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baffle , go , cliche , to flake out , lay out , backlog,

keep someone posted , to be in someone's element, go dutch

1. We do try to …............................ by the book in this company.

2. Computers …...................... me I'm not cut out for the modern age at all.

3. I know it's a …....................... but what you get out of this life depends on what
you put into it.

4. She dropped out of her business course and has now taken up a fine arts

degree. She …...................................................

5. If you had … ........................... instead of dithering around

, we wouldn't have had all this mess to sort out.

6. I've got a …........................... of paperwork to get through before I can turn my

mind to these issues.

7. He doesn't save at all. I'm fed up with having to ….................... for him.

8. I was ….................................... by her behaviour, it was really weird.

9. I can't afford to pay for everything. We will have to ….....................................

10.I can't remember anything after that vodka. I totally …......................................

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