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Bullying is about gaining strength, being the boss, scaring students or other people and then at times

hurting them. Students have been bullied by being called names, threatened, not having friends because
of their race and on the internet. If a student is bullied, he or she can feel depressed, not so good about
themselves, fail in school and even try to commit suicide in most of the cases, This has resulted in many
attempts and campaigns to do away with bullying all together. However, the reality of the situation is
that no single action or person can prevent bullying. Bullying isn’t just a problem in schools. It’s an issue
in almost all areas of life that takes a combination of approaches to successfully reduce the number of
incidents. Bullies sometimes carry weapons, smoke, drink, alcohol and get into a lot of fights. One of the
main reasons why bullying still persists is the inability to notice it while it’s happening. To successfully
prevent it, you have to see it. Teachers in the classroom and managers in the workplace need to be on
watch for instances of bullying. Someone who is not part of a group isn’t necessarily a loner. They could
be being bullied and you can help the situation by watching them and noting down such warning signs
and reviewing them at a later date. Not all bullying occurs because of deep-rooted issues within the
bully. Other people might feel as if they have been doing something bad in some way. Instead of raising
their concerns, they resort to overt and covert methods of bullying. To combat this, a meeting of the
minds is the best way to stop this scenario from going any further. Have a serious conversation with the
individual and ask them why they’re acting the way they are. It’s likely that they have a problem which,
in their minds, was caused by the person they’re bullying. After this, bring both people together and
attempt to speak about the issue openly. Bullying nearly always gets worse because it’s often swept
under the rug and ignored. Bullying prevention techniques must place emphasis on doing more than just
putting an end to the immediate bullying problem. It needs to target the underlying causes of the
behavior. Make sure the wall against bullying continues even after dealing with the recent problem. You
have to remain vigilant or it will keep returning.

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