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1. Out Work Everyone! 21. Thank you cards!

Out work, out hustle, do more, Thank everybody, and I mean

offer more, show up early and everybody! Sincerely thank
leave late. You have to be willing to customers, thank friends, thank
do what the other 98% (not anybody that helps you!
millionaires) are not willing to do.

2. Leverage! 6. Learn how to Sell! 11. Be Charitable! 16. Don't Waste Time! 22. Follow up like crazy!

Leverage your money; with things There are buyers and sellers. Look around, are most of the Invest in your knowledge if you Nothing is easy, nothing happens
like real estate you only have to Which one gets to keep the charitable people wealthy? The have down time. Go see or call on fast and it normally doesn't
put up 20%. Leverage your time by money? You want to be a two go hand and hand. You must people that can buy your product happen the first time! Following
meeting with many people at once. Millionaire; you need to learn how have the aura of a giver to attract or service. Selling time and up is the difference between
to sell because that person gets to success and wealth! learning time, don't waste time! average and millionaire!
keep money.

3. Great Advice Only! 7. Pick a fast growing 12. Good Debt Only! 17. Get Things Done! 23. Be passionate!
line of work!
Ask for advice ONLY from If you could pick a Lamborghini or Most fast fortunes are achieved by Don't procrastinate! Don't put off; If you're not excited about you and
successful people in their field. a Kia to race to the place you are using good debt. Rental houses get things done! All my millionaire what you're doing, how is anyone
There's lots of vice in advice! going, which would you chose? In are good debt because your friends get things done faster than else going to be? Be extremely
life, if you pick the slow industry renters are paying off your my non-millionaire friends! passionate!
you might never be a millionaire. mortgage. Debt on credit cards;
who’s getting rich? Them or you?

4. Positive Attitude! 8. Create revenue streams! 13. Meet New People! 18. Solve Problems! 24. Whats in it for them?

You control you! You are President Hard to get rich with only one The only difference in who you are There is no money in No! Forget about your needs. Focus
and CEO of you. Be positive all check coming in. whether it's today and who you are a year from Inventors solve problems and get on your customers needs, and you
the time! revenue from rental properties, today is who you meet, and what wealthy! People that can figure out will be wealthy. Constantly look at
selling multiple items from you read! Meet new, successful solutions make more money than things from the customer's point
multiple manufacturers, your goal people. people that can't! of view. Serve them and solve their
is 10s to 100s of checks coming in problems first!
each and every month!

5. Mentor(s)! 9. Own a Business! 14. Read! 19. Set Goals! 25. Once you're a millionaire!

If there's a short cut to get to If you are employed, then have a Everything you want to know Set goals,then work your goals! Help others become one! Like
where you want to go, would you side business. As soon as you about or do, has been done by Have written goals. Declare what writing a list like this, become a
take it? Yes! The shortcut is have experience in your field, start someone that is currently a you're going to achieve and how mentor, encourage the next
befriending and learning from your own company. Why? because Millionaire! Don't reinvent the you're going to achieve it! generation.
millionaires. 2% of the population you are now working for the wheel, learn from them and
are Millionaires learn from them! person that shares your goal of replicate what they did.
being a Millionaire; You!

10. Be Nice! 15. Opportunities with upside! 20. Love what you do!

People like to do business with Never work a job for a set hourly It's true, love what you do and you
people they like. Be extremely rate or salary! Every opportunity never work a day in your life! Pick
memorable and likable! needs to be limitless financially a field you love, and dominate it!
with tips, profit sharing
commission, equity, options!

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