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Rewrite as directed (10 x 2 = 20)

1. Make sentence of your own with the phrasal verbs given.

a. Believe in - I don’t believe in miracles.

b. Break down- The car broke down halfway through the roadtrip across the world.

2. Make sentences using the following words as nouns and verbs without changing the spelling.

a. contrast

N- In contrast to last year’s status,the team is doing very well this time.

V- Her black dress and the white background contrast sharply.

b. produce

N-We buy organic produce from the farmer’s market.

V- I need to buy some produce at the market.

c. object

N-The object sitting in the middle of the table made her blood run cold.

V- I object to her going there alone.

d. increase

N-We are seeing an aborable increase in standards of living.

V- My aim is to increase the number of women in the sports.

e. project

N-It’s difficult to project funding needs so far into the future.

V-She projects an air of calm self-confidance.

3. Complete the following conditional sentences.

a. If he communicates effectively, the presentation will go well.

b. If he had performed well, he would have get good marks.

c. If I got up earlier, I would study for the test.

d. If the new material had come in time, I would have took the printout .

4. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences to establish connectives.

a. This is the powerful machine. It is an imported one.

This is the powerful machine which is an imported one.

b. My uncle is a lucky man. His calculations never fail.

My uncle is a lucky man so his calculations never fail.

My uncle is a lucky man because his calculations never fail.

c. There was a huge crowd near the shop. An interesting quiz programme was telecast
in that shop.

There was a huge crowd near the shop because an interesting quiz programme was
telecast in that shop.

d. The jellyfish is an animal. It doesn’t have a skeleton.

The jellyfish is an animal but it doesn’t have a skeleton.

5. a. Shakespeare is the most famous of all writers in English.(change into positive degree)

No other writer in English is as famous as Shakespeare

b. Iron is more useful than any other metal. (change into superlative degree)

Iron is the most useful of all metals.

6. a. She is too angry to speak. (change the sentences into complex)

She is too angry that she cannot speak.

b. Seeing the police, he ran away. (change the sentences into compound)

He saw the police and ran away.

7. Spot the error

a. If I will visit London, I will meet you.
If I visit London, I will meet you.

b. Every students is intelligent in the class.

Every student is intelligent in the class.

8. Write the apt American word for the British word.
a. Truck -Lorry
b. Vacation -Holiday
c. Mailbox -Postbox
d. Cookie -Biscuit

9. Is the underlined noun countable or uncountable?

1. The children fell asleep quickly after a busy day of fun. -Countable

2. Be careful! The water is deep. -Uncountable
3. The parade included fire trucks and police cars. - Countable
4. We like the large bottles of mineral water. - Countable

10. Write the synonym for the given words.

a. plasmodia -Paramecium,Amoeba,Plasmodium

b. procrastination -Delaying,Hesitatinon,Wavering.


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