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10 Chapter Book

By: Romina Vega Durazo

Fishing Trip
Spent a day learning to fish, in a big pond.
Yet didn’t catch a single thing at all.

That same day I received a text from my brother

He didn’t come fishing with my cousins and me, yet he managed to catch something.

It sure wasn’t a fish

Instead, it was a four-legged creature,
Light brown almost tannish fur,
And had many wrinkles by her face and neck.
She had a smile that was one of a kind.

I never thought the day I would get a new dog I wouldn’t be there.
At first, I thought my brother was joking around with me.

I couldn’t believe it we had a new dog.


I couldn’t stop thinking about the dog.

Her cute wrinkly face, and her smile that was adorable.
Her smile was so wide, she would always stick her tongue out.

I kept trying to understand the situation.

I have the possibility of having a new dog, yet I am not there to witness it.
Or my brother could be pranking me and instead one of my family members got a new dog.

For at least three days I kept thinking about the situation,

I held the urge of calling my mom.

Not until a Sunday morning.

The Phone Call

My cousins and I have gone through all the conclusions of the dog.
We even check the pictures I got to see any clues or hints.
We like to say we went ‘FBI mode.’
After all the conclusions and assumptions we made we all decided to make a call.
I was going to call my mother to verify everything.

We were all in the car alone,

Everyone was hushed while I put my phone on speaker.
The ring kept creating suspense in the air.

Dance Party

Five children in a minivan

All filled in two rows
Starbucks drinks with us

After the phone was dead silence…

For a couple of seconds
Till I burst out of my seat
I start screaming and yelling
“I am got a new dog,” I said
Dancing in my space

Everyone else laughing or being glad for me

Coming Home

That is how I felt

41-minute drive
Moving in my seat, not being able to stay still

Trees moving in a blur

Cars passing by
Waiting for mintue and minute till I get to my destination

More Time

My destination has to wait

Hungry took over us
Little more patine
Just a little more
I couldn’t wait till I see her
Home Sweet Home

Long hours
Day, after day
I am home
My baby

There she was

Four-legged creature
Tanish fur
Smile across her face, her tongue sticking out on the side
Jumping up and down, tail wagging of happiness

I had just gotten a new best friend into my life

I will appreciate her this time
Not take her for granted in any sort of way
New Me

I got one more chance, to not mess it up again

To take care of her, appreciate her, love and cherish her
Do my duties as a doggie mom
I want to continue seeing her bright smile that lights my face
I don’t plan on stopping any time soon
Double Vision

Coming home from school, tired but glad to see my puppy again.
My mom pulls up right behind my dad.
I wave to her, then peer to the passenger seat because I saw something.

A small thing had tannish fur and looked similar to my puppy.

I didn’t think much about it till I start walking closer.
My mom is already at the passenger getting what I believed was my dog.
Until I clearly see it and...

I got a new puppy!

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