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Everything that we use is becoming smart then why not our toothbrushes. A smart toothbrush
uses oscillating-rotating technology to maintain your teeth and gums. This technology sets the
smart toothbrushes apart from the manual toothbrushes. The movement of the smart toothbrush
is programmed towards the provision of optimal cleansing of the tooth and gums. However, when
not used properly, the benefits of a smart toothbrush diminish greatly.


Electric toothbrushes have started the tread in many children beginning to take an interest in
brushing their teeth. This is a drastic change as in the past, most children were stubborn and often
neglected to cooperate when it came to the matter of tooth hygiene.
The primary appeal of smart toothbrushes is their efficiency. Most of these electric toothbrushes
can go anywhere between 5,000 - 30,000 strokes (and some even higher according to their power
output) within the span of a minute. These are numbers that cannot be achieved during a single
session of teeth brushing using a manual toothbrush. However, blindly placing the electric
toothbrush atop your teeth will not yield the best results.


We’ve all heard of the 2-minute rule when it comes to brushing our teeth. For both manual and
electric toothbrushes, it is necessary that we brush for a minimum of 2 minutes but no longer than
3 minutes. This ensures that the toothpaste is able to kill all the germs and bacteria and whitening
your teeth without causing any harm to your gums.
It would be beneficial to divide your mouth into 4 quadrants and spending 30s on each quadrant to
complete your 2-minute cycle. The quadrants are simple split of top left, right and bottom left and
right. Professional smart toothbrushes come with a 2-minute auto-shutdown feature that makes it
easy to keep track of your brushing session.


Similarly to the manual toothbrush, the smart toothbrush works best when angled at 45° against
your teeth. The key difference between the manual toothbrush and the smart toothbrush whilst
brushing is that you do not need to apply any pressure for the latter. You only need to guide the
smart toothbrush with minimal pressure.
Step 1 - Before you begin brushing, it is important to check if your smart toothbrush has enough
charge. If it doesn’t have sufficient charge, be sure to charge your smart toothbrush before you
begin. Most of the electric toothbrushes have a battery level indicator for your convenience.
Step 2 - Once your electric toothbrush is sufficiently charged, wash it and apply toothpaste.
Step 3 - Start by brushing the outside surfaces of the teeth. Guide the brush head gently across
your teeth. Be sure to spend a few seconds on each tooth and keep the time spent on each tooth
consistent so that your teeth are whitened with consistency. Follow the natural curve and shape of
your mouth and guide your movement accordingly.
Step 4 - Now repeat step 3 but on the inside surfaces of your teeth.
Step 5 - Repeat step 3 but on the chewing surfaces of your teeth.
Step 6 - Direct the brush along your line to clean your gums. Do not scrub or apply pressure as it
could cause gum injuries.
Step 7 - To freshen your breath, graze the brush along the tongue and its roof.


Your choice of electric brush will greatly change your entire brushing experience. Dentrino by
Paraiba White is a certified product that has provided great results for its clients. Dentrino comes
with 5 different modes that give you a variety of options to fit your needs. The selected mode is
saved in the memory of this smart toothbrush so that your toothbrush is ready to go upon every
startup. It also comes with a 2-minute auto-shutdown timer which makes it easier to track the
timings for each brushing session. Using Dentrino consistently and properly will gift you a brighter

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