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Once Again, Good afternoon to each one of us.

I am Jordan-James Olivo, a 5 th year

BSEcE Engineering Student. We are very honored to have you, Dr. Rodrigo
Jamisola and also to all the DOST Staffs. For us, students, this is indeed a very rare
opportunity that we learn at least something outside of our curriculum. We all know
that in many years of his passion and burning desire of his training and study on his
field of specialization, all of what he learned cannot be taught to us in just a few
days. He leaves us with a thousand of questions in our mind. (kung pwede lang sana
sir, dito ka nalang manirahan sa USM, para paglabas namin sa USM, puro na
robotics ang nasa isip namin). He did not only show his intelligence and his expertise
to us but he also showed his God-believing and very humble personality. He is
indeed a very great model to us.

Most of all, what have I really learned special about Sir Jamisola is that you must
have a burning desire to drive your ambitions and help you to achieve your goal. (the
more burning desire you have, the more likely you will be that kind of person you
want to).

And Lastly, what I will really miss the most about Dr. Jamisola is that his laugh. And I
did some research about the personality about laughters.

Snicker -- This involves you laughing under your breath an indication that you often
see the funny side to a situation even when others do not. People like you because
you're easy to get along with and never fly off the handle.

Snort -- A snort results when you try to bottle up your laughter and it ends up in your
nose. A tendency to restrain laughter indicates you're shy and do not like to call
attention to yourself. You're also modest, thoughtful and believe in following the
rules. You're sensitive to the feelings of others and are admired for you refinement.

Giggle-- You're an optimist with a vibrant, youthful outlook on life.

Ordinary laughter -- This type of laughter well-modulated, appropriate and never too
loud shows you like to be one of the crowd. You apply yourself and work hard but
never try to hog the credit. You are patient, kindhearted and reliable an excellent
friend to others.

Cackle -- This is a loud laugh that carries often heard above the roar of a crowd.
Your piercing laugh reveals that you like to let yourself go. You're a born life-of-the-
party type who enjoys telling jokes. And when you're confronted with a problem,
you're bold enough and successful.

Guffaw -- This hearty, deep-seated belly laugh reveals you're uninhibited, willing to
take chances and seize opportunities. People like you because you can be
entertaining and you enjoy company.

Read More: Laughter Reveals Your Personality |


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