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STANDARD Issued 1 959-05

Revised 201 3-1 2
Stabilized 201 8-1 1

Superseding J1 0 DEC201 3

Automotive and Off-Highway Air Brake Reservoir Performance

and Identification Requirements - Truck and Bus


This document has been determined to contain basic and stable technology which is not dynamic in nature.


This document has been declared "Stabilized" by the SAE Truck and Bus Brake Supply and Control Components Committee
and will no longer be subjected to periodic reviews for currency. Users are responsible for verifying references and continued
suitability of technical requirements. Newer technology may exist.

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SAE I N TERN ATI ON AL J 1 0™ NOV201 8 1 OF 4


This SAE Standard applies to al l new prod uction air brake and air accessory reservoirs used in autom otive vehicles and
off-road m a chines. This document defines an “air reservoir” as a reservoir having single or multiple compartments that is
used for storage of com pressed air. This d ocum ent does not appl y to accum ulators or reservoirs for storage of gases
other than com pressed air.

1 .1 Pu rpose

The purpose of this docum ent is to provid e M I N I M U M perform ance requirements and a m ethod of identifying new
production air brake reservoirs. Additional requ irements for corrosion resistance and pressure fatigu e tests should be
considered by the vehicle m anufacturer.


2. 1 Applicable Docum ents

The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. U nl ess otherwise indicated, th e
latest issue of SAE pu bl ications shall appl y.

2. 1 . 1 ASTM Publ ications

Available from ASTM I nternational, 1 00 Barr H arbor Drive, P. O. Box C700, West Conshoh ocken, PA 1 9428 -2959, Tel:
61 0-832-9585, www. astm . org

ASTM B 1 1 7-95 Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatu s

ASTM D 1 654-92 Evalu ation of Painted or Coated Specim ens Su bjected to Corrosive Environm ents
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3. 1 Proof Tests (Done on a sam ple of tanks)

Al l air reservoirs shall be capable of withstand in g a h ydrostaticall y applied internal pressure of not l ess than five tim es the
re s e rvo i r’ s ra te d working pressure.

There shall be no i nd ication of rupture or perm anent circumferential d eform ation exceed ing 1 % after havin g been
subjected to th is test pressure for 5 m in.

When testin g m ultiple compartm ent reservoirs, the pressure shal l be applied to and exhausted from all com partm ents
sim ultaneousl y. Then pressurize each com partm ent individuall y to 1 . 5 tim es the ind icated rated working pressure to verify
the baffle strength in both d irections.

3. 2 FM VSS Conform ance (Off-H igh way Applications need not com pl y)

I nitiall y and at a continui ng frequency of not l ess than once annu al l y, on e or m ore air reservoirs of each size, type (single
com partm ent, m ultipl e com partm ent, dual com partment with integral check val ve) and m ounting config uration m ust be
tested for com pliance to all requirem ents of applicable Federal M otor Vehicle Safety Standards.

3. 3 The reservoirs tested per these valid ation req uirem ents shal l be sel ected from production stock and shal l be
equ ipped with all perm anentl y attached item s such as m ounting brackets and fittin g bosses.


4. 1 Leakage Tests (1 00% Test)

Each air reservoir m ust be subjected to the fol lowing tests as applicable. A seal ing com pound m ay be used to seal port

4. 1 . 1 Sin gle Com partm ent Reservoirs

Al l air reservoirs shall be subjected to th e in dicated rated working pressure. Leakage at this pressure shall not exceed 1 0
std cm /m .

4. 1 . 2 M ultiple Com partm ent Reservoirs with out Check Valves

4. 1 . 2. 1 Reservoir Shell

Perform the sam e test as in 4. 1 . 1 by appl ying the pressure to and exhau stin g from all com partm ents sim ultaneousl y.

4. 1 . 2. 2 Reservoir Baffle Plate(s)

Check for leakage and weld integrity of the internal baffle plate(s) by appl ying a pressure equal to the in dicated rated
working pressure to one sid e of the baffle plate(s). Leakage shall not exceed 1 0 std cm /m.

4. 1 . 3 M ultiple Com partm ent Reservoirs with I ntegral Ch eck Val ves

4. 1 . 3. 1 Reservoir Shell

Perform the sam e test as in 4. 1 . 1 except th e pressure m ust be applied throu gh the suppl y (inlet) com partm ent a nd
exhausted through the service (exhaust) com partm ent.

