one of the
highest position in terms of drugs consumption in the global scenario. This leaves the future of the nation
in no better situation but in utter plight. As articulated by Y K Sabarwal, Former Chief Justice of
India(2006), ​“ Drug abuse is a social evil. It destroys vitals not only of the society but also adversely
affects the economic growth of the country..”.

So, when a country is on the higher extremes of drug abuse, it’s obvious for the companies to
have mistakenly grabbed one or two black sheeps along with the others.

How is this a threat to your workplace?

● Poor concentration, therefore, deteriorating work quality

● Erratic work patterns, thus troubling the entire team and department
● Carelessness & mistakes in judgement, leading to accidents or mishaps
● Possibility of peddling drugs to co-workers and ultimately infecting everyone
● Exercising violence, leaving the other workers mentally disturbed
The consequences of having a drug addict employee might be unceasing. The Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances(NDPS) Act, 1985, criminalises the use of drugs and also provides adequate
measures against drug trafficking in India. Despite this, the loopholes in the technicality fails to stop the
peddlers from infesting the streets of the nation. Thus, sieving the unwanted coarse beforehand is the only
way you can play smart.

How do you safeguard your workplace? - Using strainers

● By introducing stringent Drug and Alcohol policies(in written) with zero tolerance to the use of
drugs, alcohol or cigarettes within the work premises.
● By conducting a pre-employment drug test in association with third party companies like
Jantakhoj, cFIRST, etc. These tests can be even conducted randomly for existing employees who
have recently got hooked to such addictions, thus, assuring seamless workplace safety forever.
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