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Class Reptilia – Reptiles

Class Reptilia includes many diverse species that are classified into four living clades. These are the 25
species of Crocodilia, 2 species of Sphenodontia, approximately 9,200 Squamata species, and the
Testudines, with about 325 species.

Crocodilia: 23 species, including crocodiles, caiman, alligators, and garials

Sphenodontia: 2 species of tuatara

Squamata: 9,150 species of lizards, snakes, and worm lizards

Testudines: 300 species of turtles, terrapins and tortoises

Reptile are amniotes that lay their eggs on land; they have scales or scutes and are ectothermic.

Crocodilia includes the alligators, crocodiles, and caimans; they are mostly aquatic species, but some are
able to move on land because of their semi-erect posture.

Tuataras are classified as the only group under Sphenodontia; they may be lizard-like, but skull and jaw
differences set them apart from true lizards.

Squamata, the largest group of reptiles, includes the lizards and snakes.

Snakes, which lack the eyelids and external ears present in lizards, are believed to have evolved from
burrowing or aquatic lizards.

Turtles are grouped under the Testudines; species in this group all have bony or cartilaginous shells.

Turtles have changed very little since they first appeared around 200 million years ago. Their protective
shell, called a carapace, covers their soft body and provides camouflage. The shell is part of the turtle's
skeleton and is composed of two parts. The outer layer is made of scutes, and the inner layer is made of
bone. They do not have teeth, but do have a sharp beak to help them tear their food.

Tortoise refers to turtles that live on land, and terrapin means turtles that live in freshwater. Most
turtles are plant eaters. They have an excellent sense of smell, but have poor hearing. There are two
orders of turtles: the hidden-necked ones who can pull their head and neck straight back into their shell
and still see with both eyes; and the side-necked who fold their neck and head sideways and tuck it
under their shell near the shoulder and can still see with one eye.


Crocodilia (“small lizard”) arose with a distinct lineage by the middle Triassic; extant species include
alligators, crocodiles, and caimans. Crocodilians are large, solidly built lizard-like reptiles with long
flattened snouts and laterally-compressed tails, and eyes, ears, and nostrils at the top of the head. Their
skin is thick and covered in non-overlapping scales. They have conical, peg-like teeth and a powerful
bite. As with birds, they have a four-chambered heart and a unidirectional system of air flow around the
lungs; however, in contrast to birds, they are ectotherms, as are all other reptiles. Crocodilians live
throughout the tropics and subtropics of Africa, South America, Southern Florida, Asia, and Australia.
They are found in freshwater, saltwater, and brackish habitats, such as rivers and lakes; they spend most
of their time in water. Some species are able to move on land due to their semi-erect posture.


Crocodilians: Crocodilians, such as this Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis), have large flattened
snouts and thick skin.


Sphenodontia (“wedge tooth”) arose in the Mesozoic era and includes only one living genus, Tuatara,
which comprises two species that are found in New Zealand. Tuataras measure up to 80 centimeters
and weigh about 1 kilogram. Although quite lizard-like in gross appearance, several unique features of
the skull and jaws clearly define them and distinguish the group from the squamates. Their dentition, in
which two rows of teeth in the upper jaw overlap one row on the lower jaw, is unique among living
species. They are also unusual in having a pronounced photoreceptive eye, dubbed the “third eye”,
whose current function is a subject of ongoing research, but is thought to be involved in setting circadian
and seasonal cycles.


Tuatara: Tuataras may resemble a lizard but belongs to a distinct lineage, the Sphenodontidae family.


Squamata (“scaly”) arose in the late Permian; extant species include lizards and snakes. They are most
closely-related to tuataras; both groups evolved from a lepidosaurian ancestor. Squamata is the largest
extant clade of reptiles. Most lizards differ from snakes by having four limbs, although these have been
variously lost or significantly reduced in at least 60 lineages. Snakes lack eyelids and external ears, which
are present in lizards. Lizard species range in size from chameleons and geckos, which are a few
centimeters in length, to the Komodo dragon, which is about 3 meters in length. Most lizards are
carnivorous, but some large species, such as iguanas, are herbivores.


Squamata: The Squamata, which includes lizards and snakes, are the largest group of reptiles. The garter
snake belongs to the genus Thamnophis, the most widely-distributed reptile genus in North America.
Snakes are thought to have descended from either burrowing lizards or aquatic lizards over 100 million
years ago. Snakes comprise about 3,000 species and range in size from 10 centimeter-long thread
snakes to 10 meter-long pythons and anacondas. All snakes are carnivorous, eating small animals, birds,
eggs, fish, and insects. Although variations exist, most snakes have a skull that is very flexible, involving
eight rotational joints. They also differ from other squamates by having mandibles (lower jaws) without
either bony or ligamentous attachment anteriorly. Having this connection via skin and muscle allows for
great expansion of the gape and independent motion of the two sides; both advantages in swallowing
big items.


Turtles are members of the clade Testudines (“having a shell”). Turtles are characterized by a bony or
cartilaginous shell. The shell consists of the ventral surface called the plastron and the dorsal surface
called the carapace, which develops from the ribs. The plastron is made of scutes or plates; the scutes
can be used to differentiate species of turtles. The two clades of turtles are most easily recognized by
how they retract their necks. The dominant group, which includes all North American species, retracts
its neck in a vertical S-curve. Turtles in the less speciose clade retract the neck with a horizontal curve.


Testudines: Testudines include all shelled reptiles, such as the African spurred tortoise (Geochelone
sulcata) that lives at the southern edge of the Sahara Desert. It is the third-largest tortoise in the world.

Turtles arose approximately 200 million years ago, predating crocodiles, lizards, and snakes. Similar to
other reptiles, turtles are ectotherms. They lay eggs on land, although many species live in or near
water. None exhibit parental care. Turtles range in size from the speckled padloper tortoise at 8
centimeters (3.1 inches) to the leatherback sea turtle at 200 centimeters (over 6 feet). The term “turtle”
is sometimes used to describe only those species of Testudines that live in the sea, with the terms
“tortoise” and “terrapin” used to refer to species that live on land and in fresh water, respectively.

Class Reptilia is made up of four orders: Squamata, Testudines, Crocodilia and Rhynchocephalia. Each
order is further divided into sub‐orders, families, genera and species. Squamates are characterized by
their scaled skin, which is shed periodically (ecdysis), and a moveable quadrate bone that allows the
maxilla to open wide relative to the rest of the skull. The order is divided into three sub‐orders:
Lacertilian (the lizards), Serpents (the snakes) and Amphisbaena (the worm lizards), although some
classifications place Amphisbaena within Lacertilian. Testudines, sometimes known as Chelonia, are the
turtles, tortoises and terrapins. Rhynchocephalia is a primitive order of lizard like reptiles that includes
only one living species. Crocodylia, an order of large, predatory, semi‐aquatic reptiles, is divided into
three families: Crocodylidae (the true crocodiles), Alligatoridae (the alligators and caimans) and
Gavialidae (the gharial and false gharial).

To identify an animal as a reptile, it should have each of these characteristics:

The class Reptilia is divided into five subclasses—Anapsida, Ichthyopterygia, Lepidosauria, Archosauria,
and Synapsida:

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