4. 1 . 3. 2 Reservoir Baffle Plates

Perform the sam e tests as in 4. 1 . 2. 2 by pluggin g th e check valve closed when required .
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4. 1 . 3. 3 Check Val ve

With a pressure equal to the ind icated rated working pressure in both com pa rtm ents, exhau st pressure from the suppl y
com partm ent. The service com partm ent pressure m ust rem ain at the rated working pressure. Leakage past the check
valve shall not exceed 1 00 std cm /m .

4. 2 Corrosion Test (Done on sam ple of tanks)

Al l air reservoirs sh all be protected internall y and externall y ag ainst detrim ental corrosion through the use of either a
corrosion-resistant base m aterial or a suitable protective coating or treatm ent. An y ad ditional tests and requirem ents
deem ed im portant shall be agreed upon by purchaser and sell er.

4. 2. 1 Exterior Surface

The exterior su rface shal l withstand a m inim um of 48 h exposure to salt spray in accordance with ASTM B 1 1 7 -95. U pon
com pletion of the exposure, eval uate the specim en per ASTM D 1 654 -92. Al l m axim um creepage points from the scribe
are to be m easured. A m inim um of six m easurem ents are requ ired on each side of the scribe (1 2 total). N o one
m easurem ent greater than 3 m m is perm issible. N o corrosion spots or blisters are perm issible in the u nscribed area
(Ratin g N um ber 1 0). Sm all openings between m ounting brackets and shell s shall be disregarded in the corrosion
evalu ation. Also, ed ges or areas dam aged in specim en preparation or purposel y u npainted areas such as threads shal l
be d isregard ed.

4. 2. 2 I nteri or Surface

The interior surface shall withstand a m inim um of 96 h exposu re to salt spray in accordance with ASTM B 1 1 7 -95. U pon
com pletion of the exposure, eval uate the specim en per ASTM D 1 654 -92. Al l m axim um creepage points from the scribe
are to be m easured. A m inim um of six m easurem ents are requ ired on each sid e of the scribe (1 2 total). N o one
m easurem ent greater than 3 m m is perm issible. N o corrosion spots or blisters are perm issible in the u nscribed area
(Ratin g N um ber 1 0). H idd en lap areas such as end cap protrusion, in ternal baffle crevices, and fitting boss clearances
shall be disregarded in the corrosion eval uation. Also, ed ges or areas dam aged in specim en preparation or purposel y
unpainted areas such as th reads shall be d isregard ed.

4. 2. 3 Specim en Preparation

A production reservoir shall be quartered by cu tting it in such a m anner that each section incl udes 50% of the end cap and
25% of the shel l. The sectioned test reservoir shou ld have a m inim um of 72 h air exposure. Then the specim en shall be
scribed in accordance with 5. 1 of ASTM D 1 654-92. The specim en is then to be placed in the salt spray booth in a
m anner to provid e thorou g h drainage and in accordance with Section 7 of ASTM B 1 1 7 -95.

4. 3 I ntegrity Tests (1 00% Test for Assurance of Structural Sou ndn ess)

This test is intended to assure the safety, integrity and structural soundness of each ind ivid ual air reservoir. When air
pressure is used to perform this test, protection against explosive rupture shal l be provided. The effectiveness of the
protective encl osure shall be verified prior to use.

4. 3. 1 Sin gl e Com partm ent Reservoirs

Al l air reservoirs shall be subjected to twice the i nd icated working pressure. Reservoirs shall be exposed to this pressu re
for a m inim um of 2 seconds without rupture.

4. 3. 2 M ultiple Com partm ent Reservoirs without Check Val ves

Perform the sam e test as in 4. 3. 1 by appl ying pressure to and exh austing pressu re from all com partm ents sim ultaneousl y.

4. 3. 3 M ultiple Com partm ent Reservoirs with I ntegral Ch eck Val ves

Perform the sam e test as in 4. 3. 1 except th e pressure m u st be su pplied through the su ppl y (inl et) compartm ent and
exhausted through the service (exhaust) com partm ent.
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Al l air reservoirs wh ich m eet th e requ irem ents of this docum ent shal l be perm anentl y id entified to show the m anufactu rer,
SAE J 1 0 plus latest revision, th e rated working pressure and the date of m anu facture (day, m onth, and year).


6. 1 M arginal I n dicia

A change bar (l) located in the left m argin is for the conven ience of the user in l ocating areas wh ere technical revi sions,
not editorial chan ges, have been m ade to the previou s issue of this docu m ent. An (R) sym bol to the left of the docum ent
titl e indicates a com plete revision of the d ocum ent, includ ing technical revision s. Chang e bars and (R) are not used in
original publ ications, nor in docum ents that con tain editorial chan ges onl y.


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