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Kelvin candera XI IIS 1


Bullying is very bad . Bullying is an acts with a person that can be done by
individual or group who can make the victim into a depression. Bullying can
happend to anyone and anywhere most often school. bullying included as a
criminal and the impact that is dangerous, like child’s psychological . The
person feels most strongly who bully the weak one. Bullying often go
unreported because victims fear, and this is where the teacher must be able
to monitor his students that bullying doesn’t continue and make the victim
more suffer
To prevent bullying as parents need to be closer to children and teach
bullying is a crime and should report it. Bullying can make us feel unsafe and
unhappy. If you are being bullied or you see bullying happening, do
something! If you are bullying others, take the first step to stopping by
getting help.

A student can bully another person because they

don't like the person ,find bullying fun ,like to feel tough, strong and in
control ,think it will make them popular. Bullying can also happen because
the student gets a reaction they like.
Bullying can arise from fear, misunderstanding, lack of knowledge or

There are types of bullying

-Face-to-face bullying = involves physical actions
such as punching or kicking
-Cyberbullying use of information or communication technologies such
Instant Messaging or chat, text messages, email and social networking sites
or forums. It has many similarities with offline bullying, but it can also be
anonymous, it can reach a wide audience, and sent or uploaded material can
be difficult to remove.Bullying can have a negative impact on everyone – it is
not just a problem for victims and bullies. If you see or know of others been
bullied you may feel angry, fearful, guilty, and sad.
You may also feel worried that the bullying could happen to you.

